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Thread: get Zip codes from web based on address in cell excel VBA

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    May 2014

    get Zip codes from web based on address in cell excel VBA

    Hi all,

    New here and total noob in exce.

    I was looking for a code to get Zip Codes based on address in excel sheet.

    I found exactly what I was looking here itself but its a UDF.

    Public Function getZipCode(phoneNum As String) As String
         'Retrieves Zip code for a Given Phone number
        Dim xmlhttp As Object
        Dim strURL As String
        Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
        phoneNum = Trim(Replace(phoneNum, "-", ""))
        strURL = "com/lookups/phonelocation.asp?number=" & phoneNum
        With xmlhttp
            .Open "get", strURL, False
            getZipCode = parseZip(.responsetext)
        End With
        Set xmlhttp = Nothing
    End Function
    Public Function parseZip(x As String) As String
         'Parses outthe Zip code from a Phone number search on
        Dim srch As String
        srch = "ZipCityPhone.asp?"
        If InStr(1, x, srch) <> 0 Then
            x = Mid(x, InStr(1, x, srch) + Len(srch))
            x = Mid(x, 1, InStr(1, x, ">") - 2)
            parseZip = Trim(x)
            parseZip = "Not Found"
        End If
    End Function

    What i need is a Macro.

    Will any one please modify this in macro?


  2. #2
    VBAX Regular
    May 2014
    Los Santos
    To make it a macro, call the first one 'Sub' not function (and remove the argument and 'as string' from that line) and add a new line to make the output information go into your spreadsheet where you need it, e.g. replace the 'getZipCode = parseZip(.responsetext)' with 'Range("A1") = parseZip(.responsetext)'.

    Then for that input phone number, you'll have to take that from somewhere in the sheet too, so replace 'phoneNum = Trim(Replace(phoneNum, "-", ""))' with 'phoneNum = Range("A2")'.

    Replace A1 and A2 references with what you actually need based on your spreadsheet.

  3. #3
    a UDF is just a function, it can also be called from a sub (macro)

    sub getaddress
    zip = getZipCode("0984545444")
    msgbox zip
    end sub

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