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Thread: Outlook 2010 - sending mails from access

  1. #1

    Outlook 2010 - sending mails from access


    To create and send reports I use currently an Access (2003) database. After creating, the reports are automatically sent via Outlook. Currently I am using a function that is built into "This Outlook Session" (see below).

    Public Function SendMailWithOutSafe(Optional strTo As String = "", _
                                        Optional strCC As String = "", _
                                        Optional strBCC As String = "", _
                                        Optional strSubject As String = "", _
                                        Optional strMessageBody As String = "", _
                                        Optional strAttachments As String = "", _
                                        Optional strTempFileSpez As String = "", _
                                        Optional bSave As Boolean) As Long
    'Funktion zum Senden von Mails ohne Windows Sicherheitsabfrage
    'bSave = True >>> Entwurf wird gespeichert       Version 1.1 Feb.2014
        Dim lRet As Long
        Dim oOlApp As Outlook.Application
        Dim oOlRec As Outlook.Recipient
        Dim oOLMail As Outlook.MailItem
        Dim bWithTemplate As Boolean
        Dim sTemp As String
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
            lRet = 0
            bWithTemplate = False
            If oOlApp Is Nothing Then Set oOlApp = Outlook.Application
            If strTempFileSpez <> "" Then
                If InStr(strTempFileSpez, Dir(strTempFileSpez)) > 0 Then
                    If oOLMail Is Nothing Then
                        Set oOLMail = oOlApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(strTempFileSpez)
                        bWithTemplate = True
                        ' es werden nur noch die Anlagen angehangen
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            If oOLMail Is Nothing Then Set oOLMail = oOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
            With oOLMail
                If strTo <> "" Then
                    Set oOlRec = .Recipients.Add(strTo)
                    oOlRec.Type = olTo
                End If
                If strCC <> "" Then
                    Set oOlRec = .Recipients.Add(strCC)
                    oOlRec.Type = olCC
                End If
                If strBCC <> "" Then
                    Set oOlRec = .Recipients.Add(strBCC)
                    oOlRec.Type = olBCC
                End If
                If strSubject <> "" Then .Subject = strSubject
                If strMessageBody <> "" Then .Body = strMessageBody
                If strAttachments <> "" Then
                    sTemp = strAttachments
                    Do While InStr(sTemp, ";") > 0
                        .Attachments.Add Left(sTemp, InStr(sTemp, ";") - 1)
                        sTemp = Mid(sTemp, InStr(sTemp, ";") + 1)
                    If sTemp <> "" Then
                        .Attachments.Add sTemp
                    End If
                End If
                If bSave = True Then
                 End If
            End With
            Exit Do
        If Not oOLMail Is Nothing Then Set oOLMail = Nothing
        If Not oOlApp Is Nothing Then Set oOlApp = Nothing
        SendMailWithOutSafe = lRet
        Exit Function
        lRet = Err
        MsgBox "Fehler: " & CStr(lRet) & vbCrLf & Error(lRet)
        Resume Next
    End Function

    This function is controlled by a separate class in Access (see also below).

     Public Function OlSendMailWithOutSafe(Optional strTo As String = "", Optional strCc As String = "", Optional strBCC As String = "", Optional strSubject As String = "", Optional strMessageBody As String = "", Optional strAttachments As String = "", Optional bsave As Boolean) As Long
    On Error GoTo errHandler
       ool.SendMailWithOutSafe strTo, strCc, strBCC, strSubject, strMessageBody, strAttachments, , bsave
        Exit Function
     MsgBox (Error)
     Resume Next
    End Function
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        On Error Resume Next
        Set ool = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
        Debug.Print Err
            If Err <> 0 Then
                Set ool = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
            End If
    End Sub
    'Terminate Class
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        On Error Resume Next
        Set ool = Nothing
    End Sub

    Trying to use these features in Office 2010, always results in an error.
    Does anyone have an idea or a solution to this problem!

    Thanks Gerry

  2. #2
    VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2014
    Instead of all that code, why wouldnt you just use the single command:

    DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "Query", acexcel, "", , , "Subject", "message"

  3. #3
    I'm not sure if the US Version has the congfigurations as the european Versions, but if I try to send a message out of access by using your commands i'll get another error. (A Programm is trying to send a message.....). This way works (worked9 on 2003) without the safty-message!

  4. #4
    VBAX Tutor
    Mar 2014
    oops..typo. Try:

    DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "Query", acFormatXLS, "", , , "Subject", "message"

    and make sure your QUERY is in your db. and a valid TO address.

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