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Thread: Saving Symbols as a variable

  1. #1

    Saving Symbols as a variable

    Hello everyone and thank you in advance for any advice.

    I have written a macro that renames each sheet in a workbook from a specific cell. Each sheet eventually becomes the number of the account contained in that sheet.

    The problem I am having is that I want a user to be able to remove any symbols from the account name. Sometimes it will be wrapped in "quotes" other times in (parenthesis) sometimes with a #hashtag before the number. So I added an inputbox and ask for for the symbol to remove. However whenever I run the macro it never replaces said symbol. I tried every different declaration for the variable I can think of. Code below

    Sub WorksheetLoop()
            Dim SName As String
            Dim WS_Count As Integer
            Dim I As Integer
            Dim CellRange As String
            Dim NRight As Integer
            Dim Symbol1 As String
            Dim Symbol2 As String
                'ask for cell range
                CellRange = InputBox("Input the cell that contains the label", "Enter Cell Range", "A3")
                'ask for Number of Char to include
                NRight = InputBox("Input the number of characters that you want to capture to the right including spaces", "Enter characters to capture", "7")
                'What symbols to exclude - Default is a space
                Symbol1 = InputBox("Input any symbol to exclude, if none leave blank", "Excluded symbol", " ")
                Symbol2 = InputBox("Input a second symbol to exclude, if none leave blank", "Excluded symbol 2", " ")
                WS_Count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
             'Begin the loop.
             For I = 1 To WS_Count
                SName = Sheets(I).Range(CellRange).Value
                SName = Right(SName, NRight)
                SName = Replace(SName, "Symbol1", " ")            
                SName = Replace(SName, "Symbol2", " ")
                'Replaces each symbol below in the string *until I figure out how to set a symbol as a string
                'SName = Replace(SName, ")", " ")
                'SName = Replace(SName, "(", " ")
                'SName = Replace(SName, ">", " ")
                'SName = Replace(SName, "<", " ")
                'SName = Replace(SName, "#", " ")
                'SName = Replace(SName, "$", " ")
                'SName = Replace(SName, "%", " ")
                'SName = Replace(SName, "&", " ")
                SName = Trim(SName)
                Sheets(I).Name = "Temp"
                Sheets(I).Name = SName
            Next I
          End Sub
    For now I have come up with the above (commented out) workaround by including all symbols I think would be replaced.

  2. #2
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States

    A real quick look at

    SName = Replace(SName, "Symbol1", " ") 
     SName = Replace(SName, "Symbol2", " ")
    seems to be that you are literally replacing the string Symbol1 with a space

    You probably intended to replace the value of the variable Symbol1 with a space

    SName = Replace(SName, Symbol1, " ") 
    SName = Replace(SName, Symbol2, " ")
    Delete the quotes around Symbol1 and Symbol2 and see if that works


  3. #3
    an alternative, would be to allow the user to enter as many symbols as required in the inputbox, then remove all

        Symbol = InputBox("Input all symbol to exclude, if none leave blank", "Excluded symbol", " ") 
        WS_Count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count 
         'Begin the loop.
        For I = 1 To WS_Count 
            SName = Sheets(I).Range(CellRange).Value 
            SName = Right(SName, NRight) 
            for mychar = 1 to len(symbol)
               sname = replace(sname, mid(symbol, mychar, 1), "")
            SName = Trim(SName) 
            Sheets(I).Name = "Temp" 
            Sheets(I).Name = SName 
        Next I

  4. #4
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    Sub M_snb()
        For j = 1 To 255
          If j < 31 Or j > 122 Then c00 = c00 & IIf(j Mod 12 = 0, vbLf, vbTab) & j & vbTab & Chr(j)
        Cells.Replace InputBox(c00, "Enter character number"), ""
    End Sub

  5. #5
    Wow Guys. Thank you so much.

    Paul thank you for the quick fix, you solved my particular problem.

    To Westconn1 and snb thanks for the suggestions. I will implement one of them today.

    Thank you for the warm welcome to the forum.
    You guys rock!

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