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Thread: Solved: Canceling a BeforeSave Event

  1. #1
    VBAX Expert
    Feb 2010

    Solved: Canceling a BeforeSave Event

    I am attempting to create a BeforeSave event that allows me to cancel the standard system save and substitute my own script. The following has been placed in the "This Workbook" module.

    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

    Cancel = True

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Dim tempName As String
    Dim newName As String

    With Sheets("(History)")
    tempName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    newName = .Range("A1").Value & ", E and E Farm Goat Log.xls"

    If tempName = newName Then
    Exit Sub
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=newName
    If Dir(tempName) <> "" Then Kill tempName
    End If

    End With

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    End Sub

    Something in the above code is causing the file not to be saved. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert
    Sep 2010
    I believe you need to set cancel = true at the end, rather than the beginning of your code.

    I may be wrong but I believe that a comma is not a legal file name character.

    As far as I know Kill should not be used with this.

    I was not able to figure out how to avoid it, but I really dislike running the command Application.EnableEvents = False because if there is a problem before it gets set back to true, the before save event will not fire the next time you run it. You really should incorporate some sort of error trapping or other code to accommodate for that issue.

    This seems to work, but I did not test it as thoroughly as it should be.
    [vba]Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

    Application.EnableEvents = False

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Dim tempName As String
    Dim newName As String

    With Me.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change to your sheet name
    tempName = Me.Name
    newName = .Range("A1").Value & " E and E Farm Goat Log.xls"

    If tempName = newName Then
    Exit Sub
    Me.SaveAs Filename:=newName
    End If

    End With

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    Application.EnableEvents = True

    Cancel = True

    End Sub

  3. #3
    VBAX Expert
    Sep 2010
    Best that you wait to get some explainations, or code, from an Expert, as I'm not one.

    When I first was trying to use the kill command, it was crashing Excel

    I over came that by adding, Application.ScreenUpdating = False, and of course setting it back to True at the end. - Unfortunately I do not understand why that was the cure, or if it is a good cure.

    Here's the code I came up with in case you want to experiment with it.
    [vba]Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

    Dim tempName As String
    Dim newName As String

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    tempName = Me.Name

    With Me.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change to your sheet name
    newName = .Range("A1").Value & " E and E Farm Goat Log.xls"
    End With

    If tempName = newName Then
    Exit Sub
    Me.SaveAs Filename:=newName
    On Error Resume Next
    If Dir(tempName) <> "" Then Kill tempName
    On Error GoTo 0
    End If

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Cancel = True

    End Sub[/vba]

  4. #4
    VBAX Expert
    Sep 2010
    Fiddled with it more and found that using DoEvents, as shown below, seems to be as good, probably better than turning off ScreenUpdating. At least that makes some sence to me.
    [vba]Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

    Dim tempName As String
    Dim newName As String

    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    tempName = Me.Name

    With Me.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change to your sheet name
    newName = .Range("A1").Value & " E and E Farm Goat Log.xls"
    End With

    If tempName = newName Then
    Exit Sub
    Me.SaveAs Filename:=newName
    On Error Resume Next
    If Dir(tempName) <> "" Then Kill tempName
    On Error GoTo 0
    End If

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True

    Cancel = True

    End Sub[/vba]

  5. #5
    VBAX Expert
    Feb 2010
    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm having trouble getting the suggested code to work. It appears to go through the motions of saving but it does not appear to be saving the file as a new file if the content of .Range("A1") has changed.

    Expounding a bit on my original post, I have substantially similar code that does precisely what I want when run from a button on a user-defined menu. Said button calls the following script:

    Sub saveChanges()

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Dim tempName As String
    Dim newName As String

    With Sheets("(History)")
    tempName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    newName = .Range("A1").Value & ", E and E Farm Goat Log.xls"

    If tempName = newName Then
    Exit Sub
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & newName
    If Dir(tempName) <> "" Then Kill tempName
    End If

    End With

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    End Sub


    This script tests to see if the content of Range("A1") has changed (i.e., the version number and the date of the most recent VBA changes). If the version/date has not changed, t simply saves the current changes made to the sheet. However, if their is a new version/date, the script saves the file so that the new file name includes the new version/date information and then deletes the original file.

    The purpose of my original post was to see if there is a way to achieve the above in the event a user happens to click on the system "Save" button in the main program menu rather than clicking on the button in the user-defined menu. I thought I could start with the existing code since it is doing what I want when run from the user-defined menu. I was hoping all I had to do was plug it in the "BeforeSave" subroutine and then cancel the regular save function. Alas, that does not appear to be working.

  6. #6
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
    Dim strTempName         As String
    Dim strNewName          As String
    Dim strPath             As String
    Static bolInProcess     As Boolean
        If SaveAsUI Then
            MsgBox "Sorry, SaveAs not allowed...", 0, vbNullString
            Cancel = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If Not bolInProcess Then
            '// Set a flag, similar to outcome of EnableEvents, but we're not worried about //
            '// failing code.                                                               //
            bolInProcess = True
            '// You might want to specify the Path, rather than depend on whatever the      //
            '// CurDir is.                                                                  //
            strPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
            strTempName = ThisWorkbook.Name
            '// A comma is actually okay.                                                   //
            strNewName = _
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value & _
                ", E and E Farm Goat Log.xls"
            If strTempName = strNewName Then
                '// Handle if there's already a file w/same name as what we are trying to   //
                '// SaveAs.                                                                 //
                If CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") _
                      .FileExists(strPath & strNewName) Then
                    Select Case MsgBox("A file with this name already exists.  Do you" & _
                                       vbCrLf & "want to overwrite it?", _
                                            vbCritical + vbYesNo, _
                    Case vbYes
                        '// User selected <Yes>, so kill alerts, overwrite, then do the     //
                        '// stuff past the IF we're in.                                     //
                        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                        ThisWorkbook.SaveAs strPath & strNewName
                        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
                    Case Else
                        '// Else, Cancel the original Save, reset the flag and bail.        /
                        Cancel = True
                        bolInProcess = False
                        Exit Sub
                    End Select
                    ThisWorkbook.SaveAs strPath & strNewName
                End If
                On Error Resume Next
                Kill strPath & strTempName
                On Error GoTo 0
            End If
            Cancel = True
            '// reset the flag, for next time user saves.                                   //
            bolInProcess = False
        End If
    End Sub

  7. #7
    VBAX Expert
    Feb 2010
    That did the trick. Thanks!


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