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Thread: Closing Excel when UserForm closed (only if not an admin)

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Feb 2014

    Closing Excel when UserForm closed (only if not an admin)


    I have an excel document setup for a user to input information into, when the user opens the document, a userform covers the excel document (this is where the information is to be submitted) when the user is finished with said document this person will close the userform, on this happening the userform is to close the document as well.

    while this has been acheived, i want it to have a fail safe, so incase i need to edit or view the information stored inside of the document, i want to have a key press tell the program that the user is either an admin or not when closing the userform, if they are an admin the userform closes and the document stays open for editing, if not then it all closes.

    Thanks for any help!

    This is what i have come up with so far, it seems to just close everything no matter what i pressed... so i removed the Application.Quit function to keep my document from being in an endless loop.

    Dim Admin As Integer

    Private Sub UserForm_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
    Application.OnKey "~", "Admin = 1"
    End Sub

    Private Sub userform_terminate()
    If Admin > 0 Then
    MsgBox "Welcome Admin"
    MsgBox "You are not Worthy"
    End If
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Perhaps make use of

    This will return the username of the user.

    You could say something like:

    If Application.username = "YOUR NAME" Then 
    'Continue doing whatever,
    Application.Username <> "YOUR NAME" Then
    Msgbox "You are not worthy"
    End if
    Something along the lines of that.

  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Feb 2014
    I'm not using users in this application, just 1 key press to enable or disable the worthy or not function.

    Does the keypress function test actively while a user form is open? when i press any key it seems to affect the textbox's and not the userform... I added a message box after the function to set admin to 1 to see if it would send me a message when i pressed caps lock and it did nothing....

    Private Sub UserForm_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
    Application.OnKey "{CAPSLOCK}", Admin = 1
    MsgBox "Hello"
    End Sub

    not sure what I am doing wrong...

  4. #4
    VBAX Newbie
    Feb 2014
    I fixed the issue with the onkey not responding but the value for Admin won't change to "1" no matter how many times I press "A"
    It seems to return the message "No" every time.

    Private Sub Submit_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
    Application.OnKey ("A"), Admin = 1
    If Admin = 1 Then
    MsgBox "Hello"
    End If
    If Admin = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No"
    End If
    End Sub

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Jul 2013

    Use the break debugging function (F9 key in your code) or you can use msgbox admin as well to see what is in it and it will help a lot to debug in VBA. In your case the variable admin was returning empty

    Now about your code, the application.OnKey second argument is to call/run a function that's why it's not assigning 1 to admin since it's not a function

    The Keypress method is already trapping the Keys pressed so you don't have to repeat the trapping by using application.onkey

    try this:

    Private Sub Userform_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
    Dim admin As Integer
        If KeyAscii = 97 Then admin = 1
        If admin = 1 Then
            MsgBox "Hello"
        End If
        If admin = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No"
        End If
    End Sub
    You will have to use the ascii table to use this efficiently

    Hope it helped!

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