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Thread: Assort information in columns from rows

  1. #1

    Unhappy Assort information in columns from rows

    Hi there Everyone!

    I have the following problem, please try to help me if you can. I get an excel file from a query where the fields are shown in the following format
    <mezo="fieldname">parameter</mezo> , so in case of name you can see this:
    <mezo="name">John Terry</mezo>.
    There are many types of fieldnames (birthdate, city, mother name and so on) which belong to a name, however not every name has all fieldnames (like some just have the city, others have only mother name).
    What I would like to do is to have all the filelds and its information put in a column. If you open the attached excel sheet you will see clearly what I mean. The problem is that the field names are not in english, and where you see <free text> it means that there is some text which is not relevant and can be deleted.
    The new section always starts with the name field name which originally is
    <mezo="név">Kovács Pál</mezo>. Please open the excel sheet attached and you will see clearly my problem.
    Thank you in advance for your help and wish you a nice weekend!

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    Is there always at least one <free text> that we can count on as a divider between records?

  3. #3
    Not always. The divider in each case should be the <mezo="név"> section. This should mean that a new record should be added.

  4. #4
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    In a Standard Module, try:

    Option Explicit
    Enum ValType
        SubjectName = 1
        CityName = 2
        BirthYear = 3
        BirthPlace = 4
        MotherName = 5
    End Enum
    ' assort information in columns from rows
    Sub exa()
    Dim _
    wksMunka2       As Worksheet, _
    wksMunka3       As Worksheet, _
    rngData         As Range, _
    rngFound        As Range, _
    aryRowMarker    As Variant, _
    aryRaw          As Variant, _
    aryOutput       As Variant, _
    RawVal          As Variant, _
    lFirstRow       As Long, _
    i               As Long
    '// Change to suit                                                                      //
    Const TOP_ROW_DATA As Long = 4
    Const INPUT_COL As Long = 2
        '// Set a reference to source and destination sheets.                               //
        Set wksMunka2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Munka2")
        Set wksMunka3 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Munka3")
        With wksMunka2
            '// Set a reference to the range that has data, starting at the cell we         //
            '// prescribed, down to the last cell in the column that has data.  If you have //
            '// garbage that gets imported, you may use .Find instead to find last row with //
            '// valid data.                                                                 //
            Set rngData = .Range(.Cells(TOP_ROW_DATA, INPUT_COL), _
                                 .Cells(.Rows.Count, INPUT_COL).End(xlUp))
            With rngData
                '// See the function.  Basically - find uppermost cell with FindWhat in it  //
                Set rngFound = RangeFound(SearchRange:=rngData, _
                                          FindWhat:="<mezo=""name"">", _
                                          StartingAfter:=rngData.Cells(rngData.Cells.Count), _
                '// If rngFound is Nothing, then we didn't find it - skip to Else and exit  //
                '// sub                                                                     //
                If Not rngFound Is Nothing Then
                    '// Save where we found the first match, so we know when we've searched //
                    '// the entire range and should stop looking.                           //
                    lFirstRow = rngFound.Row
                    '// Initially size our array of row numbers to hold the row number of   //
                    '// the first match, and fill the element.                              //
                    ReDim aryRowMarker(1 To 1)
                    aryRowMarker(1) = lFirstRow
                    '// Loop using .FindNext, increasing the size of the array along the way//
                    '// and filling it with the row numbers until we find the first match   //
                    '// again.                                                              //
                        Set rngFound = .FindNext(After:=rngFound)
                        If Not rngFound.Row = lFirstRow Then
                            ReDim Preserve aryRowMarker(1 To UBound(aryRowMarker, 1) + 1)
                            aryRowMarker(UBound(aryRowMarker)) = rngFound.Row
                        End If
                    Loop While Not rngFound.Row = lFirstRow
                    '// Add one more element, this being the last row with data.  Note that //
                    '// we 'push' it one row, as we'll drop a row from here on.             //
                    ReDim Preserve aryRowMarker(1 To UBound(aryRowMarker) + 1)
                    aryRowMarker(UBound(aryRowMarker)) = rngData.Cells(rngData.Cells.Count).Row + 1
