Hi expert.

I'm newbie in this forum.
I have a powerpoint dashboard display in LCD with several slides. i have 4 cpu with different slides installed. one slide is a word file which is automatically generated by SSRS every 3 minutes. the files is stored in a network shared file. I inserted the word file in powerpoint through insert object-->created from file-->word document.
I used update link to update the slides upon transition using updatelink. so far this is working. i notice when i came in to office in the morning the powerpoint was laready stop and it was in the design view and i check its from 1 am or 2 am. may i know what is the problem why it stop wotking. i already setup the slides.

set up show
--browse at a kiosk
--loop continuously until esc

btw, my powerpoint/Word version is 2010. Right now i'm using update link which i got from skip.mpvs.org. is this working in pp 2010?

Thank you in advance..
