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Thread: Find text string in multiple workbooks

  1. #1
    Moderator VBAX Master austenr's Avatar
    Sep 2004

    Find text string in multiple workbooks

    Hi guys,

    I want to be able to find a value in a cell (column B) in a folder with many workbooks.

    Example, In a macro enabled workbook, have a pop up box upon opening asking for the string to search for say "123 Main St". This text will be embedded in a string somewhere in column B of any number of workbooks.

    I need a way to search them and return in a message box the name of the workbook(s) the text string is found.
    Peace of mind is found in some of the strangest places.

  2. #2
    VBAX Newbie
    Sep 2010

    Find text in workbooks

    The following is code I got on this site that may help
    It finds anything searched for in any excel file in a subdirectory and returns the answers in another workbook
    You may be able to change it to suit your exact needs

    Option Compare Text
    Option Explicit

    Private Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS As Long = &H1
    Private Const BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN As Long = &H2
    Private Const BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS As Long = &H8
    Private Const BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER As Long = &H1000
    Private Const BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER As Long = &H2000
    Private Const BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES As Long = &H4000
    Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260

    Type BrowseInfo
    hOwner As Long
    pidlRoot As Long
    pszDisplayName As String
    lpszINSTRUCTIONS As String
    ulFlags As Long
    lpfn As Long
    lParam As Long
    iImage As Long
    End Type

    hwnd As Long
    wFunc As Long
    pFrom As String
    pTo As String
    fFlags As Integer
    fAnyOperationsAborted As Boolean
    hNameMappings As Long
    lpszProgressTitle As String
    End Type

    Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDListA Lib "shell32.dll" ( _
    ByVal pidl As Long, _
    ByVal pszBuffer As String) As Long
    Declare Function SHBrowseForFolderA Lib "shell32.dll" ( _
    lpBrowseInfo As BrowseInfo) As Long

    Function BrowseFolder(Optional Caption As String = "") As String

    Dim BrowseInfo As BrowseInfo
    Dim FolderName As String
    Dim ID As Long
    Dim Res As Long

    With BrowseInfo
    .hOwner = 0
    .pidlRoot = 0
    .pszDisplayName = String$(MAX_PATH, vbNullChar)
    .lpszINSTRUCTIONS = Caption
    .lpfn = 0
    End With
    FolderName = String$(MAX_PATH, vbNullChar)
    ID = SHBrowseForFolderA(BrowseInfo)
    If ID Then
    Res = SHGetPathFromIDListA(ID, FolderName)
    If Res Then
    BrowseFolder = Left$(FolderName, InStr(FolderName, _
    vbNullChar) - 1)
    End If
    End If

    End Function

    Sub FindAll()

    Dim WB As Workbook
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim Cell As Range
    Dim Prompt As String
    Dim Title As String
    Dim Search As String
    Dim FindCell() As String
    Dim FindSheet() As String
    Dim FindWorkBook() As String
    Dim FindPath() As String
    Dim FindText() As String
    Dim Counter As Long
    Dim FirstAddress As String
    Dim Path As String
    Dim MyResponse As VbMsgBoxResult
    Dim FileName As String

    '*** Get folder from user ***
    Prompt = "Select the folder with the files that you want to search through." & _
    vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Note: Subfolders will not be searched through."
    Title = "Folder Selection"
    MsgBox Prompt, vbInformation, Title

    '*** This code works with XP only and is also used to pick a folder ***
    'Path = CurDir

    Path = BrowseFolder("Select A Folder")
    If Path = "" Then
    Prompt = "You didn't select a folder. The procedure has been canceled."
    Title = "Procedure Canceled"
    MsgBox Prompt, vbCritical, Title
    GoTo Canceled:
    End If

    Prompt = "What do you want to search for in the folder: " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & Path
    Title = "Search Criteria Input"
    Search = InputBox(Prompt, Title)
    If Search = "" Then
    GoTo Canceled
    End If

    '*** Confirm the procedure before continuing ***
    Prompt = "Are you sure that you want to search all the files in the folder:" & _
    vbCrLf & Path & " for " & """" & Search & """" & "?"
    Title = "Confirm Procedure"
    MyResponse = MsgBox(Prompt, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, Title)
    If MyResponse = vbNo Then
    GoTo Canceled:
    End If

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    '*** Loop through all Excel workbooks and search each of them for the specified criteria***
    FileName = Dir(Path & "\*.xls", vbNormal)
    Do Until FileName = ""
    On Error Resume Next
    Set WB = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=Path & "\" & FileName, ReadOnly:=True, Password:="DRJWasHere")
    If Err = 0 Then
    On Error GoTo 0
    For Each WS In WB.Worksheets
    With WB.Sheets(WS.Name).Cells
    Set Cell = .Find(What:=Search, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, _
    MatchCase:=False, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns)
    If Not Cell Is Nothing Then
    FirstAddress = Cell.Address
    Counter = Counter + 1
    ReDim Preserve FindCell(1 To Counter)
    ReDim Preserve FindSheet(1 To Counter)
    ReDim Preserve FindWorkBook(1 To Counter)
    ReDim Preserve FindPath(1 To Counter)
    ReDim Preserve FindText(1 To Counter)
    FindCell(Counter) = Cell.Address(False, False)
    FindText(Counter) = Cell.Text
    FindSheet(Counter) = WS.Name
    FindWorkBook(Counter) = WB.Name
    FindPath(Counter) = WB.FullName
    Set Cell = .FindNext(Cell)
    Loop While Not Cell Is Nothing And Cell.Address <> FirstAddress
    End If
    End With
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    WB.Close False
    FileName = Dir()
    Prompt = "Occurrences of " & """" & Search & """"
    If Counter = 0 Then
    MsgBox Search & " was not found.", vbInformation, "Zero Results For Search"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Range("A1").Value = Prompt
    Range("A12").Font.Bold = True
    Range("A2").Value = "Workbook Name"
    Range("B2").Value = "Sheet Name"
    Range("C2").Value = "Cell Address"
    Range("D2").Value = "Cell Text"
    Range("A12").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    Range("A:A").ColumnWidth = 40
    Range("B").ColumnWidth = 25
    For Counter = 1 To UBound(FindCell)
    ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Range("A" & Counter + 2), _
    Address:=FindPath(Counter) & "#" & FindSheet(Counter) & "!" & FindCell(Counter), _
    TextToDisplay:=Left(FindWorkBook(Counter), Len(FindWorkBook(Counter)) - 4)
    Range("B" & Counter + 2).Value = FindSheet(Counter)
    Range("C" & Counter + 2).Value = FindCell(Counter)
    Range("D" & Counter + 2).Value = FindText(Counter)
    Next Counter


    Set WB = Nothing
    Set WS = Nothing
    Set Cell = Nothing
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    End Sub[/vba]

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