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Thread: Solved: My code start to be slow.

  1. #1

    Solved: My code start to be slow.

    pls. can somebody helm me.
    I have this macro for actualize my table. In past it takes about 2-3 minutes till this macro done. Now it takes about 15-20 or more minutes.

    I can not post sample of my file, only my code.

    On beginning of code i turn off all other events, updates of screen and set to manual calculation so i thought, that my other tables, data in this file can not have any impact to this code. Or?

    I use Office 2010 on Win XP.

    Any suggestions?
    thx a lot

    Dim strNewName As String
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim BunkaRiadok As Variant
    Dim BunkaStlpec As Variant
    Dim chyba As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    Dim Igor_RangeCIF As Range
    Dim PH_RangeUcet As Range

    Dim BunkaCIF As Variant
    Dim BunkaUcet As Variant

    Dim CIFexist As Variant
    Dim UcetExist As Variant
    Dim RiadokSumOP As Long
    Dim SumPrehlAng As Long
    Dim SumPrehlOP As Long
    Dim Angazovanost As String
    Dim OP As String

    Dim v_kriz As Variant
    Dim v_SankUrok As Variant
    Dim v_UrokSadz As Variant
    Dim v_Rating As Variant
    Dim v_PopisUctu As Variant
    Dim v_DruhOP As Variant
    Dim v_Matka As Variant
    Dim v_Loan As Variant
    Dim v_rc As Variant
    Dim v_ICO As Variant
    Dim v_RevDate As Variant

    Dim v_Seg As Variant
    Dim v_SegC As Variant

    Dim v_PSC As Variant
    Dim v_RiskCode As Variant
    Dim stlpecAng As Variant
    Dim stlpecOP As Variant
    Dim v_OPU As String
    Dim v_Ang As Variant
    Dim v_OP As Variant
    Dim sumaOWO As Range
    Dim SUMang As Long
    Dim SUMop As Long
    Dim Hladaj As Range
    Dim CisloRiadkuKonca As Long
    Dim ang1 As Long
    Dim ang2 As Long
    Dim OP1 As Long
    Dim OP2 As Long

    'Call ZrkadloDOprehladov

    ' If MsgBox("Nastav sa aktívne do PH dát", 292, "") = vbNo Then Exit Sub 'načítaj názov súboru PH dát do premennej
    If MsgBox("Nastav sa aktívne do PH dát", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "NASTAV SA") = vbNo Then Exit Sub 'načítaj názov súboru PH dát do premennej

    strNewName = ActiveWindow.Caption

    Range("h1").Select 'začiatok zisťovania ang. a op sumy v PH
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, -2).Select
    SUMop = ActiveCell.Value
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
    SUMang = ActiveCell.Value 'KONIEC zisťovania ang. a op sumy v PH

    ' Overovanie posunu stĺpcov v PH súbore
    With Workbooks(strNewName).Worksheets("1")
    If .Cells(1, "a").Value <> "CIF" Or .Cells(1, "b").Value <> "ACC_NUMB" _
    Or .Cells(1, "y").Value <> "Risk_code" Then 'ček hlavičky či sú kde majú byť V PH
    MsgBox "CIF nie je A, č. účtu nie je B alebo Risk_code nie je Y. Exit sub"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End With

    Set Igor_RangeCIF = Workbooks(strNewName).Sheets("1").Columns("a:aa")
    Set PH_RangeUcet = Workbooks(strNewName).Sheets("1").Columns("b:aa")


    stlpecAng = Workbooks(PrehladyNAMEVp).Worksheets("aktual").Range("af3").Value 'hľadá podľa tabuľky za prehľadmi aký je aktuálny mesiac
    stlpecOP = Workbooks(PrehladyNAMEVp).Worksheets("aktual").Range("ag3").Value

    Application.Calculation = xlManual
    Application.MaxChange = 0.001
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    'spočítaj koľko je CIFov
    With Workbooks(PrehladyNAMEVp).Worksheets("vývoj")
    LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
    If .Cells(2, "bb").Value <> "kód RIZIKA" Or .Cells(2, "c").Value <> "CIF" _
    Or .Cells(2, "D").Value <> "čísloúčtu" Or .Cells(2, "bq").Value <> "PSC" Then 'Or .Cells(2, "bk").Value <> "DE" Then 'ček hlavičky či sú kde majú byť
    MsgBox "Stlpce posun, KRIZ - BB, cif - C, č.účt.-D, PSC - BQ. Exit sub"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End With
    ' If MsgBox("Nastav sa aktívne do PH dát", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "NASTAV SA") = vbNo Then Exit Sub 'načítaj názov súboru PH dát do premennej
    If MsgBox("Angažovanosť bude podla C3 z PIV ALL:" & Range(stlpecAng & "2").Value & "(" & stlpecAng & ")" & " OP budu:" & _
    Range(stlpecOP & "2").Value & "(" & stlpecOP & ")" & "OK?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "NASTAV SA") = vbNo Then GoTo Exits

    On Error Resume Next

    BunkaRiadok = ActiveCell.Row
    BunkaStlpec = ActiveCell.Column

    'ček či ide aktualizovať správnu ang. a op -----------------------

    ' ------------------------------- ***************************** 'začiatok aktualizácie

    For i = 4 To LastRow
    On Error GoTo dalsi
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    BunkaCIF = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "C").Value
    BunkaUcet = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "D").Value

    On Error GoTo dalsi

    CIFexist = Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 1, 0)
    UcetExist = Application.VLookup(BunkaUcet, PH_RangeUcet, 1, 0)

    If IsError(CIFexist) Then GoTo dalsi

    If BunkaCIF = 0 Then GoTo dalsi

    'na cif
    v_kriz = Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 7, 0)
    v_Rating = Trim(Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 16, 0))
    v_DruhOP = Trim(Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 10, 0))
    v_PSC = Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 23, 0)
    v_RiskCode = Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 25, 0)
    v_OPU = Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 12, 0)
    v_Seg = Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 13, 0)
    v_SegC = Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 8, 0)
    v_RevDate = Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 26, 0)

    v_rc = Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 15, 0)
    v_ICO = Application.VLookup(BunkaCIF, Igor_RangeCIF, 14, 0)

    'Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "BB").Value = CDec(v_kriz) 'prepíš existujúci STAV novým stavom
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "BB").Value = v_kriz 'prepíš existujúci STAV novým stavom
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "AX").Value = v_Rating
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "BL").Value = v_DruhOP
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "BQ").Value = v_PSC

    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "BC").Value = v_OPU

    ' If v_Seg = "P" Then v_Seg = "R"
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "BD").Value = v_Seg
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "BE").Value = v_SegC

    If v_RevDate <> 0 Then
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "BS").Value = v_RevDate
    End If


    If v_RiskCode <> "" Then
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "j").Value = v_RiskCode
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "j").ClearContents
    End If

    'na účet
    If IsError(UcetExist) Then GoTo dalsi
    v_SankUrok = Application.VLookup(BunkaUcet, PH_RangeUcet, 18, 0)
    v_UrokSadz = Application.VLookup(BunkaUcet, PH_RangeUcet, 19, 0)
    v_PopisUctu = Trim(Application.VLookup(BunkaUcet, PH_RangeUcet, 8, 0))
    v_Matka = Application.VLookup(BunkaUcet, PH_RangeUcet, 23, 0)
    v_Loan = Application.VLookup(BunkaUcet, PH_RangeUcet, 17, 0)

    v_Ang = Application.VLookup(BunkaUcet, PH_RangeUcet, 4, 0)
    v_OP = Application.VLookup(BunkaUcet, PH_RangeUcet, 5, 0)
    v_OPU = Trim(Application.VLookup(BunkaUcet, PH_RangeUcet, 10, 0))

    ' Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "BB").Value = CDec(v_SankUrok) 'prepíš existujúci STAV novým stavom
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "av").Value = v_SankUrok 'prepíš existujúci STAV novým stavom
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "aw").Value = v_UrokSadz
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "bj").Value = v_PopisUctu
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "bp").Value = v_Matka
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "f").Value = v_Loan

    If (Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "e").Value <> "SHADOW" And v_OPU = "OWO") Or _
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "e").Value = "SHADOW" Then
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, stlpecAng).Value = v_Ang '
    Cells(ActiveCell.Row, stlpecOP).Value = v_OP
    End If

    If BunkaCIF = "koniec" Then GoTo koniec

    Set Hladaj = Columns(3).Find("koniec")
    If Not Hladaj Is Nothing Then CisloRiadkuKonca = Hladaj.Row
    SumPrehlAng = Range(stlpecAng & CisloRiadkuKonca).Value
    SumPrehlOP = Range(stlpecOP & CisloRiadkuKonca).Value


    Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
    Application.MaxChange = 0.001
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True

    If SumPrehlAng = SUMang Then
    Angazovanost = "OK"
    Angazovanost = "zle"
    End If

    If SumPrehlOP = SUMop Then
    OP = "OK"
    OP = "zle"
    End If

    MsgBox "Suma ang. Prehlady:" & Format(SumPrehlAng, "##,##0.00") & " Suma OP Prehlady:" _
    & Format(SumPrehlOP, "##,##0.00") & vbNewLine & "Suma ang. PH: " & Format(SUMang, "##,##0.00") _
    & " Suma OP PH: " & Format(SUMop, "##,##0.00") & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Takže je to " & vbNewLine _
    & "Ang=" & Angazovanost & " OP=" & OP

    ' MsgBox "Aktualizácia PH databázy - done."
    ' -----------koniec aktualizácie 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

    strNewName = ""
    LastRow = 0
    BunkaRiadok = ""
    BunkaStlpec = ""
    chyba = ""
    i = 0

    BunkaCIF = ""
    BunkaUcet = ""

    CIFexist = ""
    UcetExist = ""
    RiadokSumOP = 0
    SumPrehlAng = 0
    SumPrehlOP = 0
    Angazovanost = ""
    OP = ""

    v_kriz = ""
    v_SankUrok = ""
    v_UrokSadz = ""
    v_Rating = ""
    v_PopisUctu = ""
    v_DruhOP = ""
    v_Matka = ""
    v_PSC = ""
    stlpecAng = ""
    stlpecOP = ""
    v_OPU = ""
    v_Ang = ""
    v_OP = ""

    SUMang = 0
    SUMop = 0
    CisloRiadkuKonca = 0
    ang1 = 0
    ang2 = 0
    OP1 = 0
    OP2 = 0

    End Sub

  2. #2
    i figured out, that it is becasue i started use dynamic range for picture. It is smal functionality in my workbook. It looks to name in cell and show picture of people. When i deleted sheet with pictures, it is again very quick. Its shame, that i can not use this picture future for my wb. Or is here any suggestions how to make workaround that it will works? thx

    i have those 2 ranges for looking for pics of people.


  3. #3
    Distinguished Lord of VBAX VBAX Grand Master Bob Phillips's Avatar
    Apr 2005
    Without an example workbook, I don't think it is reasonable to ask us to work through all of that code for you.

    As for that second formula, in 2010 you can use

    Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum

    Abusus non tollit usum

    Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
    James Thurber

  4. #4
    ok, thx.

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