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Thread: Run time error 5????

  1. #1

    Run time error 5????

    I am trying to define a derivative function for solving a system of differential equations, however when I run the actual macro that calls up this sub routine, i keep getting Run-time error 5: Invalid procedure call or argument. This error occurs in the If statement when x is not greater than 1 and Qv is to be calculated using the equation provided. While stepping into to debug, there are values for all of the variables, but it gives me the error and I have no idea why. Can someone help please?

    Sub Derivs(x As Double, y() As Double, dydx() As Double)

    Const g As Double = 32.1740485564
    Const Hr As Double = 100
    Const h0 As Double = 80
    Const fm As Double = 0.024
    Const L As Double = 1500
    Const dp As Double = 2
    Const tc As Double = 5
    Const k As Double = 25.7
    Const Di As Double = 5

    Dim u0 As Double
    Dim Qv As Double
    Dim Qv0 As Double
    Dim hstar As Double

    u0 = ((g * h0 / ((1 / 2) * fm * (L / dp))) * ((Hr / h0) - 1)) ^ (1 / 2)

    Qv0 = (u0 * 3.14 * Di ^ 2) / 4

    hstar = h0 - (Qv0 / k) ^ 2

    If x >= 1 Then
    Qv = 0
    Qv = k * (h0 ^ 0.5) * (1 - x) * (y(1) - hstar / h0) ^ 0.5
    End If

    dydx(0) = ((tc * g * h0) / (L * u0)) * (((Hr / h0) - y(1)) - ((Hr / h0) - 1) * y(0) * Abs(y(0)))

    dydx(1) = ((dp / Di) ^ 2) * (u0 * tc / h0) * y(0) - ((4 * Qv * tc) / (3.14 * h0 * Di ^ 2))

    End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Code tags please (that's the # on the menu and paste between the [ CODE ] and [ /CODE ]

    Without seeing the calling sub, I would take a wild guess and that you're

    a. passing y and dydx as arrays and you don't want to, or
    b. that should be y(0), or
    c. something else

    Option Explicit
    Sub Derivs(x As Double, y() As Double, dydx() As Double)
     Const g As Double = 32.1740485564
     Const Hr As Double = 100
     Const h0 As Double = 80
     Const fm As Double = 0.024
     Const L As Double = 1500
     Const dp As Double = 2
     Const tc As Double = 5
     Const k As Double = 25.7
     Const Di As Double = 5
     Dim u0 As Double
     Dim Qv As Double
     Dim Qv0 As Double
     Dim hstar As Double
     u0 = ((g * h0 / ((1 / 2) * fm * (L / dp))) * ((Hr / h0) - 1)) ^ (1 / 2)
     Qv0 = (u0 * 3.14 * Di ^ 2) / 4
     hstar = h0 - (Qv0 / k) ^ 2
     If x >= 1 Then
         Qv = 0
        Qv = k * (h0 ^ 0.5) * (1 - x) * (y(0) - hstar / h0) ^ 0.5   '   MAYBE y(0)
     End If
     dydx(0) = ((tc * g * h0) / (L * u0)) * (((Hr / h0) - y(1)) - ((Hr / h0) - 1) * y(0) * Abs(y(0)))
     dydx(1) = ((dp / Di) ^ 2) * (u0 * tc / h0) * y(0) - ((4 * Qv * tc) / (3.14 * h0 * Di ^ 2))
     End Sub
    If you put a breakpoint of the line, you can hover the mouse and see which variable is not working as expected

    Otherwise, post the calling code and it'd be easier to assist


  3. #3
    Well the code that calls this sub routine is:

    Sub odeint(ystart() As Double, nvar As Integer, x1 As Double, x2 As Double, eps As Double, h1 As Double, hmin As Double, NOk As Integer, NBad As Integer)

    Const MaxStp As Double = 10000
    Const Tiny As Double = 10 ^ (-30)

    Dim y() As Double
    Dim yscal() As Double
    Dim dydx() As Double
    Dim x As Double
    Dim h As Double
    Dim hdid As Double
    Dim hnext As Double
    Const n As Integer = 2

    NM1 = n - 1

    nvar = 2

    ReDim y(NM1)
    ReDim dydx(NM1)
    ReDim yscal(NM1)

    x = x1
    h = Sgn(x2 - x1) * Abs(h1)
    NOk = 0
    NBad = 0
    kount = -1

    kmax = 500

    ReDim xp(kmax)
    ReDim yp(NM1, kmax)

    dxsav = (x2 - x1) / kmax

    For I = 0 To nvar - 1
    y(I) = ystart(I)

