
Would it be possible to show the content of a full sheet or cell range on one sheet via the WebBrowser control in a userform. Its possible to view the content of a folder through the WebBrowser, but thats still following the filepath, like the Browser would follow a Url. Alternatively doing the same put with a the Pdf viewer would be just as good.

[VBA]Private Sub CmdHbb_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim link_name As String
link_name = Sheets("ProdInfo").Range("B32")
Call WebBrowser1.Navigate(link_name)[/VBA]


[VBA]Private Sub CmdPdf_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Search")
Dim X As String
X = .Range("V4")
Me.AcroPDF1.src = (X)
End With
End Sub[/VBA]