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Thread: Can Excel run this big SQL?

  1. #1

    Can Excel run this big SQL?

    Can Excel run this?

    SELECT Sum(Data.PBO) AS SumOfPBO, Sum(Data.AccruedInterest) AS SumOfAccruedInterest, Sum(IIf([Status]="Claims" Or [Status]="Forbearance",[AccruedInterest],IIf([Status]="Repayment",0,IIf([SubsidyIndicator]="N",[AccruedInterest],0)))) AS ITBC, Sum(IIf([ABI]=0,0,[pbo]/[ABI])) AS Borr, Count(Data.BorrowerUniqueID) AS Loans, Sum([PBO]*[RemainingRepaymentTerm])/Sum([PBO]) AS RepayTerm, Sum([pbo]*[InterestRate])/Sum([PBO]) AS IntRate
    FROM Data LEFT JOIN tbl_ABI ON Data.BorrowerUniqueID = tbl_ABI.BorrowerUniqueID
    HAVING (((Data.PBO)<>0));
    I just need to know if it's possible because it either returns an error in Select statment syntax or returns zero.

    I'm using this:

    Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
            With cn
                .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
                .Open MyConn
                Set rs = .Execute(sSQL)
            End With
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  2. #2
    VBAX Regular raj85's Avatar
    Feb 2010
    Its not much clear to me, Pelase provide details description of error you get and at what point you get an error connecting or executing SQL.
    Still try using this one
    Set RS = new ADODB.Recordset
    RS.Open SQL, cn

  3. #3
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    Break your sSQL into parts. e.g.
    sSQL = "Select * from Data"

    When you build your SQL string, use:
    Debug.Print sSQL
    to see if you built it properly. Most SQL string comparisons use single quotes rather than double quotes. e.g.
    sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductName = 'Watch' "

  4. #4
    I have definitely been changing them to single quotes when I run it, but the debug idea is great! Thanks for the advice!
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  5. #5
    sSQL = "SELECT Sum(Data.PBO) AS SumOfPBO, Sum(Data.AccruedInterest) AS SumOfAccruedInterest, Sum"
    sSQL = sSQL & "(IIf([Status]='Claims' Or [Status]='Forbearance',[AccruedInterest],IIf([Status]='Repayment"
    sSQL = sSQL & "',0,IIf([SubsidyIndicator]='N',[AccruedInterest],0)))) AS ITBC, Sum(IIf([ABI]=0,0,[pbo]/[ABI]"
    sSQL = sSQL & ")) AS Borr, Count(Data.BorrowerUniqueID) AS Loans, Sum([PBO]*[RemainingRepaymentTerm])/Sum([PBO"
    sSQL = sSQL & "]) AS RepayTerm, Sum([pbo]*[InterestRate])/Sum([PBO]) AS IntRate"
    sSQL = sSQL & "FROM Data LEFT JOIN tbl_ABI ON Data.BorrowerUniqueID = tbl_ABI.BorrowerUniqueID"
    sSQL = sSQL & "HAVING (((Data.PBO)<>0));"

    Debug.Print sSQL
    Got this error:

    The Select statement includes a reserved word or an arguement name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  6. #6
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    The string is fine as far as strings go. You might want to add some vbCRLF to make it more readable like a standard SQL string.

    Whether it meets SQL syntax standards is where you have problems I suspect. I don't know what database you are trying to connect to. If you can make the SQL string there, and it runs ok, post that string here and I will show you how to build it.

  7. #7
    The code is copy and pasted from Access, it runs the query on Access fine.

    I'm looking up what vbCRLFs are, I'm not sure what that is.
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  8. #8
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    []'s can indicate an Excel range, which also means Evaluate in Excel, or a parameter query. I suspect you mean the latter. I will show an example for doing that later. First, I want to show you how to build a string efficiently. Concatenation as you did is fine for small string. This method also makes it easy to maintain. The vbCRLF is the carriage return and line feed characters. Press F1 while in or next to a constant or command word to get specific help in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE).

    In the 1st example code, I join the array elements back into a string and delimit by the comma character. I prefer delimiting by the vbCRLF character(s) or vbLF usually.