    Next I

    If kmax > 0 Then xsav = x - 2 * dxsav
    For nstp = 1 To MaxStp
    Call Derivs(x, y(), dydx())

    For I = 0 To nvar - 1
    yscal(I) = Abs(y(I)) + Abs(h * dydx(I)) + Tiny
    Next I

    If kmax > 0 Then

    If Abs(x - xsav) > Abs(dxsav) Then

    If kount < kmax - 1 Then
    kount = kount + 1
    xp(kount) = x

    For I = 0 To nvar - 1
    yp(I, kount) = y(I)
    Next I

    xsav = x
    End If
    End If
    End If
    If (x + h - x2) * (x + h - x1) > 0 Then h = x2 - x
    Call rkqs(y(), dydx(), nvar, x, h, eps, yscal(), hdid, hnext)
    If hdid = h Then
    NOk = NOk + 1
    NBad = NBad + 1
    End If

    If (x - x2) * (x2 - x1) >= 0 Then
    For I = 0 To nvar - 1
    ystart(I) = y(I)
    Next I

    If Not kmax = 0 Then
    kount = kount + 1
    xp(kount) = x

    For I = 0 To nvar - 1
    yp(I, kount) = y(I)
    Next I
    End If
    Exit Sub
    End If

    If Abs(hnext) < hmin Then MsgBox "Stepsize smaller than minimum in odeint!", vbExclamation

    h = hnext
    Next nstp

    MsgBox "Too many steps in odeint", vbExclamation

    End Sub

    Which calls this sub routine:

    Sub rkqs(y() As Double, dydx() As Double, n As Integer, x As Double, htry As Double, eps As Double, yscal() As Double, hdid As Double, hnext As Double)

    NM1 = n - 1

    Dim ytemp() As Double
    Dim yerr() As Double
    Dim h As Double
    Const Tiny As Double = 10 ^ (-30)

    ReDim ytemp(NM1)
    ReDim yerr(NM1)

    Const Safety As Double = 0.9
    Const PGrow As Double = -0.2
    Const PShrink As Double = -0.25
    Const ErrCon As Double = (5# / Safety) ^ (1# / PGrow)

    h = htry
    Call rkck(y(), dydx(), n, x, h, ytemp(), yerr())

    ErrMax = 0

    For I = 0 To NM1
    yscal(I) = Abs(y(I)) + Abs(h * dydx(I)) + Tiny
    Next I

    For I = 0 To n - 1
    If Abs(yerr(I) / yscal(I)) > ErrMax Then ErrMax = Abs(yerr(I) / yscal(I))
    Next I

    ErrMax = ErrMax / eps

    If ErrMax > 1 Then
    dummy = h
    h = Safety * h * (ErrMax ^ PShrink)

    If h < 0.1 * dummy Then
    h = 0.1 * dummy
    End If

    xNew = x + h

    If xNew = x Then MsgBox "Stepsize underflow in rkqsl", vbExclamation
    ContLoop = True

    If ErrMax > ErrCon Then
    hnext = Safety * h * (ErrMax ^ PGrow)
    hnext = 5 * h
    End If

    hdid = h

    x = x + h

    For I = 0 To n - 1
    y(I) = ytemp(I)
    Next I

    ContLoop = False
    End If

    Loop While ContLoop

    End Sub
    which then calls this subroutine:

    Sub rkck(y() As Double, dydx() As Double, n As Integer, x As Double, h As Double, yout() As Double, yerr() As Double)

    Dim NM1 As Integer
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim ak2() As Double
    Dim ak3() As Double
    Dim ak4() As Double
    Dim ak5() As Double
    Dim ak6() As Double
    Dim ytemp() As Double

    NM1 = n - 1

    ReDim ak2(NM1)
    ReDim ak3(NM1)
    ReDim ak4(NM1)
    ReDim ak5(NM1)
    ReDim ak6(NM1)
    ReDim ytemp(NM1)

    Const A2 As Double = 1# / 5#
    Const A3 As Double = 3# / 10#
    Const A4 As Double = 3# / 5#
    Const A5 As Double = 1#
    Const A6 As Double = 7# / 8#

