I have this code that finds the last airport in column G. In column B, I have various dates (which is SEA). I would like to find the airport base on the date in txtDate

Example: If the date in txtDate = 2/17/10, populate cboAirport with JFK

2/14/10 - ABE
2/15/10 - FLL
2/16/10 - JFK

2/19/10 - LGA
2/20/10 - LAX
2/21/10 - SEA

[VBA] If Not RlsTime Then
If txtRelease < "24:00" Then
txtReport = "00:00"
cboAprt = Range("G" & Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(11, Cur_Row - 1)).Value
End If
RlsTime = True
End If