Hi All

I am trying to use my VBA application for the second mailbox in my Outlook setup. Here is what I have.

Dim m_nmailevents As New sirfeed

Private Sub Application_Startup()

'class module sirfeed
Public WithEvents myOlItems As Outlook.Items
Public Sub initialize_handler()

Set olNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myOlItems = olNS.Folders("xx@yy.com").Folders("inbox").Items
End Sub

Where xx@yy.com is my 2nd mailbox (alias). Upon Outlook load when the set myOlItems is executed I get An Object could not be found error. Is the olNS.Folders....items object not exposed? It appears I don't have the object:level architecture of Outlook fully understood yet. The final end result of this endeavor is to get the itemadd event to fire when mail comes in for my 2nd mailbox and not the first!