Hello everyone!

I've been banging my head against a particular issue for weeks, trying to use Exchange 2010 transport agents to re-write addresses for outbound calendar items. Here is the deal, I have an internal SMTP address domain that is not routable on the internet (company1.internal.com), I have a few other companies that are also not routable on the internet with there own internal smtp address domains (company2.somedomain.com). They SHARE a single address domain that gets rewritten at the edge of this infrastructure (username@global.com).

The issue is that ALL address re-write agents only rewrite P1 header information. This means, that if a user sends a calendar invite to an external entity, if they accept the meeting invite (or decline, or tentative), they will get an NDR because the calendar item is in the P2 section of the mailitem.

I'm not asking anyone to write this for me, I don't mind putting in the time. But is it even possible using VBA? My personal idea for the code would be something like this:

1) ON send event
2) Check if meetinginvite, if no then send
3) if yes, then rewrite P2 sender address (the meeting organizer) to alias@global.com.

Anybody have any idea if this is possible to do? I have been reading, and to modify sender information, some posts say to monitor item.add on the sent items folder, but..I don't think that would hold true for calendar items inside a mailitem?

Any insight at all would be very helpful. Thank you so much.
