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Thread: Using Excel and VBA

  1. #1

    Using Excel and VBA

    Hi guys. I have another one for you. I need to extract some data from a web site and
    insert it in excell ss. To start there will be 650 stock symbols in column A.
    Copy the first symbol and insert it at After the screen shows
    up for AWF which will be the first symbol scroll down the screen until you come to
    the heading LEVERAGE. Copy line three (3) Total Debt (USD): $14.090M. Then insert
    line three in the Excell ss at E3. Then repeat the process again until all 650 symbol have the data beside them. Here is an example of some of the symbols. AWF,EHI,EMD,HYB
    KST,PHT,PHF, HIX,ACG,JDD. If you can get me to this point I think I will be able to
    change some of the lines and extract the rest of the data. I think. LOL. Thanks again
    for all the help you have given me in the past. I do not know how you do request as
    quickly as you do but I do appreate it.

  2. #2

    Here you go...

    UDF to strip Debt as requested. Use as formula in Cell B1 for Symbol in Cell A1:



    [VBA]'VBA Express Question:
    '20 Jan 2011
    'Written by Shred Dude

    Public Function getDebt(Symbol As String) As String
    Dim xmlhttp As Object
    Dim strHTML As String
    Dim strURL As String

    strURL = "" & Trim(Symbol)

    Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
    With xmlhttp
    .Open "Get", strURL, False
    strHTML = .responsetext

    End With

    getDebt = parseDebt(strHTML)

    End Function

    Public Function parseDebt(s As String) As String
    Dim StartPnt As Long
    Dim EndPnt As Long
    Dim strID As String

    strID = "ctl00_contents_SummaryContainer_BasicsTab_ucFundBasics_dvFB1_TotalBorrowin gsHeader"

    On Error GoTo errExit

    StartPnt = InStr(1, s, strID)
    StartPnt = InStr(StartPnt, s, "<td")
    StartPnt = InStr(StartPnt, s, ">") + 1
    EndPnt = InStr(StartPnt, s, "</")

    parseDebt = Mid(s, StartPnt, EndPnt - StartPnt)

    'Some Symbols do not show an Amount on the total Debt Line item...
    If parseDebt = "" Then parseDebt = "Blank"

    Exit Function


    parseDebt = "Error"

    End Function

    Workbook attached. Change strID as needed to parse out other line items.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Hi Shred Dude. Your ss works like a charm. Good job. Can you add the following to the
    TotalDebt column which is B1.
    C1 add Structural Leverage (usd)
    D1 add Structural Leverage (%)
    E1 add Effective Leverage (usd)
    F1 add Effective Leverage (%)

    If you can add the columns I will be appreicative as I thought I could finish up where you
    left off but it is above my head. Again thanks. I did not get an e-mail telling me you had
    finished so please drop me an e-mail on this part.

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