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Thread: Application.Volatile Method

  1. #1
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2008

    Application.Volatile Method

    Below is one of my macros for a projects. As you can see that I am passing two arguments passing through the function. This function uses the row number referenced by the first argument and then pulls values from different columns in that row and then based on the time period of analysis (second argument) it does the respective Vlookup.

    When I change the data in the row(not the argument cell) which are used by the function. it wouldn't update the values unless I set Application.volatile = true and which also slows down by the workbook. I have about 12 sheets in the same workbook that use three more functions like this.

    After reading a bit about Application.Volatile method, It calculated the entire sheet when ever there is a change in any cell. I figured that should I pass every cell value used in this function as an argument in order to avoid the use of volatile method, which defeats my purpose of writing the macro. Can some one please help me out how I could make this work other than re-writing the macro with all the arguments.

    [vba]Function Service_Volume(rn As Range, YPeriod As String) As Long

    'Macro written by V.V.
    'Yperiod is the analysis Term (E Existing,M Mid-Term,L Long-Term)

    Dim TPeriod As String
    Dim F_T As String
    Dim Lookup_Rn As Range
    Dim Column_Lookup As Integer
    Dim LOS_Standard As String
    Dim i As Integer

    On Error GoTo Line1

    i = rn.Row

    Set Lookup_Rn = Sheets("GSV_Database").Range("C:V")

    'temporary refernce to the Time period of analysis needs to be updated

    TPeriod = ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 33) ' Time period of analysis

    F_T = Facility(rn, YPeriod)

    'Check for LOS standard with respect to the analysis term

    If (YPeriod = "E") Then
    LOS_Standard = Cells(i, 18)
    ElseIf (YPeriod = "M") Then
    LOS_Standard = Cells(i, 36)
    ElseIf (YPeriod = "L") Then
    LOS_Standard = Cells(i, 43)
    End If

    'Service volume lookup with respect to the time period of analysis

    Select Case TPeriod

    Case "DAILY":

    If LOS_Standard = "A" Then
    Column_Lookup = 4
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "B" Then
    Column_Lookup = 5
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "C" Then
    Column_Lookup = 6
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "D" Then
    Column_Lookup = 7
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "E" Then
    Column_Lookup = 8
    End If

    Service_Volume = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(F_T, Lookup_Rn, Column_Lookup, False)


    If LOS_Standard = "A" Then
    Column_Lookup = 10
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "B" Then
    Column_Lookup = 11
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "C" Then
    Column_Lookup = 12
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "D" Then
    Column_Lookup = 13
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "E" Then
    Column_Lookup = 14
    End If

    Service_Volume = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(F_T, Lookup_Rn, Column_Lookup, False)


    If LOS_Standard = "A" Then
    Column_Lookup = 16
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "B" Then
    Column_Lookup = 17
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "C" Then
    Column_Lookup = 18
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "D" Then
    Column_Lookup = 19
    ElseIf LOS_Standard = "E" Then
    Column_Lookup = 20
    End If

    Service_Volume = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(F_T, Lookup_Rn, Column_Lookup, False)

    End Select
    Exit Function
    MsgBox Error.Description
    End Function

    Function Class(rn As Range) As String
    'Marco used to determine the class of roadway segment V.V

    Dim Cl As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    i = rn.Row
    Dim At As String
    At = Cells(i, 17) ' Arterial type (Highway, Freeway, Arterial..)
    Cl = Cells(i, 22) ' Signal Density of the roadway segment

    If (At = "F") Then
    Class = "F"
    ElseIf (Cl < 2) And Cl <> 0 Then Class = 1
    ElseIf (Cl >= 2 And Cl <= 4.5) Then Class = 2
    ElseIf Cl = 0 Then
    Class = 0
    Else: Class = 3
    End If

    End Function

    Function Facility_Type(rn As Range) As String
    ' MACRO used to determine the facility type of the roadwaysegment V.V

    Dim i As Integer
    i = rn.Row

    Dim Area As String
    Area = Cells(i, 16) ' Existing area type , the area type remains constant irrepective of the analysis period
    Dim Fac_Type As String
    Dim Clas As String
    Clas = Class(rn)

