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Thread: Counting files in a folder

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2015

    Counting files in a folder

    Ken Duls posted this code sometime back and it looks beautiful. Unfortunately, no that Application.FileSearch is gone it doesn't work. This is exactly what I'm trying to do now in Excel 2013.

    I want to build a formula in a workbook that will display the current number of files within a folder as a way of showing how much paperwork has yet to be processed.

    Option Compare Text
    Option Explicit
    Function CountFiles(Directory As String, Optional Ext As String = "All") As Double
         'Function purpose:  To count all the files in a directory
         'Alternate purpose:  To count all files in a directory with a specified file extension
         'Method:    If a file extension is supplied as an arguement, we can cut down on the list
         '           of files to filter through by calling only files that are in the same
         '           msoFileType group.  (ie .doc and .dot files belong to the WordDocuments
         '           group, but not the ExcelWorkbooks group.  This will allow us to count the
         '           number of files matching the extension more quickly, since we will only
         '           operate on files that belong to that group, not all groups.  If no file
         '           extension is supplied (or the file does not belong to any specified group,)
         '           we can still resort to counting all files.
        Dim fs As Object, i As Integer
         'Create the FileSearch object
        Set fs = Application.FileSearch
         'If an empty string has been passed as the file extension, set it to "All"
        If Len(Ext) < 3 Then Ext = "All"
        With fs
             'Set the directory to look in to the directory arguement supplied by the user
            .LookIn = Directory
             'Determine the msoFileType group that the file extension belongs to.
            .FileType = GetMSOFileType(Ext)
             'Execute the search
            If Ext = "All" Then
                 'If no file extension supplied, count all files in the directory
                CountFiles = .FoundFiles.count
                 'If a file extension is supplied count the number of files in the
                 'filtered list which match the supplied extension
                For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.count
                    If Right(.FoundFiles.Item(i), 3) = Right(Ext, 3) Then _
                    CountFiles = CountFiles + 1
                Next i
            End If
        End With
         'Release the FileSearch object
        Set fs = Nothing
    End Function
    Function GetMSOFileType(FileExt As String) As Double
         'Function purpose:  To determine the msoFileType of a file extension
         'Note:  If a file extension does not exist in the list, the file type will default
         '       to AllFiles.  More msoFileTypes can be found by looking up the "FileType Property"
         '       in the VBA help, or on Sheet2 of the example workbook
        Select Case Right(FileExt, 3)
        Case Is = "doc", "dot"
             'Assign file type of msoFileTypeWordDocuments
             'NOTE:  msoFileTypeWordDocuments does not include "rtf" files
            GetMSOFileType = 3
        Case Is = "xls", "xla", "xlt", "xlc", "xlm"
             'Assign file type of msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
             'NOTE: msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks does not include "xll" or "xlw" files
            GetMSOFileType = 4
        Case Is = "ppt", "pps", "pot"
             'Assign file type of msoFileTypePowerPointPresentations
            GetMSOFileType = 5
        Case Is = "mdb", "mde", "ade", "adp"
             'Assign file type of msoFileTypeDatabases
             'NOTE: msoFileTypeDatabases does not include "mda" files
            GetMSOFileType = 7
        Case Is = "pub"
             'If XL2002 or later, assign file type of msoFileTypePublisherFiles
             'otherwise, assign file type of msoFileTypeAllFiles
            If Val(Application.Version) < 10 Then
                GetMSOFileType = 1
                GetMSOFileType = 18
            End If
        Case Is = "vsd", "vss", "vst"
             'If XL2002 or later, assign file type of msoFileTypeVisioFiles
             'otherwise, assign file type of msoFileTypeAllFiles
             'NOTE: msoFileTypeVisioFiles does not include "vsw", "vdx", "vsx" or "vtx" files
            If Val(Application.Version) < 10 Then
                GetMSOFileType = 1
                GetMSOFileType = 21
            End If
        Case Is = "htm", "tml", "mht"
             'If XL2002 or later, assign file type of msoFileTypeWebPages
             'otherwise, assign file type of msoFileTypeAllFiles
            If Val(Application.Version) < 10 Then
                GetMSOFileType = 1
                GetMSOFileType = 23
            End If
        Case Else
             'Assign file type of msoFileTypeAllFiles
            GetMSOFileType = 1
        End Select
    End Function
    Last edited by smithr8; 03-11-2015 at 02:45 PM.

  2. #2
    VBAX Guru mancubus's Avatar
    Dec 2010
    "Where I lay my head is home" :D
    welcome to vbax.

    please use code tags when posting your code.

    the # button will do it for you.

    when you click the button [ CODE ]paste_your_code_here[/CODE ] tags will be inserted. paste your code in between these tags.

    that said check below KB article (by Ken Puls)

    1) Posting Code
    (or paste your code, select it, click # button)

    2) Uploading File(s)
    Go Advanced / Attachments - Manage Attachments / Add Files / Select Files / Select the file(s) (multiple files can be selected while holding Ctrl key) / Upload Files / Done
    Replace company specific / sensitive / confidential data. Include so many rows and sheets etc in the uploaded workbook to enable the helpers visualize the data and table structure. Helpers do not need the entire workbook.

    3) Testing the Codes
    always back up your files before testing the codes.

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    from Thread Tools (on the top right corner, above the first message)

  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2015
    Thanks for both the code tags pointer and the link to the updated post.

    The updated code works perfectly. One thing I noticed though is that it counts all file types (including hidden .db files) which will be a nuisance to me the way I'd like use this.

    1. Is there a way to have the code count specific file types?

  4. #4
    sub M_snb()
      c00="G:\OF\"              ' foldername
      c01="*.pdf"                ' file extension
      msgbox ubound(split(createobject("").exec("cmd /c Dir """ & c00 & c01 & """ /b").stdout.readall,vbCrLf))
    End Sub

  5. #5
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    You can play with this -- I'm not sure what / how you want to count specific file types, but this way wildcards work

    Option Explicit
    Sub drv()
        MsgBox CountFilesInFolder("c:\users\daddy\test")
        MsgBox CountFilesInFolder("c:\users\daddy\test\bupc*")
        MsgBox CountFilesInFolder("c:\users\daddy\test\*.txt")
    End Sub
    Function CountFilesInFolder(sFolder As String) As Long
        Dim oFSO As Object, oRegExp As Object, oFile As Object
        Dim sSearchFolderName As String, sFileName As String
        Dim iFileCount As Long
        Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set oRegExp = CreateObject("vbscript.RegExp")
        If oFSO.FolderExists(sFolder) Then ' sFolder is a directory, list all files in sFolder
            sSearchFolderName = sFolder
            sFileName = ""
            sSearchFolderName = oFSO.GetParentFolderName(sFolder)
            sFileName = oFSO.GetFileName(sFolder)
            oRegExp.Global = True
            oRegExp.Pattern = "\."
            sFileName = oRegExp.Replace(sFileName, "\.")
            oRegExp.Pattern = "\?"
            sFileName = oRegExp.Replace(sFileName, ".")
            oRegExp.Pattern = "\*"
            sFileName = oRegExp.Replace(sFileName, ".*")
        End If
        With oRegExp
            .Pattern = sFileName
            .IgnoreCase = True
            .Global = False
        End With
        iFileCount = 0
        For Each oFile In oFSO.GetFolder(sSearchFolderName).Files
            If oRegExp.Test(oFile.Name) Then
                If (oFile.Attributes And vbHidden) = vbHidden Then GoTo NextFile
                If (oFile.Attributes And vbSystem) = vbSystem Then GoTo NextFile
                iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
            End If
        CountFilesInFolder = iFileCount
    End Function


    Remember: Tell us WHAT you want to do, not HOW you think you want to do it

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    4. Read the Forum FAQ, especially the part about cross-posting in other forums

  6. #6
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2015
    Paul, this solution is amazing! Thank you!

  7. #7
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    FSO methods is what most use to replace Application.FileSearch. If you like that method, try using an alternative class as I detailed in this thread.

    It will do most of what Application.FileSearch does but in the end, it also uses FSO. The advantage is that with just a bit of effort, the old ways can be used mostly.

  8. #8
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Guru GTO's Avatar
    Sep 2008
    Just another try; in this case, Excel 32-bit is required...

    [face=Courier New]Option Explicit
    Private Const INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE As Long = -1
    Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260
    Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY As Long = &H1
    Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN As Long = &H2
    Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM As Long = &H4
    Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY As Long = &H10
    Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE As Long = &H20
    Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL As Long = &H80
    Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY As Long = &H100
    Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED As Long = &H800
                                               FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN Or _
                                               FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM Or _
                                               FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE Or _
    Private Type FILETIME
      dwLowDateTime As Long
      dwHighDateTime As Long
    End Type
    Private Type WIN32_FIND_DATA
      dwFileAttributes As Long
      ftCreationTime As FILETIME
      ftLastAccessTime As FILETIME
      ftLastWriteTime As FILETIME
      nFileSizeHigh As Long
      nFileSizeLow As Long
      dwReserved0 As Long
      dwReserved1 As Long
      cFileName As String * MAX_PATH
      cAlternate As String * 14
    End Type
    Private Declare Function FindClose Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFindFile As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function FindFirstFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindFirstFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long
    Private Declare Function FindNextFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindNextFileA" (ByVal hFindFile As Long, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetFileAttributes Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetFileAttributesA" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long
    Public Function RetFileCounts(StartPath As String)
    #Const XL64 = Win64
    #If XL64 Then  '<--- Is Excel 64-bit?  (Not really asking about Windows)
      RetFileCounts = "64 bit, I need decalred functions changed"
    Dim MyReturn  As Variant
    Dim n         As Long
    Dim sMsg      As String
    Dim Total     As Long
      MyReturn = FileCountsReturn(StartPath)
      If IsArray(MyReturn) Then
        For n = 1 To UBound(MyReturn)
          sMsg = sMsg & MyReturn(n, 1) & ":" & Space(6 - Len(MyReturn(n, 1))) & MyReturn(n, 2) & vbLf
          Total = Total + MyReturn(n, 2)
        sMsg = sMsg & "Total = " & Total
        sMsg = MyReturn
      End If
      RetFileCounts = sMsg
    #End If
    End Function
    Private Function FileCountsReturn(ByVal Path As String) As Variant
    Dim DIC         As Object '<--- Scripting.Dictionary
    Dim WFD         As WIN32_FIND_DATA
    Dim hwndFile    As Long
    Dim sCleanName  As String
    Dim arr         As Variant
    Dim Keys        As Variant
    Dim n           As Long
      Path = PathFixed(Path) & "*.*"
      hwndFile = FindFirstFile(Path, WFD)
      If Not hwndFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then
        Set DIC = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
          If Not (WFD.dwFileAttributes And vbDirectory) = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Then
            sCleanName = TrimNull(WFD.cFileName)
            sCleanName = LCase$(Mid$(sCleanName, InStrRev(sCleanName, ".")))
            If DIC.Exists(sCleanName) Then
              DIC.Item(sCleanName) = CLng(DIC.Item(sCleanName)) + 1
              DIC.Item(sCleanName) = 1
            End If
          End If
        Loop Until FindNextFile(hwndFile, WFD) = 0&
        If DIC.Count > 0 Then
          If DIC.Count = 1 Then
            ReDim arr(1 To 1, 1 To 2)
            arr(1, 1) = DIC.Keys(0)
            arr(1, 2) = DIC.Items(0)
            FileCountsReturn = arr
            arr = Application.Transpose(DIC.Keys)
            Keys = Application.Transpose(DIC.Items)
            ReDim Preserve arr(1 To UBound(arr), 1 To 2)
            For n = 1 To UBound(arr)
              arr(n, 2) = Keys(n, 1)
            FileCountsReturn = arr
          End If
          FileCountsReturn = "No files found"
        End If
        FileCountsReturn = "No files found"
      End If
    End Function
    Private Function TrimNull(startstr As String) As String
      TrimNull = Left$(startstr, lstrlenW(StrPtr(startstr)))
    End Function
    Private Function PathFixed(ByVal Path As String) As String
      Do While Right$(Path, 1) = "\"
        Path = Left$(Path, Len(Path) - 1)
      PathFixed = Path & "\"
    End Function[/face]
    Hope that helps,


  9. #9
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by smithr8 View Post
    Paul, this solution is amazing! Thank you!
    NP - it's based roughly on some code I found with Google

    I modified some VB Script code I use to build an array of matching path names for a WSH script, so a little tweaking into VBA was easy

    I like it because IMHO it's simple to follow and to use (and modify when needed)


    Remember: Tell us WHAT you want to do, not HOW you think you want to do it

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    4. Read the Forum FAQ, especially the part about cross-posting in other forums

  10. #10
    VBAX Regular
    Jul 2013
    I posted some code for something very similar in another forum just the other day for a person called CobraLAD.. are you him the same person?

    Anyway.. try this.. using Forfiles gets around one of DIR's resultant characteristics..

    Example: It will return *.xlsm and *.xlsx files when *.xls is asked for..

    Although.. I am pretty sure Forfiles is slower than DIR to complete..

    Add the /S switch to go through subfolders as well..

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
      Dim fldr As FileDialog, SelFold As String, ExtVal As String, ShortName As String
        Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        With fldr
            .Title = "Select a Folder"
            If .Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
            SelFold = .SelectedItems(1)
        End With
        ExtVal = InputBox("File Extension including wildcard and period." & vbLf & "Example: *.xls", "Enter File Extension")
        ShortName = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(SelFold).ShortName
        MsgBox "File Count: " & UBound(Filter(Split(Replace(CreateObject("").exec("cmd /c forfiles /P " & ShortName & "  /M  " & ExtVal & "").stdout.readall, Chr(34), ""), vbCrLf), ".")) + 1
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by apo; 03-13-2015 at 03:46 AM.

  11. #11
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    Interesting apo, I had not used that command. I would recommend embedding quotes to delimit the drive:\path\filename.ext string rather than using the shortname. I see that you have used that sort of method in the past.

    Of course if all the op wants is the total file count, this will usually suffice.
    ' =CountFilesInFolder("E:\Research\Final")
    Sub Test_()
      MsgBox CountFilesInFolder("E:\Research\Final")
    End Sub
    Function CountFilesInFolder(aFolder As String) As Integer
      Application.Volatile (True)
      On Error Resume Next
      CountFilesInFolder = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(aFolder).Files.Count
    End Function
    Last edited by Kenneth Hobs; 03-13-2015 at 01:40 PM.

  12. #12
    VBAX Regular
    Jul 2013
    Hi Kenneth,

    I would recommend embedding quotes to delimit the drive:\path\filename.ext string rather than using the shortname.
    The reason for the shortname is that I can't seem to get it to work correctly if I use it as you describe above if the Folder selected has a space within it..

    Example: "D:\Test" will work.. but "D:\Test This" will yield a zero file count.

    Using the shortname guarantees that it works no matter how the Folder name is structured..

    If you or anyone can shed some light on the reason why that happens.. please let me know as it adds an extra step in code.

  13. #13
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    Normally, one just doubles the quotes to embed them. I like to do it this way sometimes to make it clear what I am doing. Sometimes I just use q="""" and concatenate q as needed.

    Sub apo()  
      Dim fldr As FileDialog, SelFold As String, ExtVal As String
      Dim ShortName As String
      Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
      With fldr
          .Title = "Select a Folder"
          If .Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
          SelFold = .SelectedItems(1)
      End With
      ExtVal = InputBox("File Extension including wildcard and period." & vbLf & "Example: *.xls", _
        "Enter File Extension")
      'ShortName = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(SelFold).ShortName
      ShortName = """" & SelFold & """"
      MsgBox "File Count: " & UBound(Filter(Split(Replace(CreateObject("").exec _
        ("cmd /c forfiles /P " & ShortName & "  /M  " & ExtVal & "").stdout.readall, _
        Chr(34), ""), vbCrLf), ".")) + 1
    End Sub

  14. #14
    VBAX Regular
    Jul 2013
    Good one.. thanks.. I had a feeling it must have been something simple I was missing..

  15. #15
    This already had been solved in #4 (see the double Quotes)

    sub M_snb()
      c00="G:\OF\"              ' foldername
      c01="*.pdf"                ' file extension
      msgbox ubound(split(createobject("").exec("cmd /c Dir """ & c00 & c01 & """ /b").stdout.readall,vbCrLf))
    End Sub

  16. #16
    VBAX Regular
    Jul 2013
    Shortname or double quotes aside.. the reason i was giving the Forfiles method a shot was that it seems to overcome DIR's tendency to search on only the first 3 characters..

    In my very limited experience.. it seems to me that Forfiles is slower the DIR.. so.. it would be nice if there was way to use DIR and not be limited by a first 3 character search.. is that possible?

  17. #17

    DIR's tendency to search on only the first 3 characters..
    Did you ever try dir G:\OF\*.xl*

    I think you are mistaken. Could you illustrate ?

  18. #18
    VBAX Regular
    Jul 2013
    Yeap.. I may have not worded that statement the best.. I will explain..

    If I have for example, a Folder with 6 Excel files in it (comprised of 4 x .xls file, 1 x .xlsm file and 1 x .xlsx file) and If i want to find out how many *.xls files there are.

    I try using the Dir command like:

    dir G:\OF\*.xls (or dir G:\OF\*.xl*)

    The result is a count of 6 files.

    It seems Dir sees the first 3 characters of the file extension then doesn't care about the rest..

    Whereas if i use the Forfiles command.. like i did above.. I can refine my count to include only *.xls files for example..

  19. #19
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    To finish this thread for the op and for my own edification, I am going to run some time tests for these methods.

    APO, the count for that wildcard string is what I would expect. Note that * means that character location and all after whereas ? means just any one single character in that location. So, *.xl* <> *.xls.

  20. #20
    VBAX Guru Kenneth Hobs's Avatar
    Nov 2005
    Tecumseh, OK
    I see what you mean APO. Here are my tests and results. There were 3 xls files and 1 xlsx file in the folder. See the attached file for the code.

    i = fSNB(c:\myfiles\excel\a\*.xls)                      i=FileCount: 4              ms: 104.235740977642i = fAPO(c:\myfiles\excel\a, *.xls)                     i=FileCount: 3              ms: 182.897621173987
    i = CountAllFilesInFolder(c:\myfiles\excel\a)           i=FileCount: 4              ms: 2.14162364036522
    i = CountFilesInFolder(c:\myfiles\excel\a\*.xls)        i=FileCount: 4              ms: 7.33165982414988
    i = cFileSearch(c:\myfiles\excel\a, *.xls)              i=FileCount: 3              ms: 0.541440198012415
    i = fSNB(c:\myfiles\excel\a\*.xls)                      i=FileCount: 4              ms: 97.8317157784561
    i = fAPO(c:\myfiles\excel\a, *.xls)                     i=FileCount: 3              ms: 261.106929776249
    i = CountAllFilesInFolder(c:\myfiles\excel\a)           i=FileCount: 4              ms: 2.76699529764399
    i = CountFilesInFolder(c:\myfiles\excel\a\*.xls)        i=FileCount: 4              ms: 7.66628851795694
    i = cFileSearch(c:\myfiles\excel\a, *.xls)              i=FileCount: 3              ms: 0.601234505594333
    i = fSNB(c:\myfiles\excel\a\*.xls)                      i=FileCount: 4              ms: 140.769514338565
    i = fAPO(c:\myfiles\excel\a, *.xls)                     i=FileCount: 3              ms: 233.654759736598
    i = CountAllFilesInFolder(c:\myfiles\excel\a)           i=FileCount: 4              ms: 2.8344696080346
    i = CountFilesInFolder(c:\myfiles\excel\a\*.xls)        i=FileCount: 4              ms: 7.90436860502623
    i = cFileSearch(c:\myfiles\excel\a, *.xls)              i=FileCount: 3              ms: 0.618240226099283
    Attached Files Attached Files

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