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Thread: I can't get the correct Rows to delete

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  1. #11
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2012
    Ok I'm going to post the new updated code. I have went with the suggestions of removing the first command button, doing the code inside the vba, etc.

    Currently I'm trying to add some more detail to the user form. #, of orders, gallons processed, plant utilizations, etc. Everything was working until I added the code in the Akrondistance_change sub. I am get a type mismatch error.

    Here is the code. The debugger highlights the akronprocessed.value line.

    I will attached the file as well.

    [VBA]Private Sub akrondistance_Change()
    'E is oneway miles = akrondistance,ftwaynedistance,rockforddistance,stlouisdistance
    'C is gallons = gallons.value
    '=C26*Constants!$B$15+Constants!$B$16-(ROUNDUP(C26/Constants!$B$11,0))*(((4*E26)*SUM(Constants!$B$9:Constants!$B$10))+(Constan ts!$B$7*2))
    If IsNumeric(gallons.Value) And IsNumeric(akrondistance.Value) Then
    akronorderprofit = profit(gallons.Value, akrondistance.Value)

    AkronOrders.Value = [COUNTIF(Week1.Data[Processing Location],"Akron")+1]
    akronprocessed.Value = [SUMIF(Week1.Data[Processing Location],"Akron",Week1.Data[Gallons])] + gallons.Value
    processingtimeakron.Value = akronprocessed.Value / [Constants B5]
    akrontotalhours.Value = processingtimeakron.Value + AkronOrders.Value

    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ftwaynedistance_Change()
    If IsNumeric(gallons.Value) And IsNumeric(ftwaynedistance.Value) Then
    ftwayneorderprofit = profit(gallons.Value, ftwaynedistance.Value)
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub rockforddistance_Change()
    If IsNumeric(gallons.Value) And IsNumeric(rockforddistance.Value) Then
    rockfordorderprofit = profit(gallons.Value, rockforddistance.Value)
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub stlouisdistance_Change()
    If IsNumeric(gallons.Value) And IsNumeric(stlouisdistance.Value) Then
    stlouisorderprofit = profit(gallons.Value, stlouisdistance.Value)
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub gallons_Change()
    If IsNumeric(gallons.Value) Then
    If IsNumeric(ftwaynedistance.Value) Then ftwayneorderprofit = profit(gallons.Value, ftwaynedistance.Value)
    If IsNumeric(rockforddistance.Value) Then rockfordorderprofit = profit(gallons.Value, rockforddistance.Value)
    If IsNumeric(stlouisdistance.Value) Then stlouisorderprofit = profit(gallons.Value, stlouisdistance.Value)
    If IsNumeric(akrondistance.Value) Then akronorderprofit = profit(gallons.Value, akrondistance.Value)
    End If
    End Sub
    Function profit(gals, dist)
    a = gals * [Constants!$B$15] + [Constants!$B$16]
    b = (Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(gallons.Value / [Constants!$B$11], 0)) '*
    c = ((4 * dist) * [SUM(Constants!$B$9:Constants!$B$10)]) + [Constants!$B$7*2]
    profit = a - b * c
    End Function
    Function utilization(h, y)
    y = [Constants!$B$3]
    'number of orders
    n = [COUNTIF(Week1!$D:$D,B2)] + 1
    'total processing time
    t = [SUMIF(Week1!$D:$D,B2,Week1!$C:$C)] + gallons.Value / [Constants!$B$5]
    'total operating hours
    h = n + t
    utilization = h / y
    End Function

    Sub SelectMaxProfit()
    If IsNumeric(ftwayneorderprofit) Then f = CDbl(ftwayneorderprofit) Else f = 0
    If IsNumeric(rockfordorderprofit) Then r = CDbl(rockfordorderprofit) Else r = 0
    If IsNumeric(stlouisorderprofit) Then s = CDbl(stlouisorderprofit) Else s = 0
    If IsNumeric(akronorderprofit) Then a = CDbl(akronorderprofit) Else a = 0
    maxProfit = Application.Max(f, r, s, a)
    If maxProfit = f Then ftwayne.Value = True
    If maxProfit = r Then rockford.Value = True
    If maxProfit = s Then stlouis.Value = True
    If maxProfit = a Then akron.Value = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    Dim emptyRow As Long
    'Make Sheet2 Active
    'Determine emptyRow
    emptyRow1 = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 1
    For Each ctrl In Me.Frame1.Controls
    If TypeName(ctrl) = "OptionButton" Then
    If ctrl Then
    x = Application.Match(ctrl.Name, Array("Akron", "Fort Wayne", "Rockford", "Saint Louis"), 1)
    PlantName = Choose(x, "Akron", "Fort Wayne", "Rockford", "Saint Louis")
    DistCtrlName = Choose(x, "akrondistance", "FtWaynedistance", "Rockforddistance", "StLouisdistance")
    End If
    End If
    Next ctrl
    'Export Data to worksheet
    Cells(emptyRow1, 1).Value = customerid.Value
    Cells(emptyRow1, 2).Value = zipcode.Value
    Cells(emptyRow1, 3).Value = gallons.Value
    Cells(emptyRow1, 4).Value = PlantName
    Cells(emptyRow1, 5).Value = Me.Controls(DistCtrlName).Value
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files

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