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Thread: Write data to sheet 2 if sheet 1 is full

  1. #1

    Write data to sheet 2 if sheet 1 is full

    Hi. I have a workbook with a form layout identical on each sheet (10 sheets). The layout is designed to be printed out, so each sheet/page only holds 25 records, starting at row 32 (B32) down to row 56.

    My data goes into the form, but if sheet 1 is full, it needs to go to sheet 2 (again, starting at B32), and write to the next empty row. Similarly, if sheet2 turns out to also be full, then it goes to sheet3, finds the next empty row, writes the data, and so on until it finds a sheet that's not full.

    Here's my test code, which for the moment is only concerned with moving to sheet2 if sheet1 is full.

    The problem is that if it decides to write to sheet2, the data writes in the wrong place. It will randomly start writing in column N, or S, or something like that; also it's not in the correct row, just a random place. Why is this?


    [vba]'find next empty row

    If ActiveCell.Row > 56 Then

    PasteDataWeeklyDeliveryReport 'this just puts the data in the cells
    ElseIf ActiveCell.Row < 57 Then

    'write the data to the workbook
    myWorkbook.Save 'save
    myWorkbook.Close 'close
    End If[/vba]

  2. #2
    VBAX Regular
    Feb 2011

    the above code looks OK, but I'm testing it right now, nonetheless. How about providing the code for "PasteDataWeeklyDeliveryReport"?

    In the meantime I found something in the Excel help:
    "When applied to a Range object, the property is relative to the Range object. For example, if the selection is cell C3, then Selection.Range("B1") returns cell D3 because it’s relative to the Range object returned by the Selection property. On the other hand, the code ActiveSheet.Range("B1") always returns cell B1."
    This may explain the funny behavior of your code.
    Still testing the code you provided (needs some work to make it run).
    Finally, here is the code I'd use:
    Option Explicit
    Const ENTRY = "This is row "
    Const MYSHEET = "Sheet"
    Const DATARANGE = "DataRange"
    Const MAX_SHEETS = 10
    Const STARTCELL = 32
    Const LASTROW = 56
    Const MAX_ROWS = 25

    Dim boolHasWorksheet As Boolean
    Dim lngSheetCt As Long
    Dim lngRowCt As Long
    Dim strStartCell As String
    Dim strLastCell As String
    Dim strSheetName As String
    Dim rngData As Range
    Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
    Sub FormFiller()

    strStartCell = "B" + CStr(STARTCELL)
    strLastCell = "B" + CStr(LASTROW)
    Set myWorkbook = ThisWorkbook

    For lngSheetCt = 1 To MAX_SHEETS
    strSheetName = MYSHEET + CStr(lngSheetCt)
    boolHasWorksheet = WorksheetExists(strSheetName)
    If boolHasWorksheet = False Then
    Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
    Worksheets(Worksheets.Count).Name = strSheetName
    GoSub PasteDataToRange
    GoSub PasteDataToRange
    End If
    Next lngSheetCt

    Exit Sub
    Set rngData = myWorkbook.Worksheets(strSheetName).Range(strStartCell, strLastCell)
    rngData.Name = DATARANGE + CStr(lngSheetCt)
    For lngRowCt = 1 To MAX_ROWS
    rngData.Cells(lngRowCt, 1).Value = ENTRY + CStr(lngRowCt)
    Next lngRowCt
    End Sub

    Function WorksheetExists(strWorksheetName As String) As Boolean
    ' only needed locally
    Dim boolWorksheetExists As Boolean

    For lngSheetCt = 1 To Worksheets.Count
    If Worksheets(lngSheetCt).Name <> strWorksheetName And lngSheetCt = Worksheets.Count Then
    boolWorksheetExists = False
    End If
    If Worksheets(lngSheetCt).Name = strWorksheetName Then
    boolWorksheetExists = True
    Exit For
    End If
    WorksheetExists = boolWorksheetExists
    End Function[/VBA]


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