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Thread: Advanced time difference

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Feb 2011

    Question Advanced time difference

    Hi All,

    I am using Access 2010. and in a query I need to calculate the time laps from start to end of a process.
    I know ho to use the datediff function in query (Atime: DateDiff("h",[start time],[end time])) and this is working just great, but I now need to apply some logic to this calculation:

    1. I need to only count the time from 08:00 to 16:00
    2. I can not count any time if it is the weekend so Saturday and Sunday.

    Any help would be appreciated.



  2. #2
    VBAX Contributor
    Oct 2011
    Concord, California
    Create a second query. This query would look at whatever date field is in your data source, and using the DatePart, enter your criteria.
    In your already created query, use the second query as its source.

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Feb 2011
    Hi Mrojas

    Quote Originally Posted by mrojas View Post
    Create a second query. This query would look at whatever date field is in your data source, and using the DatePart, enter your criteria.
    In your already created query, use the second query as its source.
    I am sorry but I am not sure that I understand what you would put in the second query and how you would from that get to find the time without calculating the time from 16:00 to 08:00 + also not the full weekend.

    Would you be able to assist a little more?

  4. #4
    VBAX Regular
    Feb 2011
    Hi Mrojas,

    I was not able to send PM, But I have made a link to the sample database you requested:

    The results are:
    22 hours
    16 hours
    5 hours and 3 minutes

    Thanks for your time.


  5. #5
    VBAX Expert
    Oct 2012
    I haven't tested this much so I've left debug outputs in place for you test yourself.

    The ProcTime function calculates time in seconds.

    Sample debug output...

    *** calculating test1 start = 05/12/2013 07:15:22 end 09/12/2013 15:45:33
    ...from 05/12/2013 08:00:00 to 09/12/2013 15:45:33
    + 28800 secs
    ...from 06/12/2013 08:00:00 to 09/12/2013 15:45:33
    + 28800 secs
    ...not counting Saturday
    ...not counting Sunday
    ...from 09/12/2013 08:00:00 to 09/12/2013 15:45:33
    + 27933 secs
    test1 = 85533 secs

    The ProcTimeAsString function formats the ProcTime value to a string. such as
    test1 = 2 days, 7 hours, 45 mins, 33 secs.

    The functions only require start and end times, but you can pass in a value for ID if you like which can be whatever you like (persons name/employee number) and might be useful for testing/debugging or if you test with more than one record.

    To call from a query use something like :
    Expr1: ProcTimeAsString([starttime],[endtime],[id])

    Public Function ProcTimeAsString(ByVal sTime As Date, ByVal eTime As Date, Optional ByVal id As String) As String
        Const fullday As Integer = 60 * 60 * 8, hr As Integer = 60 * 60, m As Integer = 60
        Dim l As Long, days As Integer, hours As Integer, mins As Integer, t As Integer
        l = ProcTime(sTime, eTime, id)
        t = l Mod fullday
        days = (l - t) / fullday
        l = t
        t = l Mod hr
        hours = (l - t) / hr
        l = t
        t = l Mod m
        mins = (l - t) / m
        l = t
        ProcTimeAsString = days & " days, " & hours & " hours, " & mins & " mins, " & l & " secs."
        Debug.Print id & " = " & ProcTimeAsString
    End Function
    Public Function ProcTime(ByVal sTime As Date, ByVal eTime As Date, Optional ByVal id As String, Optional recurs As Boolean) As Long
        Const TBEGIN As Date = #8:00:00 AM#
        Const TEND As Date = #4:00:00 PM#
        If Not recurs Then
            Debug.Print "*** calculating " & id & " start = " & sTime & " end " & eTime
        End If
        If eTime <= sTime Then
            Debug.Print "!!! Start is after end time !!!"
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Not recurs Then
            'First pass through, check start/end dates
            Select Case Weekday(sTime, vbMonday)
            Case 1 To 5
            Case Else
                Debug.Print "...Start day is a " & WeekdayName(Weekday(sTime, vbMonday), False, vbMonday)
                'set start to the next monday @ TBEGIN
                sTime = DateValue(sTime) + (8 - Weekday(sTime, vbMonday)) + TBEGIN
                If eTime <= sTime Then Exit Function
            End Select
            Select Case Weekday(eTime, vbMonday)
            Case 1 To 5
            Case Else
                Debug.Print "...End day is a " & WeekdayName(Weekday(eTime, vbMonday), False, vbMonday)
                'set end to the previous friday @ TEND
                eTime = DateValue(eTime) + (5 - Weekday(eTime, vbMonday)) + TEND
                If eTime <= sTime Then
                    Debug.Print "Exited - start = " & sTime & " end = " & eTime
                    Exit Function
                End If
            End Select
            'don't process w/e days on subsequent passes
            Select Case Weekday(sTime, vbMonday)
            Case 1 To 5
            Case Else
                Debug.Print "...not counting " & WeekdayName(Weekday(sTime, vbMonday), False, vbMonday)
                ProcTime = ProcTime + ProcTime(sTime + 1, eTime, id, True)
                Exit Function
            End Select
        End If
        'remove time before start
        If TimeValue(sTime) < TBEGIN Then sTime = DateValue(sTime) + TBEGIN
        'calculate hours for one day at a time...
        Dim diff As Date
        Debug.Print "...from " & sTime & " to " & eTime
        If DateValue(sTime) = DateValue(eTime) Then
            'start/end time is in same day
            'remove time after cut off
            If TimeValue(eTime) > TEND Then
                eTime = DateValue(eTime) + TEND
                Debug.Print "   end time set to " & eTime
            End If
            diff = eTime - sTime
            ProcTime = (((Hour(diff) * 60) * 60) + Minute(diff) * 60) + Second(diff)
            If recurs Then Debug.Print "   + " & ProcTime & " secs"
            'start/end times are in different days
            'get time for first day
            diff = (DateValue(sTime) + TEND) - sTime
            ProcTime = (((Hour(diff) * 60) * 60) + Minute(diff) * 60) + Second(diff)
            Debug.Print "   + " & ProcTime & " secs"
            'calculate next day...
            ProcTime = ProcTime + ProcTime(DateValue(sTime) + 1 + TBEGIN, eTime, id, True)
        End If
        If Not recurs Then Debug.Print id & " = " & ProcTime & " secs"
    End Function

  6. #6
    VBAX Regular
    Feb 2011
    Hi Jonh

    Thank you very much for this solution this works perfectly



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