    Const B21 As Double = 1# / 5#
    Const B31 As Double = 3# / 40#
    Const B32 As Double = 9# / 40#
    Const B41 As Double = 3# / 10#
    Const B42 As Double = -9# / 10#
    Const B43 As Double = 6# / 5#
    Const B51 As Double = -11# / 54#
    Const B52 As Double = 5# / 2#
    Const B53 As Double = -70# / 27#
    Const B54 As Double = 35# / 27#
    Const B61 As Double = 1631# / 55296#
    Const B62 As Double = 175# / 512#
    Const B63 As Double = 575# / 13824#
    Const B64 As Double = 44275# / 110592#
    Const B65 As Double = 253# / 4096#

    Const C1 As Double = 37# / 378#
    Const C3 As Double = 250# / 621#
    Const C4 As Double = 125# / 594#
    Const C6 As Double = 512# / 1771#

    Const DC1 As Double = C1 - 2825# / 27648#
    Const DC3 As Double = C3 - 18575# / 48384#
    Const DC4 As Double = C4 - 13525# / 55296#
    Const DC5 As Double = -277# / 14336#
    Const DC6 As Double = C6 - 1# / 4#

    'First Step
    For I = 0 To n - 1
    ytemp(I) = y(I) + B21 * h * dydx(I)
    Next I

    'Second Step
    Call Derivs(x + A2 * h, ytemp(), ak2())

    For I = 0 To n - 1
    ytemp(I) = y(I) + h * (B31 * dydx(I) + B32 * ak2(I))
    Next I

    'Third Step
    Call Derivs(x + A3 * h, ytemp(), ak3())

    For I = 0 To n - 1
    ytemp(I) = y(I) + h * (B41 * dydx(I) + B42 * ak2(I) + B43 * ak3(I))
    Next I

    'Fourth Step
    Call Derivs(x + A4 * h, ytemp(), ak4())

    For I = 0 To n - 1
    ytemp(I) = y(I) + h * (B51 * dydx(I) + B52 * ak2(I) + B53 * ak3(I) + B54 * ak4(I))
    Next I

    'Fifth Step
    Call Derivs(x + A5 * h, ytemp(), ak5())

    For I = 0 To n - 1
    ytemp(I) = y(I) + h * (B61 * dydx(I) + B62 * ak2(I) + B63 * ak3(I) + B64 * ak4(I) + B65 * ak5(I))
    Next I

    'Sixth Step
    Call Derivs(x + A6 * h, ytemp(), ak6())

    For I = 0 To n - 1
    yout(I) = y(I) + h * (C1 * dydx(I) + C3 * ak3(I) + C4 * ak4(I) + C6 * ak6(I))
    Next I

    For I = 0 To n - 1
    yerr(I) = h * (DC1 * dydx(I) + DC3 * ak3(I) + DC4 * ak4(I) + DC5 * ak5(I) + DC6 * ak6(I))
    Next I

    End Sub

    It's the Runge Kutta method.

  4. #4
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    possibly something in the data?

    I did simple driver oprogram and changes the 'x' values and had no run time errors

    Option Explicit
    Sub drv()
        Dim y() As Double, dydx() As Double
        ReDim y(1)
        ReDim dydx(1)
        y(0) = 12.3
        y(1) = 23.4
        Call Derivs(0, y, dydx)
        MsgBox dydx(0)
        MsgBox dydx(1)
    End Sub
    Sub Derivs(x As Double, y() As Double, dydx() As Double)
        Const g As Double = 32.1740485564
        Const Hr As Double = 100
        Const h0 As Double = 80
        Const fm As Double = 0.024
        Const L As Double = 1500
        Const dp As Double = 2
        Const tc As Double = 5
        Const k As Double = 25.7
        Const Di As Double = 5
        Dim u0 As Double
        Dim Qv As Double
        Dim Qv0 As Double
        Dim hstar As Double
        u0 = ((g * h0 / ((1 / 2) * fm * (L / dp))) * ((Hr / h0) - 1)) ^ (1 / 2)
        Qv0 = (u0 * 3.14 * Di ^ 2) / 4
        hstar = h0 - (Qv0 / k) ^ 2
        If x >= 1 Then
            Qv = 0
            Qv = k * (h0 ^ 0.5) * (1 - x) * (y(1) - hstar / h0) ^ 0.5
        End If
        dydx(0) = ((tc * g * h0) / (L * u0)) * (((Hr / h0) - y(1)) - ((Hr / h0) - 1) * y(0) * Abs(y(0)))
        dydx(1) = ((dp / Di) ^ 2) * (u0 * tc / h0) * y(0) - ((4 * Qv * tc) / (3.14 * h0 * Di ^ 2))
    End Sub


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