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Thread: Regular expressions

  1. #1

    Regular expressions

    I'm trying to use regex, but can't seem to get the pattern right. Here's my objective:
    I need a pattern that will match any phrase that starts with "f", has zero or more spaces and has "ch" or letter combination very close to that. The length should be 17+ characters
    I'm parsing this string: "furniture checklist"
    this is my pattern so far: [VBA]"^(f\b+)\s*((c?h)|(ce)|(h?c))\D$"[/VBA] it returns an error. If I remove \b, then it doesn't, but that loses "any word that starts with F".

    Here's my complete code example:
    [VBA]Sub Macro3()
    Dim RegEx As Object, x As String, result As Boolean
    Set RegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    x = "furniture checklist"

    RegEx.Pattern = "^(f\b+)\s*((c?h)|(ce)|(h?c))\D$"
    'RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
    result = RegEx.Test(x)

    Debug.Print result

    End Sub[/VBA]


  2. #2
    "^f.*\s.*((c?h)|(ce)|(h?c))\D" seems to do what you need.

    Not sure what you have the "\D" for; it only excludes some exotic cases such as "furniture c4".

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