                    '// Size our output array based on how many row markers we saved for the//
                    '// rows, and of course 5 columns.  Then fill the upper row with a      //
                    '// header row.                                                         //
                    ReDim aryOutput(0 To UBound(aryRowMarker) - 1, 1 To 5)
                    aryOutput(0, 1) = "Name"
                    aryOutput(0, 2) = "City"
                    aryOutput(0, 3) = "Birth Year"
                    aryOutput(0, 4) = "POB"
                    aryOutput(0, 5) = "Mother Name"
                    '// Now we just run from the second row of the output array to the end  //
                    For i = 1 To UBound(aryRowMarker) - 1
                        '// Using the row numbers saved, fill a dynamic array with the values//
                        '// in the given range.                                             //
                        aryRaw = .Parent.Range(.Parent.Cells(aryRowMarker(i), INPUT_COL), _
                                               .Parent.Cells(aryRowMarker(i + 1) - 1, INPUT_COL) _
                        '// For ea val in our 'chunk'...                                    //
                        For Each RawVal In aryRaw
                            '// Return a val based on the first success of InStr, or,       //
                            '// return Null.                                                //
                            Select Case Switch(InStr(1, RawVal, "<mezo=""name"">") > 0, 1, _
                                               InStr(1, RawVal, "<mezo=""city"">") > 0, 2, _
                                               InStr(1, RawVal, "<mezo=""birth date"">") > 0, 3, _
                                               InStr(1, RawVal, "<mezo=""birth place"">") > 0, 4, _
                                               InStr(1, RawVal, "<mezo=""mother name"">") > 0, 5)
                            Case ValType.SubjectName
                                '// Trim up the found match and assign to correct element   //
                                aryOutput(i, 1) = _
                                    Replace( _
                                        Replace(RawVal, "<mezo=""name"">", vbNullString), _
                                                "</mezo>", vbNullString _
                            Case ValType.CityName
                                aryOutput(i, 2) = _
                                    Replace( _
                                        Replace(RawVal, "<mezo=""city"">", vbNullString), _
                                                "</mezo>", vbNullString _
                            Case ValType.BirthYear
                                aryOutput(i, 3) = _
                                    Replace( _
                                        Replace(RawVal, "<mezo=""birth date"">", vbNullString), _
                                                "</mezo>", vbNullString _
                            Case ValType.BirthPlace
                                aryOutput(i, 4) = _
                                    Replace( _
                                        Replace(RawVal, "<mezo=""birth place"">", vbNullString), _
                                                "</mezo>", vbNullString _
                            Case ValType.MotherName
                                aryOutput(i, 5) = _
                                    Replace( _
                                        Replace(RawVal, "<mezo=""mother name"">", vbNullString), _
                                                "</mezo>", vbNullString _
                            Case Else
                                'do nothing, garbage row
                            End Select
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End With
        End With
        '// plunk the output array where you want                                           //
        With wksMunka3.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(aryOutput, 1) + 1, 5)
            .Value = aryOutput
            .Rows(1).Font.Bold = True
        End With
    End Sub
    Function RangeFound(SearchRange As Range, _
                        Optional FindWhat As String = "*", _
                        Optional StartingAfter As Range, _
                        Optional LookAtTextOrFormula As XlFindLookIn = xlValues, _
                        Optional LookAtWholeOrPart As XlLookAt = xlPart, _
                        Optional SearchRowCol As XlSearchOrder = xlByRows, _
                        Optional SearchUpDn As XlSearchDirection = xlPrevious, _
                        Optional bMatchCase As Boolean = False) As Range
        If StartingAfter Is Nothing Then
            Set StartingAfter = SearchRange(1)
        End If
        Set RangeFound = SearchRange.Find(What:=FindWhat, _
                                          After:=StartingAfter, _
                                          LookIn:=LookAtTextOrFormula, _
                                          LookAt:=LookAtWholeOrPart, _
                                          SearchOrder:=SearchRowCol, _
                                          SearchDirection:=SearchUpDn, _
    End Function
    Hope that helps,


