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Thread: Runtime Error '9' Subscript out of range

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Jun 2012

    Runtime Error '9' Subscript out of range


    I've been looking at this code and looking at this code. I can't find what is causing this error. (Runtime Error '9' Subscript out of range)

    Essentially the script concatenates values to a cell if they meet a certain standard. Once in the cell I get the position of certain values to be colored (store them in an array). After the concatenating is finished I used the saved positions to specifically color certain characters in a cell.

    The debugger complains about the line which has "For h = 0 To UBound(colorStart)" under the header
    ' Perform coloring

    [VBA]Function FormatSpreadsheet()

    Dim x, j, y, i, k, t, h As Long
    Dim LastCol, LastRow As Long
    Dim RowPos, ColPos As Long

    ' Deleting columns headed with 'AE Comment'
    'Finds the last column in the Range: gives column count
    LastCol = Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
    LookIn:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column

    'Deletes the empty columns in the Range
    For j = LastCol To 5 Step -3
    Next j

    'Find the last used row in column A: gives row count
    With ActiveSheet
    LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    End With

    'Selects the starting cell

    ' Iterating DOWN the rows
    For x = 1 To LastRow

    Dim LastColcurRow, z As Long
    'color array is reset every time a new row is reached
    Dim colorStart() As Long 'starting character coordinates of colored region
    Dim colorEnd() As Long 'ending character coordinates of colored region

    'Gets the beginning postion of the row; will have to return here before moving down a row
    RowPos = ActiveCell.Row
    ColPos = ActiveCell.Column

    'Find the last used column in the current row
    i = x + 1 'i gives the row number/position, when x = 1 (the 1st row we are working in) i = 2 (since the 1st row we are working in is actually the second)
    With ActiveSheet
    LastColcurRow = .Cells(i, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    End With
    LastColcurRow = (LastColcurRow - 2) / 2 'Gets the number of times to move the selected cell right ACROSS the row, the math is needed because the nested for loop does to slides right

    z = 0 'z is the iterator for the color array

    ' Iterating ACROSS the rows (nested 'For' loop)
    For y = 1 To LastColcurRow

    Dim rPos, cPos As Long
    Dim ErPos, EcPos As Long
    Dim base1, base2 As Long
    Dim diffColor, strt, NNflag As Long

    'slides selected cell right one position to 'allele' column
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

    ' Location: first allele cell

    ' NonNumeric Catch
    'If the first Allele cell is NOT numeric; X
    If Not IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) And ActiveCell.Column = 3 Then
    NNflag = 1 'Sets NonNumeric flag to one
    NNflag = 0 'Sets NonNumeric flag to zero
    End If

    'If the second Allele cell is NOT numeric; Y
    If Not IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) And ActiveCell.Column = 5 Then
    NNflag = 1 'Sets NonNumeric flag to one
    NNflag = 0 'Sets NonNumeric flag to zero
    End If

    ' Numeric Catch
    'stores the concatenation site
    If IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) And ActiveCell.Column = 3 Then
    rPos = ActiveCell.Row
    cPos = ActiveCell.Column
    End If

    ' Location: Not first allele cell
    'store the sites 'to be' concatenated
    If IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) And ActiveCell.Column <> 3 Then
    ErPos = ActiveCell.Row
    EcPos = ActiveCell.Column
    End If

    ' Slide Right to Height Column
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
    Height = ActiveCell.Value

    ' checking data

    ' Check NonNumerical Data
    If NNflag = 0 Then

    ' Location: first height cell
    'if 1st height under 50,clear the cell
    If Height < 50 And ActiveCell.Column = 4 Then
    Cells(rPos, cPos).ClearContents
    End If

    If Height >= 50 And Height <= 99 And ActiveCell.Column = 4 Then
    base1 = Len(Cells(rPos, cPos)) 'find the length of the base site
    strt = 0
    diffColor = base1
    End If

    ' Location: any height cell, but the first 50<=Height<=99
    'if the height is greater or equal to 50 but less than or equal to 99, concatenate to base site and store information
    If Height >= 50 And Height <= 99 And ActiveCell.Column <> 4 Then
    'if contents of base site are empty
    If Cells(rPos, cPos).Value = "" Then
    Cells(rPos, cPos) = Cells(ErPos, EcPos)
    base1 = Len(Cells(rPos, cPos)) 'find the length of the base site
    Cells(rPos, cPos) = Cells(rPos, cPos) & "," & Cells(ErPos, EcPos) 'concatenate to the base site
    base2 = Len(Cells(rPos, cPos)) 'find the length of the base site with the change
    diffColor = base2 - base1 'the difference between the two lengths is the length of the characters just concatenated to the base site (important for coloring)

    ' storing start and end postions of characters to be colored
    ReDim colorStart(z)
    colorStart(z) = (base1 + 1)
    z = (z + 1) 'iterate
    ReDim colorEnd(z)
    colorEnd(z) = diffColor
    z = (z + 1) 'iterate

    End If

    End If

    ' Location: any height cell, but the first Height>99
    'if the height is > than 99, then just concatenate to base site
    If Height > 99 And ActiveCell.Column <> 4 Then
    'if contents of base site are empty
    If Cells(rPos, cPos).Value = "" Then
    Cells(rPos, cPos) = Cells(ErPos, EcPos)
    Cells(rPos, cPos) = Cells(rPos, cPos) & "," & Cells(ErPos, EcPos) 'concatenate to the base site
    End If
    End If
    NNflag = 0
    End If

    'End of Iterating ACROSS the rows

    'Perform coloring

    'checking if array has any contents
    If IsEmpty(colorStart) Then
    MsgBox "Array is Empty!"
    For h = 0 To UBound(colorStart)
    Cells(rPos, cPos).Characters(colorStart(h), colorEnd(h)).Font.Color = &HC0C0C0
    Next h
    End If

    Next y
    'Goes back the beginning of the row
    Cells(RowPos, ColPos).Select
    'Selects cell down 1 row from active cell.
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    'End of Iterating DOWN the rows
    Next x

    ' Deleting Leftover Columns
    'Finds the last column in the Range: gives column count
    Las = Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
    LookIn:=xlValues, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column

    'Deletes the left over columns
    For k = 6 To Las
    Next k

    'Deletes the Extra Height Columns

    'Deletes All but 'Y' in second column
    For t = 1 To LastRow
    If IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) Then
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    End If
    Next t

    ' Modifing Headers
    ActiveCell.Value = "Allele Frequencies"
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

    End Function


  2. #2
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    I could never get to that part since there were other issues and I don't have your data.

    First off, why is this a Function and not a Sub? Always add Option Explicit as the first line of code. Had you done that, you would have seen that some variables were not declared.

    [VBA] Dim Height As Double
    Dim Las As Integer[/VBA]

    You are bound to run into problems using Las in a Find. Always use Set to set a range variable for a Find. That way, if the range is Nothing, you can check for that as getting the Column value of Nothing will error.

    What is the value of ColorStart in Debug mode? Hover the mouse over it to see or use F8 to step through the code and see what is going on. You can use Debug.Print ColorStart after assigning a value to put the value in the Immediate Window.

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Jun 2012


    Thanks! I've only been programming vb since last Thursday. I didn't know about option explicit and also F8. Those both helped me work out the bugs! Thanks again!

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