
I have created a userform in vba excel data entry to do transaction and distributed to different user or lines. they have the same data structure the difference is the work center using the userform. Once the users have done all the data entry the admin will consolidate all those data and copy to a master workbook. the master workbook have a userform that will use by admin user to update the transaction enter by different user/lines. May i ask you help on how to make this in excel macro to consolidate all those data into one master table.

1. Open the excel workbook table where the user enter the trasanction using userform
2. collate and consolidate the data that came from workbook.sheets("TransactionDB") and copy to master table workbook.
( master workbook has a userform with button to update individual user).

Btw, upon searching from the neth, vba excel cannot be use by multiple user thast's why i came up this solution to consolidate all those transaction and copy to a separate workbook.

Thank you in advance.
