Hello All,

I need assistance with what appears to be a simple task, but I am unable to accomplish.

I need to take contents of cells (which are results of formulas and references to other cells) and use the contents to compose an email.

B3 (Named "SEND MAIL") contains the formula used to compose the email from the cells with formulas, however, I cannot add all the text that is in the cell "body" without an error. At some point, there is too much text (contained in the cell) and B3 returns #VALUE error.

This is the formula I use:

=IF(J7="LX";HYPERLINK("mailto:"&C7&"?cc="&Conteudo_Mail!$B$2&"&subject="&K7 &"&body="&Conteudo_Mail!B4&"%0D%0A"&"%0D%0A"&Conteudo_Mail!B5&"%0D%0A"&"%0D %0A"&"%0D%0A";"MAIL LX");(IF(J7="PT";HYPERLINK("mailto:"&C7&"?cc="&Conteudo_Mail!$B$3&"&subject ="&K7&"&body="&Conteudo_Mail!B4&"%0D%0A"&"%0D%0A"&Conteudo_Mail!B5&"%0D%0A" &"%0D%0A"&"%0D%0A";"MAIL PT"))))

The above formula works now, because it doesn't contain all of the body (of email) I need. :-(

Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a better (but simple) approach?

Thank you in advance for your help.
