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Thread: Finding out missing records from insert statement

  1. #1

    Finding out missing records from insert statement

    I need miising records from the records that are inserted into Database.
    My VBA excel is uploading one excel.
    The code follows here..

    Set wbkB = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=path)
    Set varSheetB = wbkB.Worksheets(sheetname).Range(strRangeToCheck)

    'here iam getting no of rows that are read in the file being uploaded
    Rows = LastRow(wbkB.Worksheets(sheetName).Range(strRangeToCheck))

    Msgbox " no of rows " rows-1. 'here iam taking off my file header in the count

    Dim wbkB As workbook
    Dim varsheet As variant
    Dim queryB As String
    Dim x As Long

    Set wbkB = Workbooks.Open (Filename:=path)
    Set varsheetB=wbkB.worksheets (sheetName)

    Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set cn= New ADODB.Connection
    Set rs= New ADODB.Connection
    Dim cmdSQL As ADODB.Command
    Set cmdSQL = NEW ADODB.Command

    cn.Open GetDBConnection_Source 'this is for my database connection
    Here iam not mentioning my DB

    Set cmdSQL.ActiveConnection =cn
    'my selected file is XYZ

    If filetype = "XYZ"

    'Here my code is inserting XYZ file into database.

    Dim Query As string

    For x = 2 to rows

    Query = " insert INTO Myfile_DB ((select CASE when max(my_id)+1 is NULL from myfile_DB.tbl,"_
    & "(case when ( ' " & Replace(varSheetB.Range("A" & x).Value, " ' " , " ' " ) & " ' ) = ' ' THEN NULL ELSE ' " & Replace ( varsheetB.Range("A" & x).value, " ' ", " ' ") & " ' end),"_

    'And here my code follows for rest of all..

    cmdSQL.CommandText = query
    cmdSQL.commandTimeout = 0
    Debug.Print query
    Set rs = cmdSQL. Execute()
    Rows= rows+1
    Next X
    'Here I am getting no of records that are inserted into my DB from rows.

    After inserting records into my DB,if any records are not inserted,those missing records need to be
    in a separate sheet...

    And iam checking my ranges from strRangeToCheck, and strRangeToCheckA
    If Activesheet.ComboBox.Text = "XYZ"
    sheetname =" abc"
    strRangeToCheck = "A1:AW1"
    strRangeToCheckA = "A1:AW1"

    I have coloumns from range A1 to AW1 in outside file xyz..Those have data.
    So i taken those column names in my VBA excel in a separate sheet . Written column names with my sheet A1 to AW1.
    Here iam comaring with my sheet columns with outside uploading file column names range A1:AW1.

    Totally i need missing records after insertion to database in a new sheet.

  2. #2
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    Can you please add code tags ?

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