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Thread: Hooking LIstBox in Class Module

  1. #1

    Hooking LIstBox in Class Module

    I have an Auto-Open routine in and Add-In that initializes a Class. The Class-Initialize Procedure in that class attempts to set two module level withevents variables, one is a Excel.Worksheet the other a MSForms.Listbox.

    The routine is failing on the line that attempts to set the ListBox variable, but only the first time through.

    If after the initial attempt, I re-run the Auto_Open procedure, it works fine. I then have the listbox hooked and am successfully trapping its events in the Class Module.

    Any ideas as to why it fails on the first time through, but not the subsequent times?

    Class Module Code:

    [VBA]Private WithEvents mwksReporting As Excel.Worksheet
    Private WithEvents mlbreports As MSForms.ListBox

    Private Const msMODULE As String = "CwksReportingEvents"

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()

    Const sPROC As String = "Class_Initialize"

    On Error GoTo errorHandler

    Set mwksReporting = wkbUI.Worksheets(sSheetTabName(wkbUI, "wksReporting"))

    'Fails on this line, at inital opening.
    'Works if I re-run the Auto_Open procdure which initializes the Class
    Set mlbreports = wkbUI.Worksheets(sSheetTabName(wkbUI, "wksReporting")).lbreports

    Exit Sub


    MsgBox "Error Encountered in " & msMODULE & " : " & sPROC & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
    Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description


    Resume Next

    End Sub[/VBA]

  2. #2
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    What does the AUto-Open code look like?
    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  3. #3
    Thanks for taking the time to have a look. It still has me stumped. I've been working around it while in Dev mode on this project by just manually re-running the call to initalize the class and then everything works fine.

    Below is the Auto_Open code, module level declarations and the supproting Sub that is called from within Auto_Open that actually initializes the Classes (InitGlobals). Rerunning InitGlobals resolves the issue. but why it fails to establish the hook to the listbox in the first go around is a mystery to me still.

    [vba]Public gclsJobSheetChange As CwsChange
    Public gcWksReporting As CwksReportingEvents
    Public gcWkbUIEvents As CWkbEvents
    Public wkbUI As Excel.Workbook
    Public wkbData As Excel.Workbook

    Public Sub Auto_Open()
    'Set Reference to Data Workbook
    On Error Resume Next
    Set wkbData = Workbooks(gsDATAWORKBOOKNAME)
    On Error GoTo 0
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.StatusBar = "Opening Application. Please Wait..."
    If wkbData Is Nothing Then
    'Open the Data WB
    Set wkbData = ActiveWorkbook
    'No need to do anything, it's already open
    End If
    'Find UI Workbook, open if needed if open activate it
    On Error Resume Next
    Set wkbUI = Workbooks(gsUIWORKBOOKNAME)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If wkbUI Is Nothing Then
    'Open the WB
    Set wkbUI = ActiveWorkbook
    'Activate it
    End If
    'Populate the Misc Data needed in the UI Workbook
    Dim rngJobs As Range
    Set rngJobs = wkbData.Worksheets(sSheetTabName(wkbData, "wksJobs")).Range("jobs")
    Application.Index(rngJobs, , 1).Copy _
    wkbUI.Worksheets(sSheetTabName(wkbUI, "wksUI_Misc_Data")).Range("coljobstop").Offset(1, 0)
    'Initialize Hooks to Class Modules

    End Sub

    Public Sub InitGlobals()
    'Procedure to make sure Global Variables are initiated
    'Establish hook to Job Sheet in UI Workbook in order to use it's events
    Set gclsJobSheetChange = New CwsChange
    'Establish Hook to Reporting Worksheet
    Set gcWksReporting = New CwksReportingEvents
    'Establsih Hook to wbkui events
    Set gcWkbUIEvents = New CWkbEvents
    End Sub


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