  5. #5
    Hi Mark! Thank you so much for your work! Unfortunately my explanation wasn't good enough. There is a problem with the macro.
    Namely that there are many fieldnames. Your macro works only for the name, city, birth place, birth date and mother name. But there are more fieldnames. I can't really list them all because there are many. Can this macro be done without listing all the fieldnames? Just search for the fieldname between the apostrophe and if it not név than add it to the columns. If it is already listed in one of the columns then just add the value. Can this somehow be done?

  6. #6
    VBAX Newbie
    Jul 2010
    [vba]Sub process()

    ' / Go to the relevant Cell or Range
    ' / Loop through relevant Range
    Dim long_LoopVariable As Long
    Dim int_startPos, int_endPos As Integer
    Dim str_fieldName, str_fieldValue As String

    long_LoopVariable = 4

    While Cells(long_LoopVariable, 2).Value <> ""


    If InStr(Cells(long_LoopVariable, 2).Value, "<mezo") > 0 Then

    ' You'll need to add separate code which decides what to do with
    ' the field name that has been extracted. example, do you need to create a
    ' new column or not?

    int_startPos = InStr(Cells(long_LoopVariable, 2).Value, "=" & Chr(34))
    int_endPos = InStr(Cells(long_LoopVariable, 2).Value, Chr(34) & ">")

    str_fieldName = Mid(Cells(long_LoopVariable, 2).Value, int_startPos + 2, _
    (int_endPos - int_startPos - 2))

    MsgBox "Volia... Here goes the field Name for the value in row No " & _
    long_LoopVariable & " : " & str_fieldName

    ' Again, add code for what do you want to do with the the field value - example,
    ' what if its null?

    int_startPos = InStr(Cells(long_LoopVariable, 2).Value, Chr(34) & ">")
    int_endPos = InStr(Cells(long_LoopVariable, 2).Value, "</mezo>")

    str_fieldValue = Mid(Cells(long_LoopVariable, 2).Value, int_startPos + 2, _
    (int_endPos - int_startPos - 2))

    MsgBox "Volia... Here goes the field Value for the value in row No " & _
    long_LoopVariable & " : " & str_fieldValue

    End If

    long_LoopVariable = long_LoopVariable + 1


    End Sub[/vba]

    a. perhaps not the most efficient way, but it should do what you want to get done - i.e., loop through the entire data set and extract field name and field value (ignores free text types)
    b. you still need to add codes for deciding what you want to do with the output.


  7. #7
    Hi Anoop! Thank you very much for your help! However, my VBA knowledge is too poor to write the missing codes.!

    Anyway, thank you very much for your help!

  8. #8
    Can someone please help me?

  9. #9
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008

  10. #10
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by hunsnowboard
    Hi Mark! Thank you so much for your work! Unfortunately my explanation wasn't good enough. There is a problem with the macro.
    Namely that there are many fieldnames. Your macro works only for the name, city, birth place, birth date and mother name. But there are more fieldnames. I can't really list them all because there are many. Can this macro be done without listing all the fieldnames? Just search for the fieldname between the apostrophe and if it not név than add it to the columns. If it is already listed in one of the columns then just add the value. Can this somehow be done?
    Speaking only for myself, I would want to know:

    • Can we assuredly count on "<mezo=" (and whatever follows) always indicating a valid field name?
    • Is "<free text>" literal, and the only lines we'd want not to grab/add?
    • You say that there are too many fieldnames to list. Are these changing from time-to-time? If so, how do you know that the number of fieldnames cannot exceed the number of columns available?

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