Hi Everyone,

Newbie with his first post!

I have a workbook (Duty_Logs.xlsm) which contains eleven worksheets with four columns (DATE, TIME, OPERATOR, and COMMENTS). From a command button placed on
each worksheet, I need to call a procedure that does the following:
-merges the eleven worksheets into a new worksheet named "Passdown"
-sorts the new worksheet named "Passdown" on the first two columns (Date and Time), both in ascending order
-filters "Passwdown" for a user input date
-the new worksheet "Passdown" should now display four columns (DATE, TIME, OPERATOR, and COMMENTS) for just the date as input by the user.
Something like this:
4/25/12 0100 Paul variable comments entered here
4/25/12 1130 Ted variable comments entered here
4/25/12 1800 Bob variable comments entered here
4/25/12 2130 Jim variable comments entered here
-copy this worksheet "Passdown" into a new workbook saved as "Passdown.xlxs" saved in the same folder as Duty_Logs.xlsm
-open Passdown.xlsx in a new instance of Excel
-delete the merge sheet ""Passdown" from Duty_Logs.xlsm
-return the user to the worksheet from which the procedure was called via one of the eleven command buttons
I have a hodge podge of code that gets me through merging the eleven sheets into a new worksheet in the original workbook, but I am really confused
after that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.