Hello everyone,
I'm trying to send an email with multiple attachments via VBA and outlook. The code I have works if I specify the path to one
sPathFile = "C:\temp\log.txt"
I can have upwards of 50 files "eg. pdf, doc or text" in the folder at any one time when I decide to send it.
I also have batch file (movefiles.bat) in the same folder that I would like to execute when the attachment is send out.
I am also curious if the code can monitor c:\temp folder and send out the files when it becomes available.

Help on this is greatly appreciated.
I hope I have provided sufficient information to see if this is feasible. Thank you.

Sub SendEmail()
On Error GoTo Err_SendEmail    Dim sTo As String
    Dim sCC As String
    Dim sSubject As String
    Dim sBody As String
    Dim sAttachmentList As String
    Dim sReplyRecipient As String
    Dim sPathFile As String
    sPathFile = "C:\temp\log.txt"
    ' You must key a semicolon between each email name.{ emailaddress; emailaddress}
    sTo = "emailaddress"
    sCC = "emailaddress"
    sReplyRecipient = "emailaddress"
    sSubject = "Important Email"
    sBody = sBody & "Please read then destroy this important email!"
    sAttachmentList = sPathFile
    ' send email with a file attachment
    Call SetupOutlookEmail(sTo, sCC, sReplyRecipient, sSubject, sBody, sAttachmentList)
    ' send email without a file attachment
    'Call SetupOutlookEmail(sTo, sCC, sReplyRecipient, sSubject, sBody)
    Exit Sub
    ' Cannot find this file.  Verify the path and file name are correct.
    If Err.Number = -2147024894 Then
        MsgBox "Email message was not sent.  Please verify the file exists  " & sPathFile & " before attempting to resend the email.", vbCritical, "Invalid File Attachment"
        Exit Sub
    ' Outlook does not recognize one or more names.
    ElseIf Err.Number = -2147467259 Then
        MsgBox "Email message was not sent.  Please verify all user names and email addresses are valid before attempting to resend the email.", vbCritical, "Invalid Email Name"
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "SendEmail()"
        Resume Exit_SendEmail
    End If
End Sub
Public Function SetupOutlookEmail(ByVal sTo As String, ByVal sCC As String, ByVal sReplyRecipient As String, ByVal sSubject As String, ByVal sBody As String, ParamArray sAttachmentList() As Variant) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_SetupOutlookEmail
    Dim objOLApp As Object
    Dim outItem As Object
    Dim outFolder As Object
    Dim DestFolder As Object
    Dim outNameSpace As Object
    Dim lngAttachment As Long
    Set objOLApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set outNameSpace = objOLApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set outFolder = outNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(6)
    Set outItem = objOLApp.CreateItem(0)
    outItem.To = sTo
    outItem.CC = sCC
    outItem.Subject = sSubject
    outItem.HTMLBody = sBody
    outItem.ReplyRecipients.Add sReplyRecipient
    outItem.ReadReceiptRequested = False
    With outItem.Attachments
        For lngAttachment = LBound(sAttachmentList) To UBound(sAttachmentList)
            .Add sAttachmentList(lngAttachment)
        Next lngAttachment
    End With
    ' setup and open email in edit mode instead of sending the email
    SetupOutlookEmail = True
    On Error Resume Next
    Set outItem = Nothing
    Set outFolder = Nothing
    Set outNameSpace = Nothing
    Set objOLApp = Nothing
    Exit Function
    ' User stopped Outlook from sending email.
    If Err.Number = 287 Then
        MsgBox "User aborted email.", vbInformation, "Email Cancelled"
        Resume Exit_SetupOutlookEmail
        MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "SetupOutlookEmail()"
        Resume Exit_SetupOutlookEmail
    End If
End Function
FYI I have basic knowledge on coding so comments on the code are greatly appreciated.