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Thread: Connection to cloud based SQL Server database using VBA

  1. #1

    Connection to cloud based SQL Server database using VBA

    Hi Guys

    I am trying to establish a connection to a cloud based SQL Server database (Azure database) with multi factor authentication.

    I successfully created a DSN to it and tested it out manually and it works correctly. However, when I tried to connect to it using VBA code (through Excel (Office 365)) with a connection like the one below it doesn't connect, errors out!

    Dim dbConnectStr As String
    Dim adoCN As New ADODB.Connection
    dbConnectStr = "Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};,1433;Database=gssp-prd-sdb;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated"
    With adoCN
        .CommandTimeout = 0: adoCN.ConnectionTimeout = 0
        .CursorLocation = adUseClient
        .Open dbConnectStr
    End With

    But this doesn't work.Is a connection string available that I can try and to connect to it through Excel VBA.

    Best regards


  2. #2
    can you use Power Query to connect?

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