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Thread: Accessing data in getelementbyid() model

  1. #1

    Accessing data in getelementbyid() model

    Hi, I am having trouble accessing the information in the "menu 2" part of my code below. If I add a watch to IE.document.getelementbyid("menu2").all I can see that this object contains the following:

    +Item 1
    +Item 2
    +Item 3
    +Item 4
    +Item 5
    +Item 6

    If I click on Item 6, the list expands and there is an item called ie8_href that contains a url I would like to access. However, the method I am trying to access this data (shown below as notes in the code) gives me an "Object doesnt support this property or method" error. Can anyone please help me out? I have been struggling with this way too long.

    Sub Test()
    Dim IE As Object
    Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application")
    IE.Visible = True
    IE.navigate ("MyWebsite")
    While IE.Busy Or IE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend

    IE.document.getelementbyid ("menu2")
    'IE.document.getelementbyid("menu2").all("Item 6").href

    While IE.Busy Or IE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend
    Debug.Print IE.LocationURL
    End Sub

  2. #2
    A few things to note:

    1. getElementById returns a HTML element (object) so you could assign its return value to an object variable, or a suitably declared HTML data type:

    Dim menu2 As Object
    Set menu2 = IE.document.getElementById("menu2")
    'Do something with menu2 properties or methods

    Or directly invoke the methods of IE.document.getElementById("menu2") or read/write its properties.

    2. I don't think .all("Item 6") can reference the required element in the .all() array/collection, which is normally referenced by index number or the element's name attribute string:

    Dim obj As Object
    Set obj = IE.document.getelementbyid("menu2").all(5) '6th item
    Set obj = IE.document.getelementbyid("menu2").all("name_attribute")

    3. The href property is a string, so you assign it to a string variable, or otherwise do string operations on it:

    Dim theHref As String
    theHref = IE.document.getelementbyid("menu2").all(5).href

    If you still need help please post the relevant HTML.

  3. #3


    Below was exactly what I needed. Amazing how you can get hung up on a little thing like that .


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