    The 3rd example shows how to run a stored query.
    Sub sql()
     Dim sSQL As String, s() As String
      'SELECT Sum(Data.PBO) As SumOfPBO,
      'Sum(Data.AccruedInterest) As SumOfAccruedInterest,
      'Sum(IIf([Status]="Claims" Or [Status]="Forbearance",
      'IIf([SubsidyIndicator]="N",[AccruedInterest],0)))) As ITBC,
      'Sum(IIf([ABI]=0,0,[pbo]/[ABI])) As Borr, Count(Data.BorrowerUniqueID) As Loans,
      'Sum([PBO]*[RemainingRepaymentTerm])/Sum([PBO]) As RepayTerm,
      'Sum([pbo]*[InterestRate])/Sum([PBO]) As IntRate FROM Data LEFT JOIN tbl_ABI ON Data.BorrowerUniqueID = tbl_ABI.BorrowerUniqueID HAVING (((Data.PBO)<>0));
      ReDim s(1 To 8)
      s(1) = "SELECT Sum(Data.PBO) As SumOfPBO"
      s(2) = "Sum(Data.AccruedInterest) As SumOfAccruedInterest"
      s(3) = "Sum(IIf([Status]='Claims' Or [Status]='Forbearance'"
      s(4) = "[AccruedInterest],IIf([Status]='Repayment',0"
      s(5) = "IIf([SubsidyIndicator]='N',[AccruedInterest],0)))) As ITBC"
      s(6) = "Sum(IIf([ABI]=0,0,[pbo]/[ABI])) As Borr, Count(Data.BorrowerUniqueID) As Loans"
      s(7) = "Sum([PBO]*[RemainingRepaymentTerm])/Sum([PBO]) As RepayTerm"
      s(8) = "Sum([pbo]*[InterestRate])/Sum([PBO]) As IntRate FROM Data LEFT JOIN tbl_ABI ON Data.BorrowerUniqueID = tbl_ABI.BorrowerUniqueID HAVING (((Data.PBO)<>0));"
      sSQL = Join(s(), ",")
      Debug.Print sSQL
      MsgBox sSQL
    End Sub
    Sub Execute_Parameterized_SQL_Queries()
      Dim cnt As ADODB.Connection
      Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
      Dim prm As ADODB.Parameter
      Dim rst As ADODB.RecordSet
      Dim stDB As String, stCon As String, stParamSQL As String
      Dim vaNumber As Variant
      Dim xlCalc As XlCalculation
      'Change settings in order to increase the performance.
      With Application
        xlCalc = .Calculation
        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        .EnableEvents = False
        .ScreenUpdating = False
      End With
      'Path to the database.
       stDB = "E:\Arbetsmaterial\XLData1.mdb"
       'Create the connection string.
       stCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
                "Data Source=" & stDB & ";" & _
                "Jet OLEDB:Database Password=dennis;" & _
                "Persist Security Info=False"
       'Create the parameter string.
       stParamSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE [Number]=?"
       'Instantiate the ADO COM's objects.
       Set cnt = New ADODB.Connection
       Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
       'Open the connection.
       cnt.Open stCon
       'Set main properties of the command object.
       With cmd
          .ActiveConnection = cnt
          .CommandText = stParamSQL
          .CommandType = adCmdText
       End With
       'Retrieve the value to be used.
      vaNumber = Trim(Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter an article number:", _
      Title:="Parameterized Queries", Type:=1))
       'In the user cancel the operation.
       If vaNumber = "False" Then GoTo Exithere
       'Create and define the parameter.
       Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("Number", adInteger, adParamInput, Len(vaNumber), vaNumber)
       cmd.Parameters.Append prm
       'Instantiate the Recordset object and execute the command.
       Set rst = cmd.Execute
       'Check if the Recordset have any records.
       If rst.EOF = True Or rst.BOF = True Then
          MsgBox "No records match the number!", vbInformation
          GoTo Exithere
          'Dump the records into the active worksheet.
          With ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1)
            .CopyFromRecordset rst
          End With
       End If
       'Close the recordset and the connection.