    If Clas = "F" Then
    Fac_Type = "FW"
    ElseIf (Area = "UA" Or Area = "TA") And Clas <> 0 Then
    Fac_Type = "S2WAC" & Clas
    ElseIf (Area = "UA" Or Area = "TA") And Clas = 0 Then
    Fac_Type = "UFH"
    ElseIf (Area = "RUA" Or Area = "RDA") And Clas <> 0 Then
    Fac_Type = "IFH"
    ElseIf (Area = "RUA" Or Area = "RDA") And Clas = 0 Then
    Fac_Type = "UFH"
    End If

    Facility_Type = Fac_Type

    End Function

    Function Facility(rn As Range, Period As String) As String
    ' MACRO used to determine the facility Code to lookup Service Volumes of the roadwaysegment V.V

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim Area As String ' Area Type
    Dim Fac_Type As String ' Facility type parameter
    Dim One_Two As String ' one way two parameter
    Dim ELanes As Integer
    Dim MLanes As Integer
    Dim LLanes As Integer
    Dim DU As String ' divided undivided parameter
    Dim Left As String ' left turn lanes parameter
    Dim right As String ' right turn lanes parameter

    i = rn.Row
    Fac_Type = Facility_Type(rn)
    Area = Cells(i, 16).Value
    One_Two = Cells(i, 25).Value

    DU = Cells(i, 24).Value

    If (DU = "1W") Then
    DU = "U"
    Else: DU = DU
    End If

    Select Case Period

    Case "E":
    'Existing Period of analysis
    ELanes = Cells(i, 28).Value 'Existing number of lanes

    'Check for One way facility
    ' If (DU = "1W") Then
    ' DU = "U"
    ' End If

    'Check for DU with lanes more than two
    If ((ELanes >= 2) And One_Two <> "1W" And DU = "D") Then
    Left = "WL"
    Left = Cells(i, 26).Value 'exisitng left turn lanes information
    End If

    right = Cells(i, 27).Value ' existing right turn lanes information

    If Fac_Type = "FW" Then
    Facility = Area & "_" & Fac_Type & "_" & ELanes & "L_" & right
    Facility = Area & "_" & Fac_Type & "_" & One_Two & "_" & ELanes & "L_" & DU & "_" & Left & "_" & right

    End If

    Case "M":

    ELanes = Cells(i, 28).Value ' existing lane information
    MLanes = Cells(i, 35).Value ' E+C (Mid-Term) lane information

    'Check for DU with lanes more than existing conditions
    If ((MLanes - ELanes) <> 0 And DU <> "1W" And DU <> "D") Then
    DU = "D"
    End If

    'Check for Left turn parameter if the future number of lanes in more than two and is not one way street, by default the left
    'turn lanes should be considered
    If ((MLanes >= 2) And One_Two <> "1W" And DU = "D") Then
    Left = "WL"
    Left = Cells(i, 38).Value ' Future Left Turn bay information
    End If

    right = Cells(i, 39).Value ' Future Right Turn bay information

    'Facility code for E+C conditions
    If Fac_Type = "FW" Then
    Facility = Area & "_" & Fac_Type & "_" & MLanes & "L_" & right
    Facility = Area & "_" & Fac_Type & "_" & One_Two & "_" & MLanes & "L_" & DU & "_" & Left & "_" & right

    End If

    Case "L":
    ELanes = Cells(i, 28).Value ' Existing number of Lanes
    LLanes = Cells(i, 42).Value ' Long range number of lanes

    'Check for DU with lanes more than existing conditions
    If ((LLanes - ELanes) >= 2 And DU <> "1W" And DU <> "D") Then
    DU = "D"
    End If

    If ((LLanes >= 2) And One_Two <> "1W" And DU = "D") Then
    Left = "WL"
    Left = Cells(i, 45).Value ' Future Left Turn bay information
    End If

    right = Cells(i, 46).Value ' Future Right Turn bay information

    'Facitlity code for Long term
    If Fac_Type = "FW" Then
    Facility = Area & "_" & Fac_Type & "_" & LLanes & "L_" & right
    Facility = Area & "_" & Fac_Type & "_" & One_Two & "_" & LLanes & "L_" & DU & "_" & Left & "_" & right

    End If

    End Select

    End Function

    Thank you
    Last edited by nepotist; 03-28-2011 at 02:09 PM.
    I am a Newbie, soon to be a Guru

  2. #2
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    For this first function, making Lookup_Rn an argument should make volatility unnecessary.
    [VBA]Function Service_Volume(rn As Range, YPeriod As String, Lookup_Rn As Range) As Long

    'Macro written by V.V.
    'Yperiod is the analysis Term (E Existing,M Mid-Term,L Long-Term)

    Dim TPeriod As String
    Dim F_T As String
    ' Dim Lookup_Rn As Range: Rem remove
    Dim Column_Lookup As Integer
    Dim LOS_Standard As String
    Dim i As Integer

    On Error Goto Line1

    i = rn.Row

    ' Set Lookup_Rn = Sheets("GSV_Database").Range("C:V"): Rem pass as argument instead [/VBA]

    I'm also suspicious of [VBA]TPeriod = ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 33)[/VBA]It might raise volatility issues, TPeriod should also be passed as an argument.

  3. #3
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2008
    Thank you for responding. I haven't changed the lookup range in the service-volume function but did ass the Tperiod as a arugment. The problem still exists because if you look at the last function posted above it uses about five values from the row passed as argument. I intend to avoid passing these five values as an argument. Though I find it to be the only suggestion (Which I might end up doing).

    If I am going this route, I would like the user to know the order of the arguments similar to the way the functions excel comes with.

    Could you please help me guide how to come up with the tool tip for my functions. That would the great.

    Thank you
    I am a Newbie, soon to be a Guru

  4. #4
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    "I intend to avoid passing these five values as an argument."

    That is the wrong way to go if you want to avoid Application.Volatile

    Consider the two functions:[VBA]Function oneFtn() As Variant
    oneFtn = Sheet1.Range("A1").Value
    End Function

    Function twoFtn(aRange as Range) As Variant
    twoFtn = aRange.Cells(1, 1).Value
    End Function[/VBA]

    If the user puts the formula =oneFtn() in a cell it will return the value of Sheet1!A1. If the user then changes A1, the UDF will not recalculate (since none of its precedents have changed) and the value will be misleading, unless it is made a volatile function.

    On the other hand, the formula =twoFtn(Sheet1!A1) will recalculate properly every time that the contents of A1 is changed. twoFtn does not need to be volatile.

    To make a volatile function non-volatile, MORE arguments are needed, not fewer arguments.

  5. #5
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2008
    I have started to realize that and making changes to my code. Can you help me figure out the tooltip that will help the user to input the arguments in correct order. I tried to provide description to my function but that doesn't work.

    Thank you
    I am a Newbie, soon to be a Guru

  6. #6
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    Descriptive argument names are a good start to informing the user of what an argument is for.

    [VBA]Function myFtn(rng As Range, num As Double)[/VBA] is poorly named

    [VBA]Function myFtn(range_of_terms As Range, value_to_add as Double)[/VBA] is better.

  7. #7
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2008
    Hi, I updated all the functions to avoid the volatile method and works Fine. And as you mentioned all my arguments are well defined which is self explanatory.

    One of the UDF has about nine arguments and I would like to have tooltip to pop up when the user is using the UDF to explain the order of the arguments. Some thing like when you use a built in excel function.

    Id the user is using the VLOOKUP function in the cell, after typing =vlookup( the user gets to see the order of arguments like lookup_value,table_array....

    I would like to provide similar information to the user who is using my UDF. Hope I explained it well.

    I would appreciate is one of you guys can help me with this.

    One way I found is for the user to press Ctrl+Shift+A once they type the open parenthesis to see the arguments. I would like to be generated automatically.
    Thank you for your patience.
    I am a Newbie, soon to be a Guru

  8. #8
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    I don't know how to do that.

  9. #9
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    To do the next best thing, I play this Sub and tell the user to use the Fx button if they don't know how to use the UDF.

    [VBA]Sub AddDesc_DisRangeCountIf()
    Application.MacroOptions Macro:="DisRangeCountIf", _
    Description:="Used like built-in function,=CountIf" & vbCrLf _
    & "DisRange: Contiguous or Discontiguous range." _
    & vbCrLf & "sCriteria: A string for the criteria.", _
    Category:="Kens Functions"
    End Sub

    Function DisRangeCountIf(ByVal DisRange As Range, ByVal sCriteria As String)
    Dim dblCount As Double
    dblCount = 0
    For Each cell In DisRange.Cells
    dblCount = dblCount + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(cell, sCriteria)
    DisRangeCountIf = dblCount
    End Function[/VBA]

    If you want to pursue a more robust solution, see: or

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