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Thread: Solved: Option Buttons in Multipage Form

  1. #1

    Solved: Option Buttons in Multipage Form


    Ok I have this user form that contains several pages. Each page contain a group of option buttons.

    Is there a way to have only one option button selected at the time. If i check am option button in page 2, I want all options in all pages unchecked except for the one I just selected.

    I thought I could achieve this by assigning the same GroupName to all the buttons, but that does not work ( I can't do that)

    I was thinking in a way of deselecting all radio buttons when switching pages.?

    This works but takes a lot of work, I have about 6 pages with at least 10 radio buttons each.

    [VBA]Private Sub MultiPage1_Click(ByVal Index As Long)

    UserForm1.Page1Button1 = false
    UserForm1.Page1Button2 = false
    UserForm1.Page1Button2 = false

    End Sub

    Thanks a lot
    Feedback is the best way for me to learn

    Follow the Armies

  2. #2
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    Excel's option buttons do not "link" with option buttons that are on a different Page, or Frame.

    This can be gotten around by using a custom object. With this proceedure, option buttons will be grouped according to their .GroupName property only, not by their container.

    Insert a class module, and name it clsCrossParentOptionButton and put this code in that module:
    [VBA]Public WithEvents CPOptionButton As MSForms.OptionButton

    Private Sub cpOptionButton_Change()
    Dim myUF As Object
    Dim oneControl As MSForms.Control

    Set myUF = Me.ParentUF
    If myUF.ufEventsDisabled Then Exit Sub

    myUF.ufEventsDisabled = True

    For Each oneControl In myUF.Controls
    With oneControl
    If TypeName(oneControl) = "OptionButton" Then
    If oneControl.GroupName = CPOptionButton.GroupName Then
    .Value = (.Value And (.Parent.Name = CPOptionButton.Parent.Name))
    End If
    End If
    End With
    Next oneControl

    myUF.ufEventsDisabled = False
    End Sub

    Property Get ParentUF() As Object
    Set ParentUF = CPOptionButton.Parent
    On Error Resume Next
    Set ParentUF = ParentUF.Parent
    Loop Until Err
    On Error GoTo 0
    End Property
    And then put this code this in the userform's code module
    [VBA]Public ufEventsDisabled As Boolean
    Dim CPOptionButtons As Collection

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim oneControl As Object
    Dim oneCPOptionButton As clsCrossParentOptionButton

    Set CPOptionButtons = New Collection

    For Each oneControl In Me.Controls
    If TypeName(oneControl) = "OptionButton" Then
    Set oneCPOptionButton = New clsCrossParentOptionButton
    Set oneCPOptionButton.CPOptionButton = oneControl
    CPOptionButtons.Add oneCPOptionButton, Key:=oneControl.Name
    End If
    Next oneControl

    Set oneCPOptionButton = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
    Dim oneCPOptionButton As clsCrossParentOptionButton

    For Each oneCPOptionButton In CPOptionButtons
    Set oneCPOptionButton = Nothing
    Next oneCPOptionButton

    Set CPOptionButtons = Nothing
    End Sub[/VBA]

  3. #3
    Hi mike,

    Thanks a lot for the answer. This is pro level. I haven't even used a class before.

    I am planning to turn my workbook into an addin late on. I was wondering if its safe. I was skimming through a how to make an addin the other day and it said something about the "me." statement. But I cant remember.

    BTW my code works but the bad think is it takes 40 lines. More or less the same I have in the click button with a if...elseif...end if statement.

    Thanks a lot
    Feedback is the best way for me to learn

    Follow the Armies

  4. #4
    Mac Moderator VBAX Guru mikerickson's Avatar
    May 2007
    Davis CA
    This might cut down the number of lines
    [vba]Dim oneControl as Object

    For Each oneControl in Userform1.Controls
    If TypeName(oneControl) = "OptionButton" Then
    oneControl.Value = False
    End If
    Next oneControl[/vba]

  5. #5
    Mike this works perfectly that's what a was looking for a collection of objects.

    Thanks a lot
    Feedback is the best way for me to learn

    Follow the Armies

  6. #6
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    I'm curious why you want dependent optionbuttons on several pages in a multipage control.
    I always use multipage to make a distinction between sets of controls.

  7. #7
    Hi snb,

    The reason why is organization. Each page is a category.The option buttons in the pages are flavors. I will put the cupcakes in page 1 and the cakes in page 2 and so on. Now you cannot pick more than a flavor or you cannot select more than one kind at the time.
    Feedback is the best way for me to learn

    Follow the Armies

  8. #8
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    I think that in your case I would use a combobox or listbox to select a cake or cupcake or ....; once that has been selected, I would only need x optionbuttons to choose a flavour.
    Even if the number of flavours is dependent on the choice in the combobox/listbox it is very simple to accomplish.
    It saves you a lot of pages, a lot of optionbuttons and code to reset all optionbuttons.

  9. #9
    Thanks a lot for the hint snb. I thought of that, but there is a little rule I always like to follow for my excel file when I am not the end user: " short, simple, s...."

    I want my users to see all the options right there. I don't know if you get what I am saying.On top of that I think it will increase usage speed.
    Feedback is the best way for me to learn

    Follow the Armies

  10. #10
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by fredlo2010
    Thanks a lot for the hint snb. I thought of that, but there is a little rule I always like to follow for my excel file when I am not the end user: " short, simple, s...."

    I want my users to see all the options right there. I don't know if you get what I am saying.On top of that I think it will increase usage speed.
    That's why I am asking because I fear that unnecessary pages and too many optionsbuttons do not comply to short, nor simple nor speedy.
    Post your sample and we'll test....

  11. #11
    OK here is the workbook with the form and the codes.

    Here is the link to the file. I had to use dropbox because the file is a little big
    Feedback is the best way for me to learn

    Follow the Armies

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