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Thread: Best Match

  1. #1

    Best Match

    Im trying to match a persons hobby's with other people's hobbies and find the best match for that person.

    For example
    Person A's hobbies
    is compared to

    Person B
    Person C
    Person D

    and based on the hobbies of B,C,D compared to A whichever matches the most would be person A's best match
    if tie list both or more.

    I attached a sample document
    with fake data..
    Note a person can have many hobbies. so i need to compare up to the next persons name. which you will see in the sample document

  2. #2
    VBAX Tutor mohanvijay's Avatar
    Aug 2010
    Hai use this code

    i attached solved one

    Dim hold() As Variant
    Dim name_(1 To 3000), n_row(1 To 3000) As Variant
    Dim name_ct, in_hobby   As Integer
    Dim b1, b2, b3 As Boolean
    b1 = False
    b2 = False
    b3 = False
    name_ct = 0
    in_hobby = 1
    name_row = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    hobby_row = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
    For name_count = 2 To name_row
        chk_val = Cells(name_count, 1).Value
            If chk_val <> "" Then
                name_(name_ct + 1) = chk_val
                n_row(name_ct + 1) = Cells(name_count, 1).Row
                name_ct = name_ct + 1
            End If
    Next name_count
    ReDim hold(1 To hobby_row - 1) As Variant
    For take = 2 To hobby_row
        hold(in_hobby) = Cells(take, 2).Value
        in_hobby = in_hobby + 1
    Next take
    For i = 1 To hobby_row - 1
        chk_this = hold(i)
        fin_row = Cells(i + 1, 1).Row
        For fcn = 1 To name_ct
            If fin_row >= n_row(name_ct) Then
                cur_nam = name_(name_ct)
                cur_row = n_row(name_ct)
                Exit For
                    ElseIf fin_row = n_row(fcn) Then
                        cur_nam = name_(fcn)
                        cur_row = n_row(fcn)
                        Exit For
                                For ia = 1 To name_ct
                                    epp_row = fin_row - n_row(ia)
                                        If epp_row < 0 Then
                                            cur_nam = name_(ia - 1)
                                            cur_row = n_row(ia - 1)
                                            b1 = True
                                            Exit For
                                        End If
                                Next ia
                End If
            If b1 = True Then Exit For
        Next fcn
        For ii = 1 To hobby_row - 1
            mat_this = hold(ii)
            fin_row1 = Cells(ii + 1, 1).Row
                For fcn1 = 1 To name_ct
                    If fin_row1 >= n_row(name_ct) Then
                        run_nam = name_(name_ct)
                        run_row = n_row(name_ct)
                        Exit For
                            ElseIf fin_row1 = n_row(fcn1) Then
                                run_nam = name_(fcn1)
                                run_row = n_row(fcn1)
                                Exit For
                                        For ib = 1 To name_ct
                                            epp_row1 = fin_row1 - n_row(ib)
                                                If epp_row1 < 0 Then
                                                    run_nam = name_(ib - 1)
                                                    run_row = n_row(ib - 1)
                                                    b2 = True
                                                    Exit For
                                                End If
                                        Next ib
                    End If
                If b2 = True Then Exit For
                Next fcn1
            If i <> ii And chk_this = mat_this And cur_row <> run_row Then
                If Cells(cur_row, 3).Value = "" Then
                    Cells(cur_row, 3).Value = run_nam
                            Cells(cur_row, 3).Value = Cells(cur_row, 3).Value & " ," & run_nam
                End If
            End If
        Next ii
        b1 = False
        b2 = False
    Next i

  3. #3
    Hi mohanvijay,
    It works perfectly, but it prints the name x amount of times depending how many hobbies match

    for example if 2 hobbies match between a person it shows the name twice
    Or if anything. in another column count how many times that person names showed up so for example in another column

    5- Persons name, 3- Persons name, but preferable I need it to show 1 name if that have the most hobbies matching with another person

    i attached the copy with new data.

    Thanks for getting back to me!
    Last edited by lienlee; 09-01-2010 at 01:21 PM.

  4. #4
    VBAX Tutor mohanvijay's Avatar
    Aug 2010
    use this code

    check it out in all the ways

    Dim hold() As Variant
    Dim name_(1 To 3000), n_row(1 To 3000) As Variant
    Dim name_ct, in_hobby   As Integer
    Dim b1, b2, b3 As Boolean
    b1 = False
    b2 = False
    b3 = False
    name_ct = 0
    in_hobby = 1
    name_row = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    hobby_row = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
    For name_count = 2 To name_row
        chk_val = Cells(name_count, 1).Value
            If chk_val <> "" Then
                name_(name_ct + 1) = chk_val
                n_row(name_ct + 1) = Cells(name_count, 1).Row
                name_ct = name_ct + 1
            End If
    Next name_count
    ReDim hold(1 To hobby_row - 1) As Variant
    For take = 2 To hobby_row
        hold(in_hobby) = Cells(take, 2).Value
        in_hobby = in_hobby + 1
    Next take
    For i = 1 To hobby_row - 1
        chk_this = hold(i)
        fin_row = Cells(i + 1, 1).Row
        For fcn = 1 To name_ct
            If fin_row >= n_row(name_ct) Then
                cur_nam = name_(name_ct)
                cur_row = n_row(name_ct)
                Exit For
                    ElseIf fin_row = n_row(fcn) Then
                        cur_nam = name_(fcn)
                        cur_row = n_row(fcn)
                        Exit For
                                For ia = 1 To name_ct
                                    epp_row = fin_row - n_row(ia)
                                        If epp_row < 0 Then
                                            cur_nam = name_(ia - 1)
                                            cur_row = n_row(ia - 1)
                                            b1 = True
                                            Exit For
                                        End If
                                Next ia
                End If
            If b1 = True Then Exit For
        Next fcn
        For ii = 1 To hobby_row - 1
            mat_this = hold(ii)
            fin_row1 = Cells(ii + 1, 1).Row
                For fcn1 = 1 To name_ct
                    If fin_row1 >= n_row(name_ct) Then
                        run_nam = name_(name_ct)
                        run_row = n_row(name_ct)
                        Exit For
                            ElseIf fin_row1 = n_row(fcn1) Then
                                run_nam = name_(fcn1)
                                run_row = n_row(fcn1)
                                Exit For
                                        For ib = 1 To name_ct
                                            epp_row1 = fin_row1 - n_row(ib)
                                                If epp_row1 < 0 Then
                                                    run_nam = name_(ib - 1)
                                                    run_row = n_row(ib - 1)
                                                    b2 = True
                                                    Exit For
                                                End If
                                        Next ib
                    End If
                If b2 = True Then Exit For
                Next fcn1
            If i <> ii And UCase(chk_this) = UCase(mat_this) And cur_row <> run_row Then
                If Cells(cur_row, 3).Value = "" Then
                    Cells(cur_row, 3).Value = run_nam
                            Cells(cur_row, 3).Value = Cells(cur_row, 3).Value & "," & run_nam
                End If
            End If
        Next ii
        b1 = False
        b2 = False
    Next i
    Dim t_tol(1 To 3000), t_con(1 To 3000), pr_co(1 To 3000), pr_cos(1 To 3000) As Variant
    Dim c_con, same_yes As Integer
    Dim yes As Boolean
    c_con = 1
    yes = False
    same_yes = 0
    For final = 1 To name_ct
        sor = Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value
            If sor <> "" Then
                piri = Split(sor, ",")
                c_piri = WorksheetFunction.CountA(piri)
                    For con_ = 0 To c_piri - 1
                        un_con = piri(con_)
                            For con_1 = 1 To c_con
                                If t_con(con_1) = un_con Then yes = True
                            Next con_1
                            If yes = False Then
                                t_con(c_con) = un_con
                                c_con = c_con + 1
                            End If
                        yes = False
                    Next con_
            End If
            For xx = 1 To c_con - 1
                pr_co(xx) = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Filter(piri, t_con(xx)))
            Next xx
            For same = 1 To c_con - 1
                ch_pr = pr_co(same)
                    For same_1 = 1 To c_con - 1
                        ch_pr1 = pr_co(same_1)
                        same_x = ch_pr - ch_pr1
                            If same_x <> 0 Then same_yes = same_yes + 1
                    Next same_1
            Next same
            If same_yes = 0 Then
                Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value = ""
                    For pri_sa = 1 To c_con - 1
                        If Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value = "" Then
                            Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value = t_con(pri_sa) & " - " & pr_co(pri_sa)
                                    Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value = Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value & " , " & t_con(pri_sa) & " - " & pr_co(pri_sa)
                        End If
                    Next pri_sa
                        Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value = ""
                            mm = WorksheetFunction.Max(pr_co)
                                For eppudi = 1 To c_con - 1
                                    xm = pr_co(eppudi)
                                        If xm = mm Then
                                            If Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value = "" Then
                                                Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value = t_con(eppudi) & " - " & xm
                                                        Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value = Cells(n_row(final), 3).Value & " , " & t_con(eppudi) & " - " & xm
                                            End If
                                                    If Cells(n_row(final), 4).Value = "" Then
                                                        Cells(n_row(final), 4).Value = t_con(eppudi) & " - " & xm
                                                                Cells(n_row(final), 4).Value = Cells(n_row(final), 4).Value & " , " & t_con(eppudi) & " - " & xm
                                                    End If
                                        End If
                                Next eppudi
            End If
            For xzx = 1 To c_con - 1
                t_con(xzx) = ""
            Next xzx
        c_con = 1
        mm = 0
        xm = 0
        same_yes = 0
    Next final

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