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Thread: zms_Startup()

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Jun 2011


    I'm dealing with an external library called zMagic. I'm finding that just because I replaced one of the tables in the database with a linked table zms_Startup() is failing. I'm pasting the code in the hopes someone might have some insight into why it is failing. The code for this function sits inside an "add-in" database which is referenced by my main database and called from the main database which is preventing me from debugging. I can not step into the function in other words because it is coming from an add-in.

    '   Function:   zms_Startup()
    '   Scope:      Global
    '   Overview:   This is the application starting point.  The attached tables
    '               are updated and run-time verses development options are set.
    '   Returns:    True/False.
    Function zms_Startup() As Boolean
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Dim msg As String, ctr As Integer, fOK As Boolean
    Const cstrProc = mModule & " --> zms_Startup"
    Call zms_ValidateFoundation
      Dim fReturn                 As Boolean
      Dim datProgStart            As Date
      Dim vntRetVal               As Variant
      Dim X                       As Variant
      Dim strFormName             As String
      Dim fNewDataPath            As Boolean
      Const ZMS_CONTACT_ONERROR = 11069
      zms_DebugLog "zms_Startup:  " & CurrentDb.Name, True
      datProgStart = Now()
      'DoCmd.Hourglass True
      ' A97 has a bug that causes built in functions like:
      ' Left, Mid, and Format to not be recognized if the
      ' running machine has newer versions of Referenced Files (Tool | References)
      ' The following procedure checks for and solves any version differences
      'Call CheckRefs
      'Call Syn_References.Test
      'This call determines if the command-line arguments
      'will override the DATADB settings in the AppOptions.
      Call zms_CheckArguments
      'Set Code DB
      If Not zms_SetGlobalDBRefs() Then     'True if successful.
        GoTo Done
      End If
      'Verify attached tables
      ''  If Not zms_TableAttachments() Then  'Attachment Failed
      ''    msg = "We were unable to attach the data tables.  " _
      ''        & "You were given the opportunity to select " _
      ''        & "the database file, yet that was also unsuccessful.  " _
      ''        & "It is possible that the names of the tables have changed " _
      ''        & "or have become corrupt.  " & zms_LoadString(ZMS_CONTACT_ONERROR)
      ''    MsgBox msg, vbCritical, "Table Attachment Error"
      ''    If zms_RuntimeMode <> grtModeClient Then
      ''      Stop
      ''    End If
      ''    Call zms_ApplicationQuit
      ''    Exit Function
      ''  End If
      ''  Call zms_CheckVersion
      'Run the rest of this code?
      If Not zms_GetAppOption("APP_RUN_AUTOEXEC") Then
        MsgBox "Not running Startup."
        GoTo Done
      End If
      'Clear Error Log
      If False Then ' Not zms_ErrorHandler_ClearERHlogs() Then                          'True if successful.
        msg = "Unable to clear Error Logs.  While it may be possible to continue, " _
            & "this indicates a serious problem. " & zms_LoadString(ZMS_CONTACT_ONERROR) & vbCrLf _
            & vbCrLf _
            & "Would you like to continue?"
        If vbYes <> MsgBox("msg", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Error Log") Then
          GoTo Done
        End If
      End If
      ' Open Switchboard if Switchboard Tables exist.
      fReturn = True
      zms_Startup = fReturn
      If Not fReturn Then
      End If
      Exit Function
      Select Case Err.Number
        Case Else
          Select Case zms_InternalErrorHandler(cstrProc, Err.Number, Err.Description)
            Case zms_ErrRetry       ' Error was auto handled, resume offending line
            Case zms_ErrContinue    ' User selected "Continue"
              fReturn = False
              Resume Done
            Case zms_ErrDebug       ' User selected "View Code"
          End Select
      End Select
    End Function

  2. #2
    The code you posted makes lots of calls to other code. It will be very difficult to debug this code without seeing all the VBA code used.
    Boyd Trimmell aka HiTechCoach
    Microsoft Access MVP -2010-2015

    Programming: Nine different ways to do it right, a thousand ways to do it wrong.
    Binary--it's as easy as 1-10-11

  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Jun 2011

    Your reply.

    Thank you for your reply. I certainly would not expect you to debug the code yourself but the code is in an external .mda (Microsoft Add-in) file and I can not debug it! Do you know how to debug one these $%%^&ing .mda's?

    Thank you!

  4. #4
    VBAX Newbie
    Jun 2011
    Essentially what happens is when I step into zms_Startup I go here automatically somehow. That is not what I normally see which would be inside the function zms_Startup().

    Function zMagic_GetAppStatus() As Boolean
    zMagic_GetAppStatus = mfAppStatus
    mfAppStatus = True
    End Function

  5. #5
    VBAX Mentor
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by sepoto
    the code is in an external .mda (Microsoft Add-in) file and I can not debug it! Do you know how to debug one these $%%^&ing .mda's?
    You could try making a copy of the MDA and changing the file extension of the copy to MDB. Then open the MDB in Access to see whether you can view the code modules.

    I found limited success with that method. Some add-in authors leave the source available so you can read it. Others lock it down so you can't.

  6. #6
    VBAX Newbie
    Jun 2011
    What I was actually dealing with was an .mde. I replaced the reference of the .mde with the corresponding .mda and now I can debug!

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