Sorry for such a beginner question, but all examples I have seen use strings.
My Goal is to assign the value returned by a formula to a variable, and then set a cell equal to the value of the variable.

The formula I am using returns a value of 10.


Sub GetPrice()

Dim StockNum As Integer

'These two lines result in "0" being placed in Cell E6
StockNum = FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTA(Main!R3C2:R3C11)"
Range("Main!E6").Value = StockNum ' "Why does make the Cell "0" and not "10" ?

'This line results in "10" being places in Cell E7
Range("Main!E7").FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTA(Main!R3C2:R3C11)"

End Sub


Thank you for you help.