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Thread: Solved: Why is this code simply exiting without reason?

  1. #1

    Solved: Why is this code simply exiting without reason?

    [vba]Private Sub wordGEN()

    'in here, need code that opens a word document, new, and then generates a table?
    'or opens a template table (might be easier) and then uses the public variables to
    'operate on excel table, brining the data over to the word table.

    Dim wrdApp As New Word.Application
    Dim wrdDoc As Word.Document
    Dim pageRNG As Range
    Dim HP As Worksheet
    Dim IP As Worksheet
    Dim bmkNO As String

    Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    wrdApp.Visible = True
    Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.ADD

    With wrdDoc

    .PageSetup.RightMargin = CentimetersToPoints(1.27)
    .PageSetup.TopMargin = CentimetersToPoints(1.27)
    .PageSetup.BottomMargin = CentimetersToPoints(1.27)
    .PageSetup.LeftMargin = CentimetersToPoints(1.27)

    End With

    Set pageRNG = Sheets("HP").Range("B2:H35")

    For page = 1 To j

    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    With wrdDoc.Paragraphs(wrdDoc.Paragraphs.Count).Range
    .Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
    .InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak
    End With

    Next page

    End Sub[/vba]

    j is a public variable by the way, as is page so dont worry that they arent defined up top.

    anyway, the code gets to the line:


    performs that paste and then simply stops....infact it stops and my user input form used to set all this off suddenly reappears infront of me like im just starting from the beginning. except i havent called it!

    im actually stumped now, i have no idea whats going on.

    anyone got any ideas?

  2. #2
    Site Admin VBAX Guru Simon Lloyd's Avatar
    Sep 2005
    Well without the offending workbook i cant tell, your code works as it should do, have you checked that j is a number larger than 1? just enter [VBA]Msgbox "the value of j is " & j[/VBA] right before the FOR loop, this will give you thye number for iterations that will take place.
    Please read this before cross posting!
    In the unlikely event you didn't get your answer here try Microsoft Office Discussion @ The Code Cage
    If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
    Isaac Newton, Letter to Robert Hooke, February 5, 1675 English mathematician & physicist (1642 - 1727)

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Jul 2010
    I've taken the code, and walked through it.... it does finish out the rest of the code.... I stepped through it, and it would continue as if I hit f5 after that line, so I put a break after it... and it hit.. and got through the rest of the code....

    as far as I can see, it's working.


  4. #4
    VP-Knowledge Base
    VBAX Grand Master mdmackillop's Avatar
    May 2004
    I don't find any problems with your code (setting j = 3)
    MVP (Excel 2008-2010)

    Post a workbook with sample data and layout if you want a quicker solution.

    To help indent your macros try Smart Indent

    Please remember to mark threads 'Solved'

  5. #5
    right so theres something amiss else where in the code or the workbook.

    ill see if this morning brings any change, since ive restarted my machine after having an uptime of nearly a month. shouldnt make a difference though.

    how do i attach a work book to this post?

  6. #6
    Update: yep looks like it was just one of those things.... a fresh restart and the code works fine.

    tho its pasting in the wrong order... i wanted it to paste, then break then paste the next one underneath but i think its pasting, putting a break in then pasting the next one above it.

    no worries though, i can just alter which page it posts first.

  7. #7
    Site Admin VBAX Guru Simon Lloyd's Avatar
    Sep 2005
    For future how to add Attachments.

    To upload a workbook, click reply then add your few words, scroll down past the submit button and you will see the Manage Attachments button, this is where you get to add files for upload.
    Please read this before cross posting!
    In the unlikely event you didn't get your answer here try Microsoft Office Discussion @ The Code Cage
    If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
    Isaac Newton, Letter to Robert Hooke, February 5, 1675 English mathematician & physicist (1642 - 1727)

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