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Thread: Save folderpath for emails

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Jan 2015

    Save folderpath for emails

    I can't find the answer to this question on the internet so I guess it's probably a weird one:

    Basically I want my macro to link my archive folders in outlook to a folder on a hard drive, every week I save my new e-mails in the folder and I don't want to have to put in the folder path every time. For the moment I put in the folderpath directly in the vba code. I would like to make it more userfriendly and have a userform ask for a folderpath if the macro doesn't "know" it yet. Then the folderpath has to be saved somewhere so that when I open and close outlook the macro can still acces it. How and where can I save it?

    for the moment my (ugly and I know it) code looks like this:

    Sub SaveEmailFOLDER_ProcessAllSubFolders()
        Dim st As Currency, et As Currency
        st = myTimer
        Dim Employees  As Collection
        Set Employees = New Collection
        Dim i               As Long
        Dim j               As Long
        Dim n               As Long
        Dim StrSubject      As String
        Dim StrName         As String
        Dim StrFile         As String
        Dim StrReceived     As String
        Dim StrSavePath     As String
        Dim StrFolder       As String
        Dim StrFolderPath   As String
        Dim StrSaveFolder   As String
        Dim Prompt          As String
        Dim Title           As String
        Dim StrSender       As String
        Dim iNameSpace      As NameSpace
        Dim myOlApp         As Outlook.Application
        Dim SubFolder       As MAPIFolder
        Dim mItem           As MailItem
        Dim FSO             As Object
        Dim ChosenFolder    As Object
        Dim Folders         As New Collection
        Dim EntryID         As New Collection
        Dim StoreID         As New Collection
        Dim myObject        As Object
        Dim mySource        As Object
        Dim myFile          As Object
        Dim p               As Long
        Dim NameList()      As String 'pre-assigning variable, I assume a files of less than 15000 e-mails
        Dim Count As Long
        Dim MailsAdded As Long
        Dim fld As Outlook.MAPIFolder
        Set fld = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
        'MsgBox fld.Name
            p = 0
            'Set myObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set myOlApp = Outlook.Application
        Set iNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        'Set ChosenFolder = iNameSpace.PickFolder
        Set ChosenFolder = fld
        If ChosenFolder Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Tu n'as pas sélectionné de dossier espèce d'imbécile!"
    GoTo ExitSub:
        ElseIf ChosenFolder.Name = "BATANGAS" Then
        StrSavePath = "\\D10.tes.local\te\INFRA\Data\DGP\P_005475_BATANGAS_LNG\Emails"
        ElseIf ChosenFolder.Name = "BNP" Then
        StrSavePath = "\\D10.tes.local\te\INFRA\Data\DGP\P_005304_BNPPARIBAS\Mails"
        MsgBox "Please assign folder!"
        GoTo ExitSub:
        End If
        Prompt = "Please enter the path to save all the emails to."
        Title = "Folder Specification"
        If StrSavePath = "" Then
    GoTo ExitSub:
        ElseIf Not FileFolderExists(StrSavePath) Then
            MsgBox StrSavePath & " fichier n'existe pas ou mauvaise adresse dans vba!"
    GoTo ExitSub:
        End If
        If Not Right(StrSavePath, 1) = "\" Then
            StrSavePath = StrSavePath & "\"
        End If
        Call GetFolder(Folders, EntryID, StoreID, ChosenFolder) ' All subfolders of outlook and the main folder are checked for e-mails
        For i = 1 To Folders.Count
            StrFolder = StripIllegalChar(Folders(i))
            'MsgBox i & " " & StrFolder
            n = InStr(3, StrFolder, "\") + 1
            StrFolder = Mid(StrFolder, n, 256)
            StrFolderPath = StrSavePath '& StrFolder & "\"      ' I do not use strfolder, all subfolders in outlook are saved in the same folder on the hard drive
            'MsgBox StrFolderPath
            'MsgBox StrFolder
            'MsgBox i & "  " & StrFolder
            StrSaveFolder = Left(StrFolderPath, Len(StrFolderPath) - 1) & "\"
            If Not FSO.FolderExists(StrFolderPath) Then
                FSO.CreateFolder (StrFolderPath)
            End If
            Set SubFolder = myOlApp.Session.GetFolderFromID(EntryID(i), StoreID(i))
            Set mySource = FSO.GetFolder(StrSaveFolder)
            On Error Resume Next
            On Error Resume Next
            If NameList(0) = "" Then ' the list is only made once for each subfolder in outlook
            'MsgBox "ok"
            ReDim NameList(0 To mySource.Files.Count)
            For Each myFile In mySource.Files
                'MsgBox Employees.Item(1)
                NameList(Count) = myFile.Name
                Count = Count + 1
            End If
            For j = 1 To SubFolder.Items.Count
                Set mItem = SubFolder.Items(j)
                StrReceived = StripIllegalChar(Left(mItem.ReceivedTime, 10))
                StrReceived = Format(mItem.ReceivedTime, "YYYYMMDD-hhmm")
                StrSender = Left(mItem.SenderName, 15)
                StrSubject = mItem.Subject
                StrName = StripIllegalChar(StrSubject)
                StrFile = StrSaveFolder & StrReceived & "-" & StrSender & "_" & StrName & ".msg"
                'MsgBox StrFile
                StrFile = Left(StrFile, 256)
                'MsgBox mySource.Name
                For p = 0 To Count
                    'If Employees.Item(p) = StrReceived & "-" & StrSender & "_" & StrName & ".msg" Then
                    'MsgBox "trouvé"
                        'Employees.Remove (p)
                        'GoTo SaveTime
                    'End If
                    If NameList(p) = StrReceived & "-" & StrSender & "_" & StrName & ".msg" Then
                        GoTo SaveTime
                    End If
                Next p
                MailsAdded = MailsAdded + 1
                mItem.SaveAs StrFile, 3
            Next j
            On Error GoTo 0
        Next i
    et = myTimer
    'MsgBox Format(myElapsedTime(et - st), "0.000000") & " seconds"
        If MailsAdded = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Folder was already up to date you dumb ****! Stop wasting my time!"
        MsgBox MailsAdded & "/" & Count & " mails added to folder in " & Format(myElapsedTime(et - st), "0.000") & " seconds (way faster than you bitch)! " & vbNewLine & "                                          Folder is up to date!"
        End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by Ericds; 01-07-2015 at 05:20 AM.

  2. #2
    VBAX Newbie
    Jan 2015
    Solved this all by myself, I can put the hard-drive path in the description of the archive folder (right-click properties) and acces it with chosenfolder.description.

  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Jul 2013

    Save folderpath for emails

    Is there a utility that would allow an entire folder or selection of emails to be batch printed? -- John

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by cristina View Post
    Is there a utility that would allow an entire folder or selection of emails to be batch printed? -- John
    You should have created a new thread for this unrelated question, however the following Outlook macro will print the selected messages:

    Sub PrintMessages()
    Dim olItems As Outlook.Items
    Dim olItem As Outlook.MailItem
        For Each olItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
            'If olItem.UnRead = True Then
            'End If
        Next olItem
        Set olItem = Nothing
        Set olItems = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

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