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Thread: Solved: Make folder path and file name with VBA code

  1. #1

    Solved: Make folder path and file name with VBA code

    I work at an institution and has for several years used a VBA code to ensure that residents' accounts were stored in the correct folder, and with the right name.
    The code checks if the folder path exists using a function (CheckMakePath). If not, the function will create it.
    Here is the code of the function:

    [vba]Function CheckMakePath(ByVal vPath As String) As String
    Dim PathSep As Long, oPS As Long
    If Right(vPath, 1) <> "\" Then vPath = vPath & "\"
    PathSep = InStr(3, vPath, "\")
    If PathSep = 0 Then Exit Function
    oPS = PathSep
    PathSep = InStr(oPS + 1, vPath, "\")
    If PathSep = 0 Then Exit Do
    If Len(Dir(Left(vPath, PathSep), vbDirectory)) = 0 Then Exit Do
    Do Until PathSep = 0
    MkDir Left(vPath, PathSep)
    oPS = PathSep
    PathSep = InStr(oPS + 1, vPath, "\")
    CheckMakePath = vPath
    End Function
    [/vba] Folder and file name is given partly by text and partly by reference to cells in the worksheet.
    Cell I4 contains a letter for the house - Cell E2 contains the resident's full name - Cell A4 contains a start date of the accounts.
    The accounts are stored in a folder that will be called S:\Institution\A huset\Beboere\Beboer navn\Regnskab\2013 with the filename Regnskab 03-2013 Beboer navn.xls
    This is the code I have used and it works (the emphasized is the folder path, what's in normal font is the file name).

    With Sheets("Kassebog")
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs CheckMakePath("S:\Institution\" & Sheets("Kassebog").Range("I4").Text & "-huset" & "\" & "Beboere" _
    & "\" & Sheets("Kassebog").Range("E2").Text & "\" & "Regnskab" & "\" & Format(Sheets("Kassebog").Range("A4"), "yyyy"))
    & "Regnskab " & Format(Sheets("Kassebog").Range("A4"), "mm-yyyy") & " " & Sheets("Kassebog").Range("E2").Text & ".xls"
    End With

    Now I shall export the accounting file to another institution. They want a different folder structure to residents' accounts, and suddenly the code is not working as expected!
    They want the accounts saved in a folder that for example can be called S: \Institution\Hus B\2013\Beboer navn\ with the file

    name Regnskab 03-2013 Beboer navn.Xls
    Instead, the folder path become S:\Institution\Hus B\2013 and filename become Beboer navnRegnskab 03-2013 Beboer navn.Xls

    [vba] With Sheets("Kassebog")
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs CheckMakePath("S:Institution\Beboerøkonomi\" & "Hus " & Sheets("Kassebog").Range("I4").Text & "\" _
    & Format(Sheets("Kassebog").Range("A4"), "yyyy")) & "\"& Sheets("Kassebog").Range("E2").Text _
    & "Regnskab " & Format(Sheets("Kassebog").Range("A4"), "mm-yyyy") & " " & Sheets("Kassebog").Range("E2").Text & ".xls"
    End With[/vba]
    Well, I thought, so I must of course add backslash like this & "\".
    The same folder path as before are created and an error procedure informs me that the file has not been saved!

    [vba]With Sheets("Kassebog")
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs CheckMakePath("S:\Institution\Beboerøkonomi\" & "Hus " & Sheets("Kassebog").Range("I4").Text & "\" _
    & Format(Sheets("Kassebog").Range("A4"), "yyyy")) & "\"& Sheets("Kassebog").Range("E2").Text & "\" _
    & "Regnskab " & Format(Sheets("Kassebog").Range("A4"), "mm-yyyy") & " " & Sheets("Kassebog").Range("E2").Text & ".xls"
    End With[/vba]
    It may be simple, but I can not really capture what just happened here.
    Is there anyone who can help?

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    Check your location of the ")" for the CheckMakePath function.

  3. #3
    Damn, I knew it was something simple.
    I obviously grow blind when I read code.
    Thank you!

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