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Thread: Need a macros that read a range of cells, determine low value, then do something else

  1. #1

    Question Need a macros that read a range of cells, determine low value, then do something else

    Hi to everyone.

    I need help with this:

    I have an excel with four pages (page1,pageB,pageC and pageD), the last 3 pages are empty, and the firstone has this:

    A B C D
    1 5 3šoption 1šoption 2šoption
    2 4 2šoption 3šoption 1šoption
    3 3 1šoption 3šoption 2šoption
    4 2 1šoption 2šoption 3šoption
    5 1 2šoption 1šoption 3šoption

    I need this: A VBA code that read the cells from b1 to d1 (completes all the code and then from b2 to d2 and then from b3 to d3 and so on), and determine wich one has the lowest option(1šoption is the lowest, and 3šoption is the highest) and based on which column is the 1šoption, copy the readed row or cells(b1 to d1) and paste it into the page wich has the name of where is the 1option, in the case of the first row, it will be in pageC.

    But wait a minute, the number of rows that can be copied within each page is limited. (for example in PageB = 1, PageC = 2 and in PageD = 2)

    So it has to do this:

    It start from the first row, read cells b1,c1,d1 and determines wich has the lowest option (1šoption) so in this case, the 1šoption is on the column C, so then it copy the row, and past it on PageC. Remember that the max number of rows to be copied into the pages, are limited, so in this case, PageC=2, then now, is = 1.

    Ok lest move on, now goes to the second row, and reads b2,c2,d2, make the same as the first row, determines wich and where is the lowest option, in this case is on the column D, so then it copy the row, and past it on PageD. PageD=2, then now is = 1.

    Now, goes to the third row, and reads b3,c3,d3, determines wich and where is the lowest option, in this case is on the column B, so then it copy the row, and past it on PageB. PageB=1, then now is = 0. Now, here the limit is full, lets see what happend in the next row.

    Now, goes to the fourth row, and reads b4,c4,d4, determines wich and where is the lowest option, in this case is on the column B, but remember that the limit of rows in PageB is full, so it cant be copied into that page, so here goes from low to high, let me explain: The PaceB is full, the row4 cant be copied into her first option (1šoption) so going from low from high, the next should be the second option (2šoption) so now, the second option of the row 4 is on the column C, and in PageC, the original limit was 2, but we allready copied the row 1 in there, so there still one space on PageC. So the row 4 goes to PageC, and now PageC has fulled his limit. PageC original limit=2, but we copied the first and the fourth rows in there.

    Now move on to the last row.

    Now, goes to the fifth row, and reads b5,c5,d5, determines wich and where is the lowest option, in this case is on the column C, but PageC limit is full, so its takes his second option (2šoption) wich is under the B column, but the PageB limit is also full, so it has to take his third option (3šoption) wich is under the D column. Now, the origianl PageD limit was = 2, but we already copied one row there, the secondone, so it change the limit from 2 to 1. So there still 1 space to copy the fifth row there, so the fifth row will be copied into the PageD.

    So the final reult, should look like this:

    On pageB is this:
    Row 3

    On pageC is this:
    Row 1
    Row 4

    On pageD is this:
    Row 2
    Row 5

    I have the following code, but it doest do what i need, but maybe someone can modify it.

    Here is the code:

    Sub copiar()
        Dim PageB, PageC, PageD As Integer
        Dim contador As Integer
        contador = 1
        PageB= 0
        PageC= 0
        PageD= 0
        Do While contador <= 5
            Select Case Range("B" & contador + 1).Value
                Case "1šoption"
                    If PageB < 1 Then
                        Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Select
                        Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Copy
                        Range("A" & PageB+ 1).Select
                        PageB= PageB + 1
                        If PageC < 2 Then
                            Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Select
                            Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Copy
                            Range("A" & PageC + 1).Select
                            PageC = PageC + 1
                            If PageC < 2 Then
                                Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Select
                                Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Copy
                                Range("A" & PageC + 1).Select
                                PageC = PageC + 1
                                MsgBox "The limit is full"
                                Exit Do
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                Case "2šoption"
                    If PageC < 2 Then
                        Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Select
                        Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Copy
                        Sheets("PageC ").Select
                        Range("A" & PageC + 1).Select
                        PageC = PageC + 1
                        If PageB < 1 Then
                            Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Select
                            Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Copy
                            Sheets("PageB ").Select
                            Range("A" & PageB + 1).Select
                            PageB = PageB + 1
                            If PageD < 2 Then
                                Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Select
                                Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Copy
                                Sheets("PageD ").Select
                                Range("A" & PageD + 1).Select
                                PageD = PageD + 1
                                MsgBox "The limit is full"
                                Exit Do
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                Case "3šoption"
                    If PageD < 2 Then
                        Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Select
                        Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Copy
                        Sheets("PageD ").Select
                        Range("A" & PageD + 1).Select
                        PageD = PageD + 1
                        If PageB < 1 Then
                            Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Select
                            Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Copy
                            Sheets("PageB ").Select
                            Range("A" & PageB + 1).Select
                            PageB = PageB + 1
                            If PageC < 2 Then
                                Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Select
                                Range("B" & contador + 1 & ":D" & contador + 1).Copy
                                Sheets("PageC ").Select
                                Range("A" & PageC + 1).Select
                                PageC = PageC + 1
                                MsgBox "The limit is full"
                                Exit Do
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
            End Select
            contador = contador + 1
    End Sub

  2. #2
    VBAX Mentor
    Jul 2012
    can you attach a sample file with data and desired result ?

  3. #3
    VBAX Regular HaHoBe's Avatar
    Aug 2004
    Hi, lautaroml,

    maybe have a try with this code:
    Sub VBA_Ex_49627()
    Dim lngCounter As Long
    Dim lngTarget As Long
    Dim wsData As Worksheet
    Dim wsTarg As Worksheet
    Dim lngCol As Long
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim lngTemp As Long
    Set wsData = Sheets("Page1")
    For lngCounter = 1 To wsData.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
      lngTemp = Columns.Count
      lngCol = 0
      For Each rngCell In wsData.Range("B" & lngCounter & ":D" & lngCounter)
        If Val(rngCell) < lngTemp Then
          lngTemp = Val(rngCell)
          lngCol = rngCell.Column
        End If
      Next rngCell
      With Sheets("Page" & Chr(64 + lngCol))
        lngTarget = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        If .Range("A1").Value = "" Then lngTarget = 1
        .Range("A" & lngTarget).Resize(1, 4).Value = wsData.Range("A" & lngCounter).Resize(1, 4).Value
      End With
    Next lngCounter
    End Sub
    You would need to explain about the limitations of the copying as I havenīt realized how that may work.


  4. #4
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard p45cal's Avatar
    Oct 2005
    Surrey UK
    …or this one
    Sub blah()
    Set DestSheets = Sheets(Array("pageB", "pageC", "pageD"))
    Limits = Array("", 1, 2, 2)
    DestnRow = Array("", 1, 1, 1)
    For Each rw In Sheets("page1").Range("B1:D5").Rows
     v = Application.Index(rw.Value, 1, 0)
      If v(1) > v(2) Then temp = v(2): v(2) = v(1): v(1) = temp
      If v(2) > v(3) Then temp = v(2): v(2) = v(3): v(3) = temp
      If v(1) > v(2) Then temp = v(2): v(2) = v(1): v(1) = temp
      For i = 1 To 3
        x = Application.Match(v(i), rw, 0)
        If Limits(x) > 0 Then
          rw.Copy DestSheets(x).Cells(DestnRow(x), 1)
          DestnRow(x) = DestnRow(x) + 1
          Limits(x) = Limits(x) - 1
          Exit For
        End If
      Next i
    Next rw
    End Sub
    Everyone: If I've helped and you can't be bothered to acknowledge it, I can't be bothered to look at further posts from you.

  5. #5
    VBAX Regular HaHoBe's Avatar
    Aug 2004
    Hi, lautaroml,

    an update of the code tryaing to satisfy the restraints:
    Sub VBA_Ex_49627_A()
    Dim lngCounter As Long
    Dim lngTarget As Long
    Dim wsData As Worksheet
    Dim wsTarg As Worksheet
    Dim lngCol As Long
    Dim rngCell As Range
    Dim lngTemp As Long
    Dim varArr(2 To 4) As Long
    Dim varTemp(2 To 4) As Long
    varArr(2) = 1       'upper limit for PageB
    varArr(3) = 2       'upper limit for PageC
    varArr(4) = 2       'upper limit for PageD
    varTemp(2) = 0
    varTemp(3) = 0
    varTemp(4) = 0
    Set wsData = Sheets("Page1")
    For lngCounter = 1 To wsData.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
      If lngCounter = 4 Then Stop
      lngTemp = Columns.Count
      lngCol = 0
      For Each rngCell In wsData.Range("B" & lngCounter & ":D" & lngCounter)
        If Val(rngCell) < lngTemp And varTemp(rngCell.Column) < varArr(rngCell.Column) Then
          lngTemp = Val(rngCell)
          lngCol = rngCell.Column
        End If
      Next rngCell
      varTemp(lngCol) = varTemp(lngCol) + 1
      With Sheets("Page" & Chr(64 + lngCol))
        lngTarget = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
        If .Range("A1").Value = "" Then lngTarget = 1
        .Range("A" & lngTarget).Resize(1, 4).Value = wsData.Range("A" & lngCounter).Resize(1, 4).Value
      End With
    Next lngCounter
    End Sub

  6. #6
    Sure, here it is:


    Thanks for your time and help!!

  7. #7
    Hi Holger, I really apriceciate your help and time!! For real!
    Let me explain how the limitations works:
    Each page must have a numeric value, which is defined by me. For example, page B has a value of 5.
    Assuming that on that page, 5 rows can be copied in PageB. The limit of rows that can be copied to that page (the numbers of rows copied to a page, cant be bigger than the value number (5)) now is filled and thus next first options that are inside the "paginaB" column MUST be ignored and go to their second choices.
    And in case the first options and second options are full, they MUST go to the third option.
    I hope I was clear.
    Many thanks for your help!

  8. #8
    Really thanks for your help and time! I really
    I appreciate it!!

    i think that your code do what i need.
    But i have 2 questions:

    How to add to the pasted rows the A column.
    And how to add another row that contains options, for example E row, like below:

    A B C D E
    1 some text 3šoption 1šoption 2šoption 4šoption

    Again, thanks for your time and help!!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by p45cal View Post
    …or this one
    Sub blah()
    Set DestSheets = Sheets(Array("pageB", "pageC", "pageD"))
    Limits = Array("", 1, 2, 2)
    DestnRow = Array("", 1, 1, 1)
    For Each rw In Sheets("page1").Range("B1:D5").Rows
     v = Application.Index(rw.Value, 1, 0)
      If v(1) > v(2) Then temp = v(2): v(2) = v(1): v(1) = temp
      If v(2) > v(3) Then temp = v(2): v(2) = v(3): v(3) = temp
      If v(1) > v(2) Then temp = v(2): v(2) = v(1): v(1) = temp
      For i = 1 To 3
        x = Application.Match(v(i), rw, 0)
        If Limits(x) > 0 Then
          rw.Copy DestSheets(x).Cells(DestnRow(x), 1)
          DestnRow(x) = DestnRow(x) + 1
          Limits(x) = Limits(x) - 1
          Exit For
        End If
      Next i
    Next rw
    End Sub

    Really thanks for your help and time! I really
    I appreciate it!!

    i think that your code do what i need.
    But i have 2 questions:

    How to add to the pasted rows the A column.
    And how to add another row that contains options, for example E row, like below:

    A B C D E
    1 some text 3šoption 1šoption 2šoption 4šoption

    Again, thanks for your time and help!!

  10. #10
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard p45cal's Avatar
    Oct 2005
    Surrey UK
    Sub blah()
    Set DestSheets = Sheets(Array("pageB", "pageC", "pageD", "pageE"))
    Limits = Array("", 1, 2, 2, 1)
    DestnRow = Array("", 6, 6, 6, 6)
    For Each rw In Sheets("page1").Range("B1:E5").Rows
      v = Application.Index(rw.Value, 1, 0)
      For k = 1 To UBound(v) 'sort (inefficient!)
        For j = 1 To UBound(v) - 1
          If v(j) > v(j + 1) Then temp = v(j): v(j) = v(j + 1): v(j + 1) = temp
        Next j
      Next k
      For i = 1 To UBound(v)
        x = Application.Match(v(i), rw, 0)
        If Limits(x) > 0 Then
          rw.Offset(, -1).Resize(, rw.Columns.Count + 1).Copy DestSheets(x).Cells(DestnRow(x), 1)
          DestnRow(x) = DestnRow(x) + 1
          Limits(x) = Limits(x) - 1
          Exit For
        End If
      Next i
    Next rw
    End Sub
    Are we doing your assignment/homework for you?
    Everyone: If I've helped and you can't be bothered to acknowledge it, I can't be bothered to look at further posts from you.

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