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Thread: Creating Outlook Tasks from an Excel Spreadsheet

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    May 2009

    Creating Outlook Tasks from an Excel Spreadsheet

    Hi All,

    I have a large range of records in an Excel Spreadsheet (imported from a SQL CE Database to edit offsite). The columns for these records corresponde to some of the Fields within an Oulook TaskItem. So, I run a simple For..Next loop through the range of Excel Records, attaching each iteration to Subject, StartDate and so on.

    My problem: When calling the .Save() Outlook Item function/method, nothing appears in my Outlook tasks. Hence, how do I explicitly ensure a destination Email address to where these records have to be posted?

    This will help me a lot, because several of my colleagues also need to run this same script on their own machines (on Intranet) as well.

    Look forward to any assistance. I have attached my code below for ease of reference:

    [VBA]Sub CreateTaskBatch()
    ' After referencing MS Outlook objects, we can use them in our script
    Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
    Dim olTsk As TaskItem
    Dim RangeStart As Integer ' Used for looping
    Dim RangeEnd As Integer ' Used for looping
    Dim DueDate As Date
    Dim i As Integer

    ' Set up the Loop Start Point
    RangeStart = 2
    ' Obtain Range End from the Current User (Loop End iterator)
    RangeEnd = InputBox("Please supply the last Row Number for your list of Engineering Requests?", "Range End Required")
    'RangeEnd = InputBox("Please provide the end of the Range (Number)?", "Require Range End", 2, 100, 100, 0)
    ' Incorporate a Backdoor Exit for the Loop, in the event that the User enters incorrect information
    ' or if the User realises that they want to quit this function before it runs. or if nothing is type into Row 2
    If (RangeEnd = -1) Or (Sheet1.Cells(RangeStart, "A") = "") Then
    olApp = Nothing ' Clear Object from System Memory
    olTsk = Nothing ' Clear Task Object from Memory
    Exit Sub ' Completely close down the Sub
    ' If the user entered valid data, continue with Memory Addressing
    ' and Create new Object instances
    Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
    Set olTsk = olApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem)
    ' Set up the Looping function
    ' We will use a loop since we know the starting and ending points of this loop
    ' which is from Row 2 (just below column headings) up to whatever row number is last occupied by data
    ' We set these variables at the very top of this Script

    For i = RangeStart To RangeEnd
    With olTsk
    .Subject = Sheet1.Cells(i, "B") ' I hardcode Column Access for easy maintenance later
    ' i is the current row number within the loop. With each iteration it will increase to (i + 1)
    ' Supported by the call to "Next i"
    .StartDate = Sheet1.Cells(i, "AU")

    ' I noticed that a lot of the records have nothing n the Due Date column. This will cause programming errors
    ' so I check here if it is empty, and if so: I set the date to today
    If Sheet1.Cells(i, "F") = "" Then
    DueDate = Now
    .DueDate = Sheet1.Cells(i, "F")
    End If

    ' Since the Engineers type/select a Text version as the Status Option, We must parse
    ' The physical Text. Thus, I hardcode all the text entries they can possibly make here and
    ' relate my text entry with an actual MS Outlook Status.Object
    Select Case Sheet1.Cells(i, "D")
    Case "Completed"
    .Status = olTaskComplete
    Case "In Progress"
    .Status = olTaskInProgress
    Case "Deferred"
    .Status = olTaskDeferred
    Case "Not Started"
    .Status = olTaskNotStarted
    Case "Waiting on someone"
    .Status = olTaskWaiting
    End Select

    ' We will do another Select Statement to establish the Importance/Priority
    Select Case Sheet1.Cells(i, "E")
    Case "(1) High"
    .Importance = olImportanceHigh
    Case "(2) Normal"
    .Importance = olImportanceNormal
    Case "(3) Low"
    .Importance = olImportanceLow
    End Select

    ' Percentage Completion (Real Number)
    .TotalWork = 100 - Sheet1.Cells(i, "G")
    .ActualWork = Sheet1.Cells(i, "G")
    .DateCompleted = Sheet1.Cells(i, "AT")
    .Owner = Sheet1.Cells(i, "C")
    .Save ' Save the Current Loop Iteration Task
    .ContactNames = ""
    End With
    Next i ' Move on to the Next Row
    End If

    Set olTsk = Nothing
    Set olApp = Nothing

    MsgBox "The Engineering Request Tasks have uploaded successfully!", vbInformation
    End Sub[/VBA]
    South Africa

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert JP2112's Avatar
    Oct 2008
    Astoria, NY
    Your code loops through a range but creates the task item outside the loop. So regardless of how many tasks you want to create, you'll only end up with (at most) one. Try stepping through the code and checking your task list with each iteration.

    Also, I'm not clear what you mean by this:

    Hence, how do I explicitly ensure a destination Email address to where these records have to be posted?

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