
I am trying to customize tasks text20 to limit values it can take from a list ("Y" and "N"). The third line errors out "The argument value is not valid".

[VBA] CustomFieldRename fieldId:=pjCustomTaskText20, NewName:="Financial?"
CustomOutlineCodeEditEx fieldId:=pjCustomTaskText20, OnlyLookUpTableCodes:=True, OnlyLeaves:=False, LookupDefault:=True, DefaultValue:="Y", SortOrder:=0

activeProject.OutlineCodes(pjCustomTaskText20).LookupTable.AddChild "Y"
activeProject.OutlineCodes(pjCustomTaskText20).LookupTable.AddChild "N"

It particularly does not like "pjCustomTaskText20". I am not new to VBA but new to MSP. And I am using MS Project 2010. Any help pointing me in the right direction most appreciated.
