i have code below capturing sendername and date sent to excel with specific subject
but i will also need to capturing received time against the sendername in excel
please help me in the below code.
thanks for your great help,
 i = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
  For Each olMail In Fldr.Items 
For Each olMail In Fldr.Items
    MyArray = Trim(Split(olMail.Subject, "-")(0))
If olMail.SenderName = "xxx" Or olMail.SenderName = "xxxx" Or olMail.SenderName = "xxxxx" Then
   If MyArray = "Password Permit" Then
     ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value = olMail.To
  ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 2).Value = olMail.SentOn
 i = i + 1
 End If
End If
  Next olMail
     Set Fldr = Nothing
    Set olNs = Nothing
    Set olApp = Nothing
 Application.ScreenUpdating = True