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Thread: shapes count in a section

  1. #1
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2011

    shapes count in a section

    I am trying to figure out how to process properly the Shapes (textboxes) that I have in a given section...
    What I want to achieve in the code below is to go into each Shape (textbox) of each header* within the same section and process it (highlight tags).
    What actually happens is that the code will not stop there and will process all shapes (even in the footer) before going to the next header and section.
    What am I doing wrong here? It looks like I don't "limit" the execution to the textbox I am working on...

    * I know (from another post) that textboxes within headers is an abomination for some of you. I don't want to argue again about it, it only is a fact that I have documents (i.e. converted from PDF) which do have textboxes in headers...

    Dim oSection as Range
    Dim oHF as Range
    Dim Shp as Shape
    Dim oOpenTag as Range
    Dim oExtraTag as Range
    For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections
                For Each oHF In oSection.Headers
                    With oHF
                        If .LinkToPrevious = False Or oSection.Index = 1 Then 'Header not linked to the previous one
                            For Each Shp In oHF.Shapes 'Pour chaque boîte trouvée
                                If Shp.TextFrame.HasText Then the Shape is a textbox
                                    Set oOpenTag = Shp.TextFrame.TextRange 'Whole box
                                    Set oExtraTag = oOpenTag.Duplicate 'Duplicating oTextRng
                                    While InStr(oExtraTag.Text, strOTag) > 0 'Extra opening tag found in oExtraTag. Highlighting tags
                                        With oExtraTag.Find
                                            .Text = strOTag 'opening tag
                                            If .Execute Then 'Find opening tag. oExtraTag is therefore the extra opening tag
                                                oExtraTag.HighlightColorIndex = wdRed 'Highlight opening tag
                                                Set oOpenTag = Shp.TextFrame.TextRange 'Whole box
                                                oOpenTag.Start = oExtraTag.End 'Starting position of oTextRng is now the end of Opening tag
                                                Set oExtraTag = oOpenTag.Duplicate 'Duplicating oTextRng
                                            End If
                                        End With
                                End If
                            Next Shp
                        End If
                    End With
                Next oHF
            Next oSection

  2. #2
    Microsoft Word MVP 2003-2009 VBAX Guru gmaxey's Avatar
    Sep 2005

    You are about to discover the "ShapeRange"

    Sub Demonstration()
    Dim oShape As Word.Shape
    Dim oHdrPri As HeaderFooter
    Dim oHdrEven As HeaderFooter
    Set oHdrPri = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary)
    Set oHdrEven = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterEvenPages)
    'Confirm there are no shapes in the shapes collection
    MsgBox oHdrPri.Shapes.Count
    MsgBox oHdrEven.Shapes.Count
    'Add a shape to the primary header
    Set oShape = oHdrPri.Shapes.AddShape(6, 3, 3, 15, 15)
    oShape.Name = "Octagon"
    'A shape is physically there (visible in the document) and included in the collection
    MsgBox oHdrPri.Shapes.Count
    'Now notice that while there is no apparent shape, the shape is still included in the collection
    MsgBox oHdrEven.Shapes.Count
    'Since the shape is in the collection you can act on it.
    'Put it back
    'Since the shape is "not" physically there.  It is not in the ShapeRange
    On Error Resume Next
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      MsgBox Err.Description
    End If
    'Since it "is" in the oHdrPri ShapeRange then either works:
    End Sub
    Sub ScratchMacro()
    'A basic Word macro coded by Greg Maxey
    Dim oSection As Section 'Range - How did "Range" compile in the code you posted?
    Dim oHF As HeaderFooter 'Range - How did "Range" compile in the code you posted?
    Dim Shp As Shape
    Dim oOpenTag As Range
    Dim oExtraTag As Range
    Dim strOTag As String 'Not declared.
    strOTag = "##"
      For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections
        For Each oHF In oSection.Headers
          With oHF
              If .LinkToPrevious = False Or oSection.Index = 1 Then 'Header not linked to the previous one
                For Each Shp In oHF.Range.ShapeRange 'There is a big difference between .Range.Shapes.Count and .ShapeRange
                  If Shp.Type = msoTextBox Then 'If Shp.TextFrame.HasText Then the Shape Is a textbox (***not always true)
                    Set oOpenTag = Shp.TextFrame.TextRange 'Whole box
                    Set oExtraTag = oOpenTag.Duplicate 'Duplicating oTextRng
                    While InStr(oExtraTag.Text, strOTag) > 0 'Extra opening tag found in oExtraTag. Highlighting tags
                      With oExtraTag.Find
                        .Text = strOTag 'opening tag
                        If .Execute Then 'Find opening tag. oExtraTag is therefore the extra opening tag
                          oExtraTag.HighlightColorIndex = wdRed 'Highlight opening tag
                          Set oOpenTag = Shp.TextFrame.TextRange 'Whole box
                          oOpenTag.Start = oExtraTag.End 'Starting position of oTextRng is now the end of Opening tag
                          Set oExtraTag = oOpenTag.Duplicate 'Duplicating oTextRng
                        End If
                      End With
                  End If
                Next Shp
              End If
          End With
        Next oHF
      Next oSection
      Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Visit my website:

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2011
    argh, I was so close from finding it! I had actually seen the ShapeRange, but I had not figured out how to use it in my code... I feel like I just lost the gold medal at the Olympics.

    As for your comment "If Shp.TextFrame.HasText Then the Shape Is a textbox (***not always true)", I know indeed that there is another point to consider, i.e. if the box is only a shape that contains other textboxes... Don't ask. Yes, I also have messy documents with those (converted from some weird format. The layout is a nightmare). For those, I am playing with the line "If Shp.CanvasItems.Item(j).Type = msoTextBox Then"... I am not there yet in my code.

    Thanks gmaxey, I will check your code a bit later, but from what I can tell, you got exactly what I need! I also hope you're glad I didn't have any "Selection" in my code!

  4. #4
    Microsoft Word MVP 2003-2009 VBAX Guru gmaxey's Avatar
    Sep 2005
    I'm simply in raptures! Glad I could help.

    Visit my website:

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2011


    Greg, I have a few questions:

    1) Based on the loop you suggested, I see the line

    if Shp.Type = msoTextBox Then
    but I wonder if the following line would do the same, or means something else:

    If Shp.TextFrame.HasText  Then
    If they don't do the same, I could use both within the same test...

    2) Also, with using the line

    For Each Shp In oHF.Range.ShapeRange
    if one shape is not a text box, but contains other text boxes, would it required to add code to go into this shape and within each text box inside, or would the main loop do the job by itself?
    I was using the following lines when I was working with Selections, and the code seemed to work:

    If Shp.TextFrame.HasText  Then
         For j = 1 To Shp.CanvasItems.Count
              If Shp.CanvasItems.Item(j).Type = msoTextBox Then
    Should I use it again or not?

    3) With the part that processes the headers in general, I noticed some weird behaviour using the code

    For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections
              For Each oHF In oSection.Headers
                With oHF
                    If .LinkToPrevious = False Or oSection.Index = 1 Then
    Sometimes, one range is empty, so the code is going in the "blabla" section for nothing. So I thought I could test the range using

    If oHF.Range <> "" then
    but even though the range is empty, this test would fail. I then noticed that the range actually has one space, so I changed the test to

    If oHF.Range <> " " then
    same issue again. I then thought this would work:

    If oHF.Range.Text <> "" And oHF.Range <> " " then
    Naaaa... This one?

    If len(oHF.Range) >1 then
    but halas...
    That's when I thought of using a string:

    strHeaderText = oHF.Range
    If Len(strHeaderText) > 1 Then
    And this test works and gives me the expected result.
    Now, why did the other tests fail, though their results were actually meeting the test conditions?

  6. #6
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru macropod's Avatar
    Jul 2008
    Using 'If Shp.Type = msoTextBox Then ' is not the same as using 'If Shp.TextFrame.HasText Then' for the simple reason that shapes other than textboxes can have text. A simple example is WordArt.

    As for the HdFt content testing, you could use 'If len(Trim(oHF.Range.Text)) >1 Then'.
    Paul Edstein
    [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

  7. #7
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2011
    Thanks macropod!
    Regarding my first question, I will them use both tests in the same loop, to avoid missing some cases.
    As for your test, it is indeed another option, but I actually wondered why all the tests I tried failed to trigger the if loop, even though their conditions were met. What did I do wrong in those tests? I assume this is my mistake, and not a bug. I guess that there is something I did not understand why Ranges yet, but what is it? That's my question!

  8. #8
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru macropod's Avatar
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by glencoe View Post
    I actually wondered why all the tests I tried failed to trigger the if loop, even though their conditions were met.
    Well, their conditions probably were not met, actually. Consider 'If oHF.Range <> " " Then' and 'If oHF.Range.Text <> "" And oHF.Range <> " " Then'. These both ignore the paragraph break that's part of the range's text, so the test will always fail. As for 'If len(oHF.Range) >1 Then', the range length is a minimum of one character (the paragraph break) so any content other than a shape will cause it to return 'True' - but it fails to test shaperanges, whose anchors have no length.
    Paul Edstein
    [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

  9. #9
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2011
    Your explanation is certainly very useful to know! Thanks macropod!

    I still need some hint on my question 2:

    Is there any use to code this:

    If Shp.TextFrame.HasText Or Shp.Type = msoTextBox Then
         For j = 1 To Shp.CanvasItems.Count 
              If Shp.CanvasItems.Item(j).Type = msoTextBox Then

  10. #10
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru macropod's Avatar
    Jul 2008
    Since you're already testing each shape, I don't see any benefit of going through grouped shapes separately. Besides, do you have any reason to believe some shapes have been grouped?
    Paul Edstein
    [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

  11. #11
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2011
    Well, let me ask the question the other way: if I only keep the first part (If Shp.TextFrame.HasText Or Shp.Type = msoTextBox Then), would it also work in grouped shapes? Indeed, shapes may happen to be grouped, I have no control on this. So I need to make sure the loop is processing them as well. If you tell me that the code below is enough to cover all cases, I don't need to do anything else...

    For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections 
            For Each oHF In oSection.Headers 
                With oHF 
                    If .LinkToPrevious = False Or oSection.Index = 1 Then 'Header not linked to the previous one
                        For Each Shp In oHF.Range.ShapeRange 'There is a big difference between .Range.Shapes.Count and .ShapeRange
                            If Shp.Type = msoTextBox Or Shp.TextFrame.HasText Then

  12. #12
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru macropod's Avatar
    Jul 2008
    In that case, you would need something like:
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    With ActiveDocument
      For i = .Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
        With .Shapes(i)
          If .TextFrame.HasText Then
            MsgBox .TextFrame.TextRange.Text
          ElseIf .Type = msoGroup Then
            For j = .GroupItems.Count To 1 Step -1
              If .GroupItems(j).TextFrame.HasText Then
                MsgBox .TextFrame.TextRange.Text
              End If
          End If
        End With
    End With
    Note: I've run the loops backwards and used indices to allow for the possibility that one might want to extract the content then delete the shapes.
    Paul Edstein
    [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

  13. #13
    VBAX Regular
    Nov 2011
    yeah, that's a clever way to do it! Thanks macropod! :-)

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