I didn't trace through the whole thing, but I think that the sheet lunie is always protected

[OVT Locked] protects the entire sheet, including col H
[OVT Unlocked] protects the entire sheet, except col H

So "
ActiveSheet.ProtectContents" is always true

It might be better to just test if Col H is locked instead: "ActiveSheet.range("H:H").locked"

I didn't understand the L1 part

'Callback for customButton1 getPressed
Public Sub UpOrDown(Control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)

'If ActiveSheet.Range("L1") = "Yes" Then
'    returnedVal = Not ActiveSheet.ProtectContents
'   Exit Sub
'End If

Select Case Control.ID
    Case "tbLocked"
        returnedVal = ActiveSheet.Range("H:H").Locked
    Case "tbUnlocked"
        returnedVal = Not ActiveSheet.Range("H:H").Locked
End Select
End Sub