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Thread: Using VBA to paste an Excel sheet as an image and keep conditional formatting

  1. #1

    Using VBA to paste an Excel sheet as an image and keep conditional formatting

    So I have an excel sheet at work that I send out every 3 hours for downtime reports on machines. I am attaching an image to the email and that shows the conditional formatting of the table just fine, but if I paste the image into the body of the email it takes away the conditional formatting. (All using VBA of course)

    Any solutions to why this happens or what could be done to prevent the conditional formatting from being taken away?


  2. #2
    VBAX Contributor
    May 2010
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    How are you copying it? Are you using this?

    Selection.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlBitmap

  3. #3
    Sub EmailRangeInHTML(ByVal Recipient As String, ByVal Subject As String, ByRef Range_To_Send As Range)    Dim Bytedata()  As Byte
        Dim HTMLcode    As String
        Dim HTMLfile    As Object
        Dim olApp       As Object
        Dim TempFile    As String
        Dim Wks         As Worksheet
          ' Copy the worksheet to create a new workbook
            Set Wks = Range_To_Send.Parent
          ' The new workbook will be saved to the user's Temp directoy
            TempFile = Environ("Temp") & "\Temp Email.htm"
              ' Start Outlook
                Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
              ' Convert the Message worksheet into an HTML file.
                With Wks.Parent.PublishObjects
                    .Add(SourceType:=xlSourceRange, _
                        Filename:=TempFile, Sheet:=Wks.Name, _
                        Source:=Range_To_Send.Address, HtmlType:=xlHtmlStatic) _
                    .Publish Create:=True
                End With
              ' Read the HTML file back as a string.
                Open TempFile For Binary Access Read As #1
                    ReDim Bytedata(LOF(1))
                    Get #1, , Bytedata
                Close #1
                HTMLcode = StrConv(Bytedata, vbUnicode)
              ' Re-align the HTML code to the left side of the web page.
                HTMLcode = VBA.Replace(HTMLcode, "align=center x:publishsource=", "align=left x:publishsource=")
              ' Activate the mail inspector. This must be done in Outlook 2010 and later to use Send.
                olApp.Session.getdefaultFolder 6
              ' Compose and send the email.
                With olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
                    .To = Recipient
                    .Subject = Subject
                    .BodyFormat = 2 ' HTML
                    .HTMLBody = HTMLcode
                End With
            Kill TempFile
    End Sub
    Sub Email()
    EmailRangeInHTML "myles at email. com", "HTML Range Test", Range("A1:AG64")
    End Sub
    This is what I have and it works! I just want it to send from donotreply at . Any suggestions??

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