       'Release objects from memory.
       Set rst = Nothing
       Set prm = Nothing
       Set cmd = Nothing
       Set cnt = Nothing
       'Restore the settings.
       With Application
         .Calculation = xlCalc
         .EnableEvents = True
         .ScreenUpdating = True
       End With
    End Sub
    Sub Test()
      Dim mdbPath As String, dbName As String, cmdText As String
      Dim rngDestination As String
      'mdbPath = "E:\ADO\NWind2003.mdb"    'change the path here to suit your needs
      'mdbPath = "c:\myfiles\edrive\excel\ado\NWind2003.mdb"
      mdbPath = "//matpc10/ExcelVBAExamples/ado/NWind2003.mdb"
      dbName = "NWind2003_1"              'change the database name here to suit your needs
      cmdText = "Aug94"                   'change the stored SQL here to suit your needs
      rngDestination = "A1"               'change the destination range here to suit your needs
      'Clear previous data
      InsertTableWithStoredSQL mdbPath, dbName, cmdText, rngDestination
      'Insert other data to the right of A1 with a blank column separating the two
      rngDestination = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 2).Address
      cmdText = "Sales by Category"
      InsertTableWithStoredSQL mdbPath, dbName, cmdText, rngDestination
    End Sub
    Sub Test_InsertTableWithStoredSQL()
      Dim databaseName() As Variant, cmdText() As Variant, i As Integer
      databaseName = Array("qOne", "qTwo", "qThree")
      cmdText() = Array("Aug94", "Order Subtotals", "Sales by Category")
      For i = LBound(databaseName) To UBound(databaseName)
        Debug.Print databaseName(i), cmdText(i), Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Address
          InsertTableWithStoredSQL "c:\myfiles\edrive\excel\ado\NWind2003.mdb", _
            CStr(databaseName(i)), CStr(cmdText(i)), Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Address, _
      Next i
    End Sub
    Sub InsertTableWithStoredSQL(mdbPath As String, dbName As String, _
      cmdText As String, rngDestination As String, _
      Optional bFieldNames = True)
        With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=Array( _
                                                     "OLEDB;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Password="""";User ID=Admin;Data Source=" & mdbPath & ";Mode=ReadWrite;Extended Properties=""" _
           , """;Jet OLEDB:System database="""";Jet OLEDB:Registry Path="""";Jet OLEDB:Database Password="""";Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Jet OLEDB:Datab" _
           , "ase Locking Mode=1;Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;Jet OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1;Jet OLEDB:New Database Password="""";J" _
           , "et OLEDB:Create System Database=False;Jet OLEDB:Encrypt Database=False;Jet OLEDB:Don't Copy Locale on Compact=False;Jet OLEDB:Co" _
           , "mpact Without Replica Repair=False;Jet OLEDB:SFP=False"), Destination:=Range("" & rngDestination & ""))
            .CommandType = xlCmdTable
            .CommandText = Array(cmdText)
            .Name = dbName
            .FieldNames = bFieldNames
            .RowNumbers = False
            .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
            .PreserveFormatting = True
            .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
            .BackgroundQuery = True
            .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
            .SavePassword = False
            .SaveData = True
            .AdjustColumnWidth = True
            .RefreshPeriod = 0
            .PreserveColumnInfo = True
            .SourceDataFile = mdbPath
            .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
        End With
    End Sub

  9. #9
    Thank you for the reply! Great, It will take me a bit of deciphering, but that should be perfect. Thanks!
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  10. #10
    I've been trying your code, and still having some problems.

    So I'm under the impression that an SQL statement with []'s won't be able to run inside Excel ADO statement because it thinks it's referring to a cell and not a command. Is this correct?

    If their is a way to still use the brackets in my SQL statement I am not understanding very clearly.
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  11. #11
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    [A1] means evaluate A1 as a range. "[A1]" is just a string. Your SQL server determines how it will work with []'s. The typical use for []'s in an SQL string is for a parameterized query.

  12. #12
    You should be able to remove all [] from the query, those are only needed when field names contain characters like a space in them.

    Jan Karel Pieterse
    Excel MVP

  13. #13
    Edit: I got this statement working for the time being:

    ReDim s(1 To 8)
                s(1) = "SELECT Sum(Data.PBO) As SumOfPBO"
                s(2) = "Sum(Data.AccruedInterest) As SumOfAccruedInterest"
                s(3) = "Sum(IIf([Status]='Claims' Or [Status]='Forbearance'"
                s(4) = "[AccruedInterest],IIf([Status]='Repayment',0"
                s(5) = "IIf([SubsidyIndicator]='N',[AccruedInterest],0)))) As ITBC"
                s(6) = "Sum(IIf([ABI]=0,0,[pbo]/[ABI])) As Borr, Count(Data.BorrowerUniqueID) As Loans"
                s(7) = "Sum([PBO]*[RemainingRepaymentTerm])/Sum([PBO]) As RepayTerm"
                s(8) = "Sum([pbo]*[InterestRate])/Sum([PBO]) As IntRate FROM Data LEFT JOIN tbl_ABI ON Data.BorrowerUniqueID = tbl_ABI.BorrowerUniqueID HAVING (((Data.PBO)<>0));"
                sSQL = Join(s(), ",")
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  14. #14
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    Try posting a screen snip of the SQL string from Access. Is x the same value? Looking at your string, I can see this problem: IntRateFrom. Access SQL may have put a new line character so those two lines should be:
    x = x & "*InterestRate)/Sum(PBO) AS IntRate"  & vbCRLF
    x = x & "FROM Data LEFT JOIN tbl_ABI ON Data.BorrowerUniqueID = tbl" 
    Edit: By working, you mean the string is correct or it executes?

  15. #15
    Yes, sorry for the edit, and thank you so much for the help. That string above executes perfectly. Although I cannot get this string to execute:
    sSQL = ""
                ReDim s(1 To 3)
                s(1) = "SELECT Data_All.* INTO Data"
                s(2) = "FROM Data_All"
                s(3) = "WHERE (((Data_All.BondIssue)='AEFC-Citi'));"
                sSQL = Join(s(), ",")
            ActiveSheet.Range("B12") = "Table Data created."
            'Create RecordSet
            Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
            With cn
                .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
                .Open MyConn
                Set rs = .Execute(sSQL) '<============= This does not work
            End With
    Query input must contain at least one table or query

    Is this because I am just creating a table and not displaying anything? I'm not exactly sure what that error means. Could this also be the table 'Data' already exists and I need to delete it first?
    Last edited by bobdole22; 09-03-2013 at 11:31 AM.
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  16. #16
    I tried taking off the part that prints the recordsheet and tried deleting the table manually before running it. The error is still:

    Query input must contain at least one table or query

    Is their no way to run this type of statement?
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  17. #17
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    I doubt that it should be delimited by commas. Try vbCRLF.
    sSQL = Join(s(), vbCRLF)

  18. #18
    Thanks! I didn't realize that was a delimiter and I definitely didn't realize I could use a vbCRLF as a delimiter.

    Works perfectly, you're the best!
    Last edited by bobdole22; 09-03-2013 at 01:11 PM.
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  19. #19
    How about this one:

    sSQL = ""
            'This statement is too long and must be split up below
                ReDim s(1 To 9)
                s(1) = "SELECT tbl_ALLStatus.Status, Sum(Data.PBO) AS SumOfPBO,"
                s(2) = " Sum([PBO]/[ABI]) AS Borrs, Sum([PBO])/Sum([pbo]/[abi]) AS Borr_ABI, Count(Data.BorrowerUniqueID) AS Loans,"
                s(3) = " tbl_ALLStatus.StatusOrder, Sum(IIf([LoanTypeName]='Consolidation,[PBO],0)) AS Cons_PBO,"
                s(4) = " Sum(IIf([LoanTypeName]<>'Consolidation',[PBO],0)) AS NonCons_PBO"
                s(5) = "FROM ((Data LEFT JOIN tbl_ALLStatus ON Data.Status = tbl_ALLStatus.Status) LEFT JOIN tbl_ABI"
                s(6) = " ON Data.BorrowerUniqueID = tbl_ABI.BorrowerUniqueID) LEFT JOIN tbl_ALLLoanTypes ON (Data.LoanType = tbl_ALLLoanTypes.LoanType) AND (Data.LoanProgram = tbl_ALLLoanTypes.LoanProgram)"
                s(7) = "WHERE (((Data.PBO)<>0))"
                s(8) = "GROUP BY tbl_ALLStatus.Status, tbl_ALLStatus.StatusOrder"
                s(9) = "ORDER BY tbl_ALLStatus.StatusOrder;"
                sSQL = Join(s(), vbCrLf)
                'This statement will display qry_Report3
    Getting this Error:

    It's large so I put it in the attachment

    I really need to figure out how this delimiter works because I have to do 10 of these and I'm only on #3.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    "My common sense is tingling!" - Deadpool

  20. #20
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    I don't know your SQL string that works so I would not know. I am guessing the "< >" should be "<>".

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