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Thread: Automate a process to run every hour

  1. #1

    Automate a process to run every hour

    Excel 2010
    VB for Apps 7.0

    Dear all,

    Im hoping someone could help me!

    I have a Excel spreadhseat named - CommsMASTER.xlsm thats runs the following macro;

    Sub ping08()
        For Each tmpCell In Range("D2:1027").SpecialCells(2, 2)
            If InStr(CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("%comspec% /c Ping -4 -n 1 -w 750 " & 
                tmpCell).StdOut.ReadAll, "TTL=") Then
                tmpCell.Offset(0, 3) = "OK"
                tmpCell.Offset(0, 3) = "Failed"
            End If
    End Sub
    This VB script basically pings a number of IP address and records the results as attached in spreadheet.

    I would like to automate the process so the script runs automatically every hour and then records the results in each consequent/relevant cell. So next result at 9:00 in H2 and 10:00 in I2.

    I have been looking at the Application.OnTime TimeValue("10:57:00"), "ping08" function but just cant anything to work as I would like.

    As shown above, I have over 1000 rows to go through. I will have a dedicated server that this could run on.

    Any help would be VERY MUCH APPRECAITED!
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