
I'd like to export contact pictures, but apparently when it does so it does using "my contacts" and these only have contact picture if I have "added to outlook contacts" first from a global address book of my work environment.

is there anyway to do that by vba ?


this is what I use to export contact pictures
maybe can be tuned to export from global address book??
'2015-01-08 / B.Agullo /
Sub SaveContactPhoto()
    'does not work with global addressbook configuration...
    Dim itemContact As ContactItem
    Dim fdrContacts As MAPIFolder
    Dim colAttachments As Outlook.Items
    Dim colItems As Outlook.Items
    Dim DATAr As Range
    Dim picPath As String
    Dim fname As String
    Set fdrContacts = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
    On Error Resume Next
    For itemCounter = 1 To fdrContacts.Items.Count
        Set itemContact = fdrContacts.Items(itemCounter)
        Set DATAr = getRow(DATA.Range("c_user"), itemContact.Account)
        If Not DATAr Is Nothing Then
            Set collAttachments = itemContact.Attachments
            For Each Attach In collAttachments
                If Attach.filename = "ContactPicture.jpg" Then
                fname = (itemContact.FirstName & itemContact.LastName & ".jpg")
               picPath = thisworkbook.path & "\Outlook Pictures\" & fname
               Attach.SaveAsFile (picPath)
               DATAr.Range("Picture") = picPath
             End If
        End If
End Sub