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Thread: Running SQL Del statement in VBA but have to get Delete response first

  1. #1

    Running SQL Del statement in VBA but have to get Delete response first


    I'm running a sql statement code below in VBA and it works perfectly fine and deletes the record from the table but:
    1. It only runs when I select yes after being prompted if I'm sure to delete the record. I need to do an if statement that takes the response of the button selected (yes or no) and if Yes run the sql statement otherwise cancel the action because if I select No when prompted it will give an error.

    Dim DelIdRcd As Integer
    DelIdRcd = Me.DirectorshipExperienceID.Value
    Dim QryDel As String
    QryDel = "Delete * From BoardMemberPositions where DirectorshipExperienceID = " & DelIdRcd
    DoCmd.RunSQL (QryDel)

    2. After it deletes the record, The word #DELETE appears in all the fields, although I can create a new record and than save and close the form down and open it again and the #DELETE record will be gone..... so logically it work but it's untidy and I would prefer to have all the cells cleared after deleting

    I tried doing:

    If Me.AfterDelConfirm Then
    DelIdRcd = Me.DirectorshipExperienceID.Value
    Dim QryDel As String
    QryDel = "Delete * From BoardMemberPositions where DirectorshipExperienceID = " & DelIdRcd
    DoCmd.RunSQL (QryDel)
    End If

    But that doesn't work

    Thanks in advance for any help - much appreciated

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert
    Oct 2012
    if msgbox("delete?",vbquestion + vbyesno) = vbyes then 
     currentdb.execute QryDel
    end sub

  3. #3
    Thanks Jonh - that works perfectly, but the only problem is I have to click somewhere else on the form for it to work, if I've only just entered the details in and click on delete it won't work.

    Thanks very much for your help

  4. #4
    VBAX Expert
    Oct 2012
    For new records there's nothing to delete so undo instead.

    if msgbox(blah blah) = vbyes then if me.newrecord then me.undo else currentdb.execute sql

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