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Thread: Help creating lotus email with attachments from excel look up list

  1. #1

    Help creating lotus email with attachments from excel look up list


    Out of my depth here. I know what I want but cannot find the exact*VBA*to solve my query. Hopefully one of you clever sparks has some code that can help.

    I have a basic excel document which has the following columns:

    A- Address(s)- To send email to
    B- CC Address- To CC email to*
    C- Subject- Subject of email
    D- Body of the email (Text)
    E- File path- What lotus needs to attach

    The theory is Open Lotus Notes -> Create Draft -> To (lookup column a) -> CC (lookup column b) -> Subject (lookup column c) -> Body (lookup column D) -> Attach file (s) (lookup column e)

    I would put this macro on a button, and copy paste on 78 rows so if necessary I could draft specific rows rather than a loop through all of them

    Any ideas

  2. #2
    VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2014
    I dug up my old LOTUS code...start here....
        'email all OnCall emps
    Public Sub Send(pvSendTo,pvSubject,pvBody, pvFile)
    Dim doc As Object  'NOTESUIDOCUMENT
    Dim richText As Object   'NOTESRICHTEXTITEM
    Dim bflag As Boolean
    Dim sMsg As String
    Dim vFilepath, vName
    On Error GoTo errSend
    mvError = 0
    Set ns = CreateObject("Notes.Notessession")     'create notes session
    'Set ws = createworkspace
    Dim bflag As Boolean
    Call db.OPENMAIL                              'set database to default mail database
    'bFlag = True
    If Not (db.ISOPEN) Then bflag = db.Open("", "")
    'If Not bFlag Then
       MsgBox "Can't open mail file: " & db.Server & " " & db.FilePath
       mvError = mkERR_SERVER
    'End If
    Select Case True
     Case mvSendTo = ""
        mvError = mkERR_NOSENDTO
        MsgBox "No 'Send To' address.", vbCritical, "Error"
        Exit Sub
     Case mvFile = ""
       ' mvError = mkERR_NOATTACH
       ' MsgBox "Attachment:'" & pvFile & "' not found.", vbCritical, "Error"
       ' Exit Sub
    End Select
    If mvSubject = "" Then mvSubject = "No Subject"
     'fill in document specs
         '   ' Set doc = db.Documents
         Set doc = db.CREATEDOCUMENT                   'notesdocument '.New  '(db)   ' create a mail document
      'creat rich text box so we can attach
          Set richText = doc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("BODY")
          With doc
             .Subject = pvSubject
             .SendTo = pvSendTo
             .Body = pvBody
          End With
      If mvFile <> "" Then
      'attach the doc
          Call richText.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", pvFile)
      End If
     'send the message
         doc.Send False
        'recover memory
    Set doc = Nothing
    Set richText = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    If Err = 7296 Then Resume Next
    mvError = Err
    'MsgBox Err.Description, , Err
    Resume resumeErr
    End Sub
    Last edited by ranman256; 05-14-2014 at 01:50 PM. Reason: spelling

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