Hi all...I have almost finished a project (thanks to snd for help) but I have come across a small issue. I have around 35 projects in the VBE that are locked for viewing.

I have been looking at the sendkeys method to unlock a project - but these are all for editing (not when locked for viewing).

I have sendkeys and would not like to use it, but with active window control it shouldn't be too bad.

I need to get the solid reference command to get to Tools > VBAProject properties

Application.VBE.CommandBars(1).FindControl(ID:=2578, recursive:=True).Execute

Where would I get the FindControl ID for this menu?

I then need to check if the returned or active window is the 'vbaProj Password' windows > if TRUE then locked for viewing, need the sendkeys to enter password and unlock.

Any help appreciated...

1. Get the Commandbars ID for the vbaProj Properties
2. Detect if new active window is prompt
3. Send keys with "password"

I can then continue on with the unprotect and